Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 681 Continuous Rolling Equipment

Chapter 681 Continuous Rolling Equipment
Before leaving, he called Ye Yuze. Communication is really inconvenient in this day and age.You have to wait until Ye Yuze gets home at night before you can call.

After hearing Yang Geyong's plan, Ye Yuze thought for a while and said, "Just say it directly. This kind of thing doesn't require any skills. Anyway, there are not many people like us who can eat as much as we want. At least transportation is big problem.

And if he changes buyers, we will naturally look for new buyers.No one hangs from a tree. "

The entanglement in Yang Geyong's heart suddenly disappeared. Also, since the neighboring country is so big, everyone can have a choice.With such a strong strength on my side, are you afraid that you won't be able to receive the goods?

The broad road project of the Corps has started vigorously again.In addition to the main road, the roads leading to the various companies were also rebuilt and paved with asphalt.

At present, the foundation has almost been completed, and the work of paving the road will take some time to complete because there are too few equipments.

Now all the farms have started to prepare for spring plowing, and almost all the mulch this year has been distributed.Therefore, the task of spring plowing is more arduous than in previous years.

Because there was no machine for laying mulch at that time, it was all manual work, and after emergence, the seedlings had to be buttonholed by hand, which was equivalent to adding a very heavy task.After all, the land base is not proportional to the population base.

But this is also a helpless thing. Many soldiers don't understand and complain.But no matter how much you don't understand, you have to do the work. After all, the land is your own, and the food is also your own.

After a field of spring plowing, the soldiers were so tired that they couldn't straighten up.There are even scolders.

The lesser land in the Wulian Company has been assigned to the Animal Husbandry Company, and there is still [-] mu of good land for the Infrastructure Company.Both Ma Quanyi and Ye Wancheng have extraordinary enthusiasm for the land.

Yang Geyong bought several complete sets of harvesting equipment from neighboring countries.Especially those two large harvesters, comrades used to call them Combine.As soon as the huge drum in front rotates, the wheat grains will come out along the discharge port like a small river.Of course, this will have to wait until autumn.

The land is currently plowed, with giant iron plowshares pulled by two crawler heavy tractors.The hard ground where you walk will be turned over like tofu immediately.

Ma Quanyi and Ye Wancheng were not in the company anymore.He and a group of old comrades all came here to farm.After plowing, the land needs to be leveled.Still have to do ridges.They are going to plant spring wheat this season.

There are so many people in Lianli now.Including the foreign population, it has already exceeded a thousand.It is also a burden to rely entirely on buying food.Now it's different to have your own land.

After a lot of spring plowing, each of them lost a few kilograms after their average age was over forty.After all, it is not yet purely mechanized.

The emergence of wheat seedlings is good, the snow was heavy last year, and the soil moisture is good.They started to buckle the mulch again. These young people can't count on it. They think that with that practice, it is more cost-effective to produce more products and buy food.

Today, the daily profits generated by several factories of the infrastructure company are already very considerable.Originally, the plastic factory lost money, but after the injection molding machine was bought, a large number of barrels, basins and other daily necessities were continuously produced.

Especially after the new granules are shipped, water cups, bowls, lunch boxes and other products are also released.As soon as this high-quality and cheap thing entered the market, it immediately caused a sensation.

The production speed of this thing is fast, and the market is so good that it soon exceeds the profit of the steel factory.It made Wei Yuxiang a little angry.

In fact, Wei Yuxiang has long been dissatisfied with the production of steel ingots, which are almost the same as raw materials.But limited to equipment reasons, he can't do anything else.It can only be secret luck.

Now his office is also full of books, books on various smelting equipment, and recently he has developed a strong interest in a combined steel rolling equipment.

After the steel ingot is produced by this continuous rolling equipment, it is directly transported to the rolling mill without cooling, and then the finished product is directly rolled out.For example, seamless steel pipes, rebars, and strips are all produced in this way.

If there is such equipment, the current profits of steel mills can be doubled several times.It's just that such equipment is very expensive, and all of them are abroad, even if there are domestic ones, the quality is not enough.

After hesitating for a long time, Wei Yuxiang still called Ye Yuze and told his thoughts, but Ye Yuze became excited when he heard it.Call Yang Geyong directly and ask him to see if such steelmaking equipment is sold in neighboring countries?

After Yang Geyong received the call, he immediately brought Ayijiang, a small oil bottle, back to Moscow.This time he went to see Akeli first, and talked about the price increase of scrap iron.

Akeli is naturally happy. In fact, some companies in China have begun to contact him, offering a higher price, and he is hesitating.After all, businessmen make profits.

But Ake Lie is not confused, he has dealt with Yang Geyong for so long, he knows the other party's personality.Dealing with such a person is practical.In addition, the opponent's strength should not be underestimated. He was unwilling to affect his relationship with Yang Geyong because of one or two extra transactions.

Unexpectedly, Yang Geyong would take the initiative to come to the door to raise the price for himself, although it was a surprise.But he also understands that such people are friends.It won't hurt to deal with such a friend.

Naturally, you still have to take the train to go to Moscow, otherwise you will be exhausted if you drive more than 3000 kilometers.

Sitting on the trains of neighboring countries is quite comfortable.Mainly due to the small population.There are basically no scenes of being squeezed into canned sardines like domestic trains.

Yang Geyong bought a soft sleeper ticket, and he and his daughter were the only ones in the private room.Ayijiang had already taken the train once last time, and he never forgot about this train.

This time, I jumped with joy as soon as I got on the train.

However, children have a common problem, that is, they love to sleep on moving objects.So after a few days, there is not much waking time.

After getting off the train, Yang Geyong didn't go to Anton this time, but went directly to Dasha's house.After the two of them opened their hearts last time, Yang Geyong no longer had any scruples in his heart.

At the very least, he has already stated that he is not in love with her, but as a good friend, he will not refuse.After all, Dasha has a straightforward temper, and the two of them are not tired at all getting along.

Knocking on the door Dasha's mother was very happy to see them.The old lady has retired and stays at home all day, very lonely.And the clever Ayijiang is her best companion.

"Grandma!" Ayijiang threw himself into the arms of the old lady without waiting for Yang Geyong to remind him.The old lady smiled brightly, and did not let go of Ayijiang in her arms.

After the two got bored for a while, the old lady started cooking.This time Yang Geyong brought some meat products and smoked fish.These were all prepared by Akeli.

 Old book, Li Bai and I are classmates

(End of this chapter)

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