Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 581 Psychological gap

Chapter 581 Psychological gap
For some people, many things come very simply.Li Gang went to work and was assigned to Tangcheng Industrial and Commercial Bureau.Coincidentally, Liu Jianguo also came down to exercise, and the unit he went to was also the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, but he was the director.

It is estimated that Sun Zhengzhi will have some changes, otherwise the secretary will be good, and before the boss leaves, he will not let it go so easily.

Liu Jianguo deliberately asked Ye Yuze to have a meal with him. At that time, the Industry and Commerce Bureau was a power department, and it was very popular.Ye Yuze suddenly remembered that his uncle had been in the orchard for so many years and had not changed, so he mentioned it to Liu Jianguo.

Unexpectedly, a week later, the uncle's family of three came to the door.It turned out that my uncle had been transferred here and became the chief of the enterprise section of the Tangcheng Industrial and Commercial Bureau.It seems that there is no change in the level, but the rights are naturally different.

Liu Jianguo is very good at being a man, and put all the credit on Ye Yuze.The uncle's family was naturally grateful, and when the mother was excited, she praised her son fiercely.

Sun Lanyu recently went to Hong Kong, and Tangcheng has always been stable.She wants to find a new way.I have been doing clothing for so many years, and I have been focusing on denim clothing for the past two years, and I am a little tired of doing it.

The cars of a group of car factories are a bit crazy, and each car only sells for 5 yuan.Although GAZ trucks are not technologically advanced in this era, they have their own advantages.

That is anti-building, what is overload, what is how many degrees below zero?None of this matters.Soviet products are like the AK47. Although the workmanship is rough, it works well.After all, it is an old brand for so many years, so there is no problem with the quality.

Naturally, these cars cannot bear the original factory's trademark, but use the two iron characters of warrior as the brand.

As soon as the car came out, all the units of the corps who got the news sent people to rush to the regiment.Even Master Zhao's phone was ringing off the hook.In fact, his phone was ringing not only because of the car, but also because of the mulch.

The autumn harvest is over because of the severe drought this summer.The surrounding areas centered on the Ninth Division were affected, and the production of food and cash crops was greatly reduced.Only the clump covered with mulch had a bumper harvest.

The experimental fields of other regiments of the Ninth Division were not affected by the drought.This fully proves the importance of mulch for heat preservation and moisture retention.So this time the entire Corps started to take action and decided to achieve the entire coverage of the plastic film next year.

This time, the Ninth Division was pushed to the forefront, and it also made a car.Being chased by so many brother units all day long, Lao Zhao's already big mouth cracked directly on his cheeks.

He really regretted not getting these enterprises to the division headquarters.Now no matter what people want, he still has to call Liu Qinghua and Ma Quanyi.

At present, Liu Qinghua is in charge of car sales, mainly to coordinate among various units and try not to cause any conflicts, after all, there are few monks.

But Ma Quanyi's task is even more onerous, the mulch of the entire corps is astronomical.This requires detailed statistics, and then shipped one by one.At any rate, Yang Geyong got all the twenty cars back to the infrastructure company.Otherwise, transportation is really a problem.

Although there were already thirty second-hand cars in the company, compared to the huge import and export volume of the two factories, it was still not enough.

It used to be that Ma Quanyi had a headache when he saw mountains of raw materials and products, but now he wished for more.It's just that it can't be done now, mainly products, and those that haven't been produced are all reserved, so there is no chance for him to worry.

Ma Quanyi is not as pure a person as Liu Qinghua, and he is soliciting goods from foreign units.If you don't feel very good, you can put him in the back row, and those who will come to trouble and speak well will naturally be in the front.Now I can hardly let go of the cigarettes and alcohol at home.Ma Rong talked about him a lot, but he didn't care.

The output of the car factory is not high, and three cars can be assembled in almost a day.Over the past month, almost a hundred trucks have been sold.

To be honest, leaving aside the wages and freight of engineers in neighboring countries, the profit of this car is really not as good as those factories in the infrastructure company.But the influence is great.China is so big, how many factories can produce cars?

Liu Qinghua began to worry about gains and losses, because he knew that these auto parts could only be assembled into more than 500 cars.After assembly, this production line will be dismantled and pulled down to the infrastructure company to make steel.

In fact, it was not only Liu Qinghua who was struggling with this matter, but also the teacher Zhao Yongsheng.The Ninth Division is inconspicuous in the entire Corps, regardless of food and animal husbandry, it belongs to a relatively backward division.

This has something to do with their location. Almost all of the division's land borders on neighboring countries, and these lands are almost barren.If the soldiers of the Ninth Division hadn't worked together to change the soil structure, it is estimated that there are still many barren lands.

But no matter how hard they tried, the soil and climate doomed the Ninth Division's land would not be fertile.Now that the border situation is relatively relaxed, and the economy has become the primary issue for the development of the Corps, the disadvantages of the Lower Ninth Division have been highlighted.

He was named and criticized at the Bingtuan meeting.Zhao Yongsheng often couldn't hold his head up.He didn't pay much attention to the clothing factory and steel factory of the infrastructure company, but the mulch factory and the automobile factory were his sweethearts.

If the car factory is really gone in a few months, he doesn't know how to hang his head that was raised just now?Not used to it!

After thinking for a long time, he decided to save the country with a curve.This factory was set up by Yang Geyong, let's see if we can find a way from him?
Of course, he couldn't talk to Yang Geyong himself about this matter, didn't he have a daughter?That's my own daughter, so I have to face his father.

Zhao Linger smiled proudly when she received her father's call.It's no wonder that my own man can affect my father's future.So Yang Geyong was recruited with just one phone call.

But after she told Yang Geyong what her father meant, Yang Geyong remained silent.The two had just reconciled, and he didn't want to cause any further estrangement because of this matter, so he told Zhao Linger what Ye Yuze had said.

Zhao Ling'er looked at Yang Geyong with hatred, but her teeth ached, but there was nothing she could do.She knew that Yang Geyong's words could not compare with Ye Yuze's.

The little girl gritted her teeth and called Ye Yuze.He even expressed his father's meaning with pleading and threats.This time Ye Yuze didn't taunt him, and after a long silence, he said: "This matter was decided by Grandpa Wang, I don't have the guts to disobey him."

This time, Zhao Ling'er had no choice but to report to her father.

On the other hand, Liu Qinghua had more contacts with Wu Tianming.So he called Wu Tianming directly. Wu Tianming is quite clear about the ins and outs of this matter.But he had no way to talk to him directly, he could only infer that he still needed to ask his superiors for instructions.Liu Qinghua had no choice but to do nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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