Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 651 Yu'e's New Year's Eve

Chapter 651 Yu'e's New Year's Eve
Xu Le nodded and agreed, mainly because he saw the old lady smiling.This matter is easy to handle, after all, there are two children, and the trouble is too much. Ye Tieshuan's wife and children are separated.

The director nodded and left. Ye Yuze went up and gave them two packs of cigarettes.The township police station, where have I seen this kind of thing, thank you in a hurry.

In fact, the director was terrified when he saw Ye Yuze just now.Anyone who can drive such a good car is not too young.Although he didn't recognize the car logo, he was sure that there was no such car in the county. In addition, there was a foreign beauty who came with him, so he wanted to go as far as possible.

When the old woman saw that the people from the police station had left, the little courage she had just summoned up immediately disappeared.She can't beat her, she is not very popular in the village.I thought there were only two brothers in the Ye family, but she had five sons alone, plus several children of the same clan.When you arrive at Ye's house, you still can't handle it casually!

As a result, I found out that there are not many people in the family.But how many helpers?Not only did he not let out his breath, but he was beaten up. The more he thought about it, the more indignant he became, and he sat in the yard crying and cursing.

"Desolate Ye family, your character is too bad, you are full of flowers. You bully us orphans, widows and good people." The old woman slapped her legs as she cried, like beating time.Even cursing is out of rhythm.

The eldest son couldn't help reminding: "My father is still here, we are not orphans and widows!"

The old woman glared: "What's the use of your useless father being alive? I'll just treat myself as a widow!"

The people next to him burst into laughter, and Ma Ye asked jokingly: "You widow has given birth to six children in a row. It's hard work for a widow."

Let alone this sentence, even grandma couldn't help laughing.The people in Liubao couldn't bear to listen.Stand up, turn your head and run, even the old woman and her sons have run away, no one has the face to stay here and be ashamed.

Seeing that she really didn't have any more to chant, the old woman had no choice but to stand up and tremble and walk towards the house tremblingly. She actually wanted to support her daughter after all this trouble.The Ye family's family background is good, only the appearance and personality of their own daughter.It is a high incense to find such a family.

If she really got divorced, she couldn't take anything with her.The countryside is different from the city. Even if you are given a house, you can’t take it away. Do you still live in other people’s villages after divorce?Spit can drown you.

Ye Yuze saw that grandma was fine, so he explained his purpose for coming.Unexpectedly, grandma shook her head: "I can't afford anywhere, and I have to stay at my home during the New Year. You are not allowed to leave. Just celebrate the New Year here!"

Ye Yuze saw that not only could he not complete the task, but he was also detained.My mother can't run away after scolding, but her queen mother probably won't be able to do well when she arrives at the empress dowager's place.

Since you can't go, let's celebrate the New Year.But I had to call my mother first, and as expected, there was anger over there.But there is no other way.

Martha is really interested in Chinese New Year. When it comes to Chinese New Year, only when you really go to the countryside can you truly understand the meaning of Chinese New Year.The New Year in the city looks lively, but it lacks many things in the Chinese tradition.

Ye Yuze didn't let grandma do anything when he came. Although he has a handy arm, he has rich experience in cooking.Under his command, Martha was as busy as a windmill.

The richness of foreign girls is different from that of Chinese people. They don't just spend money and do nothing.The children of rich foreign families are actually more hands-on than the poor.This is also how they are educated.

So Martha worked with quick hands and feet, basically it was Ye Yuze who pointed and hit.Coupled with the old aunt acting as the main force, the two women turned out to be much faster than grandma doing it herself.Just lacking some on-the-spot experience.

Boil meat, stew fish.Steamed buns, steamed buns.Survive a busy day.Martha wore an apron and made it look good, so many people from the village came to watch.

Every time Martha learned something, she excitedly kissed Ye Yuze and announced loudly: "Husband, I can make it for my parents when I go back!"

Grandma shook her head. This granddaughter-in-law is good in everything, but she is too unreserved.From time to time, the old aunt secretly glanced over here, and then looked at the old uncle.I don't know if that look is envy or jealousy.

On New Year's Eve, there is a saying of going to the grave, which is to burn some paper money and place some tributes.Then shoot.Ye Yuze didn't buy firecrackers this year, mainly because he didn't plan to celebrate the New Year here.

However, uncles and uncles are not people who are short of money, so it is natural to prepare these things.Now people in the village are not so short of money, so the project of breaking the tomb is no longer as hasty as in the past.

No one wants to lose to others in this matter. Whoever puts it on for a long time means that their life will be better and they will be more prosperous in the coming year.

Originally, women were not allowed to participate in this event. It is a tradition for women not to go to the grave.But this Martha has become an exception, mixing everything.She rushes to release the big mari that even men are afraid to let go.Made a few men lose their sense of accomplishment.

It was the 26th of the twelfth lunar month when Yu'e arrived home. At this time, the younger sister and mother had already cleaned up the house.

The father is gone, and the house is much deserted.The elder brothers are also on vacation, but they have their own homes, so there are only three of them, mother and daughter, left for Chinese New Year this year.

But the three elder brothers have become rich and sensible, and they sent all the New Year's goods to Biqi.He also repeatedly asked Yu'e to thank Ye Yuze when she saw him.

This year, Yu'e has no money in hand, so the salary plus bonuses are all returned to Ye Yuze.Although Aunt Mei gave it back again, Yu'e didn't think that the money belonged to her anymore, and she wanted to spend every cent of the money on the father and son.

She has been hesitating in the past few days since she came back, should she go to see grandma?They are all wounded, and they will definitely not come back.After hesitating until the first day of junior high school, she decided to go to celebrate the new year.

I didn't expect to see Ye Yuze's car when I got to the door, and I couldn't help feeling a little excited.He hurried into the house, only to see a foreign woman busy at the stove.The key point is that she still knows this woman and has been to the hospital.I know he is Ye Yuze's friend.But the meaning of bringing it back home is different.

After entering the house, Yu'e hadn't seen Ye Yuze's family yet.I was going to say New Year greetings to grandma, and then I introduced myself, but Ye Yuze introduced me directly.

Hearing that it was Ye Yuze's classmate, or someone from her daughter's village, grandma became restless again.The key is that this girl looks really good-looking too!I'm still a college student, and the girl came to the door on my own initiative, isn't that obvious?

Grandma kept looking at Yu'e, her body was round but not slender.He is not as outstanding in stature as the big Yangma, just right for his grandson.

The key point is that this girl has such a handsome face!Just like the people in the painting.Grandma's mood is called a tangle, who should I choose?The key is that she can't bear to give up anyone.

 Welcome to subscribe to my debut work, Li Bai and I are classmates.

(End of this chapter)

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