Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 520 Picking up the Car

Chapter 520 Picking up the Car
Erhong can't even take care of the clothing store recently, let alone go to Guangzhou to buy goods.Both she and Li Gang lived in the mine, and the miners were already in place.They are all farm men from other rural areas, uneducated, but capable.

The reason why they came to this mine all the way is to earn money to support their family.This is a group of people who will never be lazy in their work.Just give them money, and they know the danger.But life has left them no choice.

As new mine owners, Erhong and Li Gang are quite responsible.Li Gang also went down to the well every day, especially after firing the cannon, he had to wait until the smoke cleared and the smell was gone before allowing everyone to dig coal and transport it out.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and the two of them will have no money after buying the mine.In addition to buying some tools and arranging food and accommodation for the workers, the pockets are cleaner than the face.The Chinese New Year workers need some money, they will not go back for the Chinese New Year, but the family must send some money back.

There is no need to worry about selling coal. Knowing that the work started here, several coal dealers came and waited. As long as the coal was dug out, they would pay and take it away.Especially in the new year, the price has risen to [-] per ton.

Because the wages of the workers are 20 per person, [-] people work in two shifts.Therefore, one shift must work twelve hours a day.About [-] tons of coal are produced a day.After doing this for a few days, the hearts of both of them began to swell.This is not called making money, this is called picking up money!

Looking at Er Hong, whose face was covered in black, Li Gang felt a little distressed. "You go home, go back to celebrate the New Year, it's useless to stay here. The workers don't have to worry about it, as long as they eat and drink. It's all about making money."

They hired a sister-in-law in the village to cook for the workers.He called his younger brother Geng Xi over to help with the scale.In fact, there is no need to weigh, just count the cars.At that time, there were only a few models of cars, and the approximate weight of each compartment was known.

Another task of Geng Xi is to deliver meals. There are two meals a day that have to be sent underground. The miners on duty cannot come up to eat, which delays their work too much.

Eating underground is a technical job, as long as you take out the rice bowl.You have to eat it quickly.Otherwise, you won't know how many cinders will be in your bowl in a few minutes.So every miner has this stunt, once the basic food is taken out, they can basically pour the food down their throat like water.

The workers have a squad leader named Tong Mingzi. Although he is only in his 30s, he is also an experienced old miner.He is usually in charge of everything in the mine.Both Erhong and Li Gang treated him very well and received 100 yuan more than other workers every month.

Before leaving, Erhong went to find him and told him to pay attention to safety.It's okay to produce less coal, so don't have any accidents.Tong Mingzi nodded and said yes.

Erhong returned to the store and was busy organizing the supply of goods, and the store was almost sold out.Must go to Guangzhou.When she comes back from Guangzhou, it will be the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month.She is going to buy a large quantity, mainly spring and summer clothes.Winter clothes are almost out of season.

This time, she went with Ye Yuze, because Ye Yuze's car had arrived.In order to ensure that the boss will drive a new car for the New Year, Luke wasted a lot of energy.

Originally, he was planning to buy a Mercedes-Benz for his boss.However, because the steering wheel does not match the roads in China, I had no choice but to choose the Japanese crown.At this time, Japanese cars have already begun to be exported to the mainland.

This crown is the latest version of a new concept model with four-wheel suspension and ABS function.The luxurious interior and strong power of 2.8 almost crushed the European and American cars at that time.Of course, this refers to Volkswagen family cars. If we talk about high-end cars, Little Japan is still close at this time.

After picking up the car, the two of them started the return journey after purchasing the goods with Erhong and checking in the luggage.At that time, the road conditions were bad, and Erhong couldn't drive, so Ye Yuze could only drive for ten hours a day, taking a two-night break in between.Finally got back home on the third night.

After entering the house, Ye Yuze slept on the bed for more than ten hours, and then called Liu Jianguo the next afternoon, asking him to help contact the traffic police team and take pictures of the car.At that time, the license plate of the joint venture was the same as that of the embassy, ​​with white characters on a black background.Usually the traffic police will not stop.

Originally, Ye Yuze wanted to go back to his hometown, but his mother refused to let him go.He said that he would spend time with his uncle and the others this year, so it was arranged in the factory.Ye Yuze is actually not very close to his relatives here.Except for the second aunt.But anyway, they are my mother's relatives, so he dare not disobey.

But today is only the 24th of the twelfth lunar month, so he decided to go to the capital first.I don't know if the old meat will go home this year?It's been a few months in a flash, and I don't know what happened to the two of them?

With a car, you have legs, and your movement is much more convenient.As a result, after arriving in the capital, he searched all three courtyards.In the end, the doors were all locked, but the two of them disappeared.

In desperation, she called Sun Lanyu, but Sun Lanyu didn't know.In the past few months, she has basically never been back to the capital.But she said that she would go to Beihai to find him at night and told him to wait.

Ye Yuze only had the key to the house in Beihai, and only after entering the door did he remember that he should go and see Mr. Zheng.After going out to buy some pastries, and entering the old man's house, the old couple were very happy to see Ye Yuze.With only one daughter by his side, Ye Yuze was basically regarded as his grandson.

When Ye Yuze asked about Laorou and the others, Mr. Zheng smiled: "You can just inquire in Nanluoguxiang. Laorou is a celebrity in that area now. He bought several houses and collected so many old things. Things started to pick up, and everyone who was short of money went to him with things.”

Ye Yuze was overjoyed when he heard it, it seems that these two people are quite capable of tossing around.Look at the weather is still early.Drive to Nanluoguxiang.Because Mr. Zheng doesn't know where they live?Ye Yuze had no choice but to inquire one by one.

As a result, they knocked on the second door, and it was Guo Yang who opened it.While Ye Yuze was wondering, Guo Yang yelled inside. "Master Meat, Master Ye is back."

Then there was a sound of footsteps in the yard, and Lao Rou came out.If Ye Yuze was not familiar with him, he would almost not have recognized him.This guy was actually wearing an old-fashioned double-breasted gown, a pair of bloomers, and a pair of mille-soled cloth shoes.If there is another melon skin hat on his head, he will look like an old man.

Ye Yuze couldn't help but burst out laughing "Pfft!"This Nima is a small five.This apprentice can be regarded as completely in place.

This is also a courtyard with three entrances, and it is very well preserved.But the backyard is obviously too big, and there is even a pool.There is also a wooden promenade beside the pool. Near the north of the pool, there is a rockery piled up with Taihu Lake stones. This rockery is almost two stories high, and there is a pavilion on it.

(End of this chapter)

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