Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 658 County-level city

Chapter 658 County-level city

When he returned home at night, Wang Tieshuan was holding a thick stack of things in his hand.Land lease contract, transformer capacity increase license.Tax registration certificate.

Of course, these things do not need to pay at present.Even if you pay the money, it will be a few years later.

Now that the land lease procedures have been completed.Then there is the question of compensation.After all, these lands have been contracted to individuals, and they have planted winter wheat.Taking it back now naturally involves the issue of compensation.

Ye Yuze and the others were worried about this, Hao Changjiu took the lead and Xu Le cooperated.The villagers happily signed the agreement.After all, not only more land was compensated, but also part of the money was taken.Where can such a good thing be found?
After the formalities were completed, the bulldozers in the county arrived.According to Martha's requirements, the Design Office of the Construction Committee drew up the drawings and started construction in full compliance with Martha's requirements.Hao Changjiu didn't even take his annual leave.

Wang Limin also came to play around from time to time, he was very proud of it, and when the holiday was over, he believed that his thunder would be blown up in the prefectural committee.

Martha and Ye Lishuan signed another contract, in which each party holds 50.00% of the shares, Martha is responsible for the capital contribution, and Ye Lishuan is responsible for the land lease and operation.

Regarding the land lease fee, the county only charged some symbolically.Originally, she planned not to ask for money, but Martha insisted on accepting 1 yuan.

Martha made a phone call to order equipment for a ten thousand head pig farm in Germany.She does not move many requirements for infrastructure construction, and requires manufacturers to intervene in advance so that construction can start according to their requirements during construction.

After finishing all this, Ye Yuze and the others will return to Tang City.It was already the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, Ye Wancheng had already returned to the hospital, and Martha's equipment was about to arrive, so he needed to go through the formalities.

When they were leaving, Wang Limin hosted them again alone, and his words were full of gratitude.When I went to work on the sixth day, this investment project was reported to the prefectural committee.

At this time, the prefectural committees are actually adjusting, that is, in the future, the regional organization will no longer exist, and the prefecture-city merger model will be adopted instead.In other words, the superior of Qiu County is no longer the Zaozhou area, but Zaozhou City.

Before this adjustment, the resolution of the higher authority had already been passed to the prefectural committee.It's just that the holiday is approaching, so this kind of thing has been delayed.After all, this kind of large-scale personnel adjustment will touch the interests of many people.It is very difficult to implement.

However, the above notice has been issued, and it must be implemented if it is not implemented. Another major event is that because of the oil field, Qiu County has been officially upgraded to a county-level city, that is to say, it will be called Qiu City in the future.

As a senior county official, Wang Limin has made remarkable achievements in attracting investment.For the sustainable and stable development of Qiu City, Wang Limin became the first high-ranking official of Qiu City and became a member of the Standing Committee of the prefecture-level city.The level has also been raised by one level.Become a deputy department level.

Once you become a department level, you basically barely step into the threshold of high-ranking cadres.The concept of county and county-level city is completely different.Cities focus on urban work while giving consideration to rural areas; counties focus on rural areas while giving consideration to cities.

This indicates that Qiu County will be completely different from now on, and can vigorously develop enterprises and expand the city's scale.

This unexpected change made Wang Limin, who has always been stable, also start to become ambitious.From simply caring about politics in the past, staring at various newspapers every day to try to figure out the spirit of the superiors, I started looking for various economic magazines to study.

After thinking about it for a long time, I still couldn't find a place to start.He decided to talk to Ye Yuze to see how courageous he was that day. The $100 million was just thrown away like a joke.

It wasn't until they arrived at Xuzhuang that they realized that Ye Yuze had left.Lost for a long time, I had to ask Ye Yuze for a call.

At this time, Ye Yuze has returned to his old-fashioned life.I accompany my father in the hospital every day, and then gnaw with my textbooks.Although he doesn't like studying anymore, he can't fail his subjects.

The nurse came to ask Ye Yuze to answer the phone, and now the nurse's station phone is almost becoming Ye Yuze's private plane.The nurse lady has to be responsible for calling people.

But Ye Yuze would buy some snacks and throw them for them from time to time, so the girls naturally took on the job enthusiastically.

Wang Limin told Ye Yuze about Qiu County's promotion, and also explained the various benefits of the promotion.Then talk about your current predicament.There is nowhere to start.

Ye Yuze heard that he wanted him to invest, but he didn't have the will at the moment, and before the pig farm was put into production, he really didn't want to do things blindly.It's just that when someone called here, Ye Yuze couldn't just be perfunctory. After thinking for a while, he said:

"Secretary Wang, I suggest that you take someone to Guangzhou and Shenzhen to investigate there. By the way, go to Hong Kong to have a look. The economy there is developing quite well. You can learn from it."

Wang Limin's heart moved, and then he suddenly realized that it is better to travel thousands of miles than to break through thousands of books.Going out and getting it back is the last word.

"Okay, okay, young people are still brains! Xiaoye, if you have nothing to do, can you accompany us for a walk? The city has contracted the expenses for you."

Ye Yuze quickly declined: "Secretary Wang, I'm still in school, so I can't ask for leave. When you go, bring some people who are good at running businesses, like Hao Jiujiu."

Wang Limin naturally understood Ye Yuze's words, he just told him not to bring along a bunch of people who only know how to eat, drink and have fun.It would be pointless to investigate like that.After thanking Wang Limin, he hung up the phone.Then he called the secretary in and gave some instructions.

Recently, Hao Changjiu can't wait to eat and live on the pig farm construction site.Strictly speaking, this pig farm has nothing to do with the commune.It is a joint venture between foreign businessmen and individuals.He only needs to support it in policy.

But Hao Jiujiu saw the significance that this pig farm would bring to the entire Mawu Commune.So always do it as your own thing.

At the moment, he is directing the tractor pulling the bricks to unload the bricks to the designated position.On the loudspeaker, Xu Le called him to answer the phone.

Now everyone knows that the commune can't find him, so it must be right to ask him to call the Xuzhuang brigade.

The call was made by Wang Limin's secretary, telling him to pack up and prepare to go to the south with Secretary Wang for inspection.Hao Jiujiu subconsciously refused: "I'm busy on the construction site, why don't I discuss it with Secretary Wang and change someone!"

The secretary over there spoke in a steady tone: "Your decision to go was nominated by Ye Yuze and carefully considered by Secretary Wang. I hope you will obey the organization's decision."

Hao Jiujiu had no choice but to agree, and hurried back to the commune.In fact, at this time the name of the commune has become a township.It's just because of habit that people don't like to use the name "Xiang".

 On the last day, comrades rushed.we are not cowardly

(End of this chapter)

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