Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 64 The emergency assembly caused by fried fish

Chapter 64 The emergency assembly caused by fried fish

The three were busy throwing the fish above the water to the shore.Ask a few girls to pick them up.

Yin Hua and Yu Lan had already forgotten the thrill just now when they saw the harvest.

Screaming and picking up the fish on the ground.Only Ma Rong got up slowly at this moment.

She is calm and somewhat stubborn.But what happened just now gave her a big shock.

Because at that moment she was afraid, and the consequences of being afraid at that moment were immeasurable!
Fortunately, Ye Yuze responded quickly, otherwise, there would be nothing else.

Ma Rong glanced at Ye Yuze on the boat with a complicated expression.Pick up the fish too.

Here they are happily gathering their harvests just like the festival.But even the inside can be messed up!

This huge continuous explosion sound can be heard clearly even inside.

An emergency rally horn sounded.One by one, the soldiers came out of the factory or home fully armed.Zhao Dengxuan took the ammunition and began to distribute it.

Even the firearms are in personal custody.It's just that the ammo is locked up.It will only be sent to everyone when there is action.

The fully equipped soldiers of the company quickly rushed to the hydropower station.Considering that explosion, the enemy should be carrying high-explosive weapons.

So both the bazooka and the 825 recoilless gun were brought in.

At this time, Uncle Wei, who was on duty at the hydropower station, was already alarmed.No, I was frightened.

He is usually on duty without a gun.But given the seriousness of the matter.He decided to quietly investigate the situation first, and then report to Lian Li.

It's just that he knew that he didn't need to investigate after he left the door of the duty room.

Because at a glance, I saw three little girls cheering and jumping.

He shouted in his heart: "Little Ancestor!"

He took a step and ran towards it.

When I got to the edge of the pond, I found that the pond was full of fish.Also stunned.

"How did you do this?"

I saw my son was there.Wei Zhongyi couldn't help but feel angry!

There is bound to be a reaction to such a big movement.It's just that things have happened.He couldn't stop it either.

He yelled, "What are you doing?"

Ye Yuze waved his hand indifferently: "Uncle Wei, fried fish. Go find something to pack the fish!"

Wei Zhongyi glanced at Ye Yuze.He stamped his feet.Hurry to the direction of the company.He was afraid that the company would make a move.That would be a big mess.

It's just that he didn't run very far.The people in the company have arrived fully armed.I saw Wei Zhongyi.Ma Quanyi asked loudly:

"Old Wei, what's the situation? Did the enemy come over?"

Look at the company commander and instructor walking at the forefront.Wei Zhongyi smiled bitterly.Immediately stand at attention and salute.

"The report is good! There are no enemies, it's just a few children who fry the fish. It's my fault for finding this late, please punish me!"

"Fried fish?"

Ma Quanyi was confused, he understood the word fried fish.But a few kids fried fish he didn't understand.

What can they fry fish with?

Instructors are more stable.Asked:

"How many kids? What did they fry the fish with?"

Wei Zhongyi concluded.He really didn't understand what happened.Afraid of being disturbed, even if there was action in it, he ran quickly.

"There are several, including Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong. Also, there is my son...!"

"Playing the piano indiscriminately, is lawless! It must be dealt with seriously!"

Ma Quan was outraged.

Wei Zhongyi gave him a complicated look.

"And Ma Rong!"

Ma Quanyi seemed to be strangled by the neck.Suddenly mute.

Zhao Dengxuan's face was ashen. He was in charge of guarding the ammunition depot.

Such a violent explosion must be dynamite!This is his dereliction of duty.Surely you will be punished!

Think about Ye Yuze's nasty bastard face.He just wanted to find him and punch him.

This son-in-law can't be wanted, or even the daughter-in-law will be gone.The little girl has now started to fight with herself for that kid.

"Treat it, it must be dealt with seriously!"

He repeated the words of the company commander.

Wei Zhongyi looked at him with compassionate eyes.

"And silver flowers!"

Zhao Dengxuan's eyes turned dark and his body shook a few times.Almost fell over.

How could his clever and clever daughter do this?

That cute little guy playing with dynamite?Zhao Dengxuan felt that his IQ was not online all of a sudden.

Then my heart tightened, and the girl's flowery face flashed in my mind.

"Isn't it hurt? Well, that's dynamite?"

Thinking of this, he spread his legs and was about to run towards the power station.

But now is the time of military operations.cannot act alone.

Fortunately, the instructor said something. "Attention all commanders and fighters. Rush to the hydropower station with fast marching speed!"

Fortunately, the instructor of the Pencil Box Factory didn't let them come along.

Otherwise, it depends on my mother's character.It is estimated that the first one will rush to find his son to settle accounts.

The team soon reached the edge of the reservoir.Everyone saw a few busy kids and a hill of fish.

Ma Rong watched her father bring someone.Didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at all.

He also shouted happily.

"Dad, a lot of fish. Enough to feed everyone!"

Yinhua was equally excited when she saw Zhao Dengxuan.

"Dad, come and pick up the fish! Ye Yuze is amazing. Enough to eat them all!"

Only the three boys in the boat remained silent.No more fish.

"Get out of here!"

The instructor shouted loudly!
The three obediently propped the boat to the shore.Climbed ashore.

"Yang Yulin, Zhao Dengxuan. Wei Zhongyi. You three go down and pick up fish!"

The instructor is a real slap in the face.It's a shame my dad isn't here.Otherwise, it must be this fate!

Then Quanlian started to pick up fish.

Get busy.The exact weight is not known.But it is no problem for a family to get a few fish.

But how are things handled?The identities of these children are about to wipe out the leaders of the infrastructure company.

But not dealing with it involves explosives.Things are serious.That's combat supplies.It's different from playing a few bullets with them.

The instructor thought about it.Let's deal with it on a small scale.

He and Ma Quanyi discussed a few words.With six children, he walked towards the company.

The company commander cannot participate in this matter today.The two platoon leaders should also avoid suspicion.The second platoon leader has been dismissed.Now the deputy company commander takes his place.

Therefore, only the deputy company commander, the secretary and him can handle this matter.

Back at the company headquarters, the instructor's eyes turned to Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong.

This must be the mastermind of these two.Three girls should be playing soy sauce.

It's just why this Wei Yuxiang is mixed with them?
Wei Yuxiang's character instructor still knows.A very honest and innocent child.What's wrong with this?

He decided to open the gap from Wei Yuxiang first.Those two are not easy to deal with.

A mouth is too strict.Kill not say that.A mouth is too broken.It's easy to confuse people for a long time.

Ask for collections, recommendations, monthly passes and investments.

(End of this chapter)

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