Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 570 The Righteous John

Chapter 570 The Righteous John

Of course, this is certainly not one-sided.Professor Liu Xiangdong was also hired as a visiting professor at Harvard Medical School.I also go to give lectures every year.

The significance of this matter is not how much money people invested?Instead, Chinese medicine has been recognized by experts from top universities in the world.Liu Xiangdong is also the first TCM doctor in China to be a visiting professor at Harvard.

Naturally, this news was widely reported, and Ye Yuze's contribution will naturally not be buried.Of course, there is no need to mention the three-good students, who have just obtained the free postgraduate qualification just after their sophomore year.

But Ye Yuze felt bitter, he really didn't want to study anymore.The road ahead is destined to have no time for medical work. Isn't this a waste of time?
But my mother was very happy about this and celebrated again.The tossing infrastructure and even the cafeteria also had a big meal.Anyway, if they have nothing to do, they will find various reasons to add meals. There is no way, the money is endless!

What Wang Zuolin was worried about still happened.Not to mention that the plastic film is no longer sold, manufacturers in the mainland who need steel ingots have finally found this place.Ma Quanyi no longer dared to make decisions, and the matter of the mulch made him break out in a cold sweat.

Because there is sufficient supply of goods at the port, [-] trucks keep pulling from there.Raw materials have been piled up in the company, and the production in the factory can no longer keep up with the speed of raw material supply.

Wei Yuxiang was so anxious that his mouth was covered with blisters, even though the factory was already operating at full capacity.But with so many raw materials piled up, the customer over there urged the goods, which made this young man who had always been calm lose his composure.

As the factory manager, it is naturally impossible for him to give all the goods to Wang Zuolin.Although Jiaodao has been playing very well, it is a fool's job to put all eggs in one basket.

This is not the new customers began to show performance, in order to get the goods, they themselves began to raise prices.With just five customers, the price of steel ingots has risen to 1200 a ton.

This really has nothing to do with Wei Yuxiang, it's the price they found him and opened their mouths.Naturally, Wei Yuxiang would not refuse, and naturally the one with the highest price would be given priority.Then, several customers all raised the price to 1200.

Wang Zuolin is angry!Frustrated, and in the end there was only helplessness left.These days, he is simply picking up money here, as long as it is the steel ingots produced here, he only needs to pull back the finished products produced.It was all sold out.

You know, there are already several large rolling mills in their village.Even if the infrastructure company is operating at full capacity, they will not have enough to eat.Now that he has been divided by several people, how could he be happy?
However, he knew that Wei Yuxiang was right about this matter, so after trying several contracted products to no avail, he could only wait in line here to get the goods.At any rate, what comforted him was that the most goods were given to him.

After accumulating a batch of products at the mulch factory.Ma Rong called the division to determine the amount of land to be covered with mulch next year.Do you think there will be a lot of surplus in production until May next year?So began to sell outside.

After all, a large sum of money is pressed here, and no one can bear the pressure in their hearts.In addition, even if the whole thing is sold next year, it will not be settled until autumn. This is more than a year?

Although Ma Rong complained about this matter, she didn't dare to say it.These are the instructions from above, plus Ye Yuze's instructions, she can't bear any of these.

The only thing she can do now is divide the workers into three shifts as well.The production is non-stop around the clock, so that the output will be high, and she can export it.

At present, Wang Zuolin's family still sells mulch film, and he does it in a relatively secretive way. Although many people inquire, no one can find out where his mulch film comes from.

But he knew that this secret was about to be lost.These guys who robbed him of steel will also go to the mulch factory from time to time, wondering how long I can keep the [-] meals of mulch?

Wei Yuxiang almost didn't need to worry about family affairs.Yu Lan's work is easy, and Wei Yuxiang's two younger siblings are taken care of by her.The two children regarded her as a relative, and even refused to let her go when they went to bed at night.

But Xue Lian soon found out about this, and she also began to frequent Wei Yuxiang's house.Unlike Yu Lan who did everything by herself, she adopted another tactic.That is to bring all kinds of delicious food. Her house has a lot of snacks, more than enough for two children.

After some stalemate, the two little guys were also very entangled. Every time Wei Yuxiang asked them which sister was better, the two didn't know how to answer?One elder sister takes good care of her, and the other elder sister's food is delicious.How can I choose this?

Anyway, Wei Yuxiang quickly made a choice, went to Xuelian and told her: "You are a good girl, thank you for being kind to me and my siblings these days. But I still think Yu Lan is suitable for me, you are so beautiful, I will definitely Meet a better man than me to take care of you!"

Xue Lian was originally arrogant, but the reason why she was willing to put down her body and chase Wei Yuxiang this time was because his conditions were too good, and it was her lifelong event.Now being rejected by others, I naturally turned around and left.

But she also began to feel confused. Although the income of the infrastructure company is the highest in the whole division now, this place is too closed.There are not many young people at all.She really doesn't like those young people in the company.And the really outstanding ones look down on her.

She thought again, should she go out for a walk.Although it's nice here, the world is too small.Maybe going out to see the world is what she should do.

But there is also a problem when going out, that is, the current job is a regular job.If she just left like this, it would be tantamount to resigning automatically. If she didn't do well outside, she would have nothing when she came back, and it would be impossible for her to arrange a job for her.

After thinking about it all night, she suddenly had an idea.That is to go to Horgos to have a look.Xuelian knew that there was a need for people at the port, so Yang Geyong was tossing around there, as if they were all Kazakhs.If I ask to help him, I guess there is hope.

At this time, Yang Geyong was in Shihezi.This time he got a few pairs of beautiful riding boots in the market. He thought Zhao Linger and Rose could wear them, so he ran over with the delivery truck.

Rose was naturally happy to see him, but there were not many people in the shop.After Yang Geyong asked, he found out that there are many border trades now, and there are several such shops in Shihezi.

There are not many people in Shihezi, so if there are more than one person in the store, they will naturally be diverted.So much so that the current business has been greatly affected.Knowing that Zhao Ling'er no longer comes to the store now, Yang Geyong has the idea of ​​ending the business here.Of course, he had to discuss this matter with Zhao Linger before discussing it.

 Dear friends, happy holidays, I wish everyone a happy family and all the best, there are many lovers who can afford it.

(End of this chapter)

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