Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 691 Becoming a Teacher

Chapter 691 Becoming a Teacher
Seeing that there were still people in the audience who wanted to rush up, Old John hurriedly stopped him.Ye Yuze also looked at these guys dumbfounded.Lao Tzu is here to teach, okay?Why did you accidentally become a small advertisement?
After Old John made the classroom quiet, he glanced at Ye Yuze with almost admiring eyes: "This is my teaching assistant, who will work here for a while. If you are really sick, you can learn from him. I believe he will teach you seriously. "

Only then did Ye Yuze understand Old John's intention for him to perform.This damn is showing off his skills, killing chickens and scaring monkeys, this time there will never be any students questioning Ye Yuze's skills.

But what does this teaching assistant mean?I'm still a sophomore, okay?He's only going to be a junior in the next semester, so why did he end up at Harvard as a teaching assistant?But it seems to be good, right?Teaching assistant at an Ivy League school!
Since he was asked to speak, Ye Yuze was not polite.After moving the mannequin, I briefly talked about the acupuncture points of the human body.He also told them which acupoints he had pricked Johnny just now, and what effect these acupoints have.

In order to enhance everyone's memory, Ye Yuze pointed to a girl in the first row who was obviously pale and was clutching her stomach: "Student, do you have dysmenorrhea?"

The girl froze for a moment, then looked at him in surprise and asked, "Don't you need to touch your wrist to see a doctor? Why can you diagnose me in the air?"

The girl's words obviously shocked everyone.If it was a small farce just now, then he must have never been in contact with this girl.Why do you know people's dysmenorrhea at a glance?

Ye Yuze raised his face slightly, looking at the sky at a 45-degree angle.Then he said in a deep voice: "The diagnosis of our Chinese medicine includes the four characters of looking, smelling, asking and cutting. I roughly judged your symptoms based on your complexion. Please come up. Now I can help you."

The female students walked onto the podium excitedly, but of course they must also be afraid.After all, she also saw so many long needles piercing into the body just now.It's strange not to be afraid.

Because she was a girl, Ye Yuze naturally couldn't treat Johnny as boldly as he did.Just let her lie on the bed, rolled up her trousers, and did not take the silver needle.Just two hands kept massaging her acupoints such as Zhasanyinjiao and Zusanli.Then I started to roast the moxa sticks again.

After tossing like this for about 10 minutes, the girl's face has returned to normal.Lie there fast asleep.

Ye Yuze helped her up and asked, "Feel it, does it still hurt?"

The girl walked a few steps, then jumped up in surprise, hugged Ye Yuze and kissed: "Thank you, Mr. Tyson! Thank you!"

Ye Yuze wiped the drool off her face, motioned her to return to her seat quickly, and muttered to herself, "Why are you taking advantage of me when this old man treats you?"

This time the students were boiling, it was amazing.At least I pricked it with a needle just now, but now I feel it with my hands and burn it with cotton.Will it be fine next time you breathe?
Women's dysmenorrhea is a common problem, and there is no good way for places with advanced medical technology such as Harvard.

This little boy was cured so quickly, how could it not cause a sensation?Many girls also stood up, chattering and asking Ye Yuze for advice.

Therefore, Ye Yuze began to explain to everyone the problems that women should pay attention to during menstruation and the magical effects of these acupoints.Many girls started to massage at that time, and they didn't know if it worked or not.

Ye Ling sat in the corner and looked at this handsome boy with blurry eyes.The memory goes back to the days of the year of fighting for disaster relief.

That man also had the same expression when he was healing.Serious and focused, as if everything in this world no longer exists except patients.The father and son are really alike.

After a class was finished, Old John, who had always been popular, was left behind.After class was over, many students refused to leave and gathered around Ye Yuze to ask questions.

Boys are for their own lifelong happiness, while girls are for peace.Ye Yuze was a teacher for the first time, and he actually enjoyed this moment very much.Answer one by one patiently.

In the end, Old John really lost his patience and told everyone.Mr. Tyson is still going to have a public class here for a while, please pay attention to the notice, and then drag him away.

Ye Ling went to learn to drive after class, and she listened to what Ye Yuze said last time.She couldn't always ask Wang Honghua to pick her up. As for buying a car, she also figured it out.Anyway, it's my daughter's brother, even if he doesn't call her mother, the relationship is still there.He is not short of that little money.

Ye Yuze didn't wait for Martha to pick him up, it was an appointment.Ye Yuze took the key by himself, and felt uncomfortable after coming out for a while.Today he bought some noodles in the supermarket and decided to make dumplings for dinner.

He is pretty good at this job, so he bought some beef ribs and a few onions.After thinking about it, I bought pork tenderloin and apples.

Because there was only one class, it was still early.He hid the vegetable stuffing and started making dumplings.Because the beef is made into balls, it is faster to wrap.Ye Yuze is also good at squeezing dumplings.So the dumplings for two people were made in a while.

Set it there for Martha to come back to cook, got the tenderloin ready to make a crumbled tenderloin, and then make a candied apple.Girls always like this taste.

Today Martha came back earlier than usual.She was thinking about Ye Yuze, the young Bie Sheng is newly married, and seeing each other every day is like three autumns.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a set of dumplings.Martha hugged Ye Yuze excitedly and gave him a big kiss.

Seeing her come back, Ye Yuze hurriedly started cooking oil and prepared to cook.And put the water for cooking the dumplings on it.

Both dishes are easy to cook, and the work is basically done after the oil is over.That is, the candied apple syrup should be boiled carefully. If the fire is low, the shreds cannot be pulled out, and if the fire is too high, it will become mushy.

But for him, this is no longer a technical job.

Martha sat there with a moved face waiting for the food to be served.Ye Yuze doesn't let her do anything, Martha has always been relatively independent, so the days when she returns home and waits for dinner are really rare for her.

Every time she goes to China, what she likes most is the lively atmosphere of eating together at Ye Yuze's house.

When the food was served, Martha naturally gobbled it up.He ate more than Ye Yuze who had been hungry for dumplings for days.Naturally, Martha cleaned up after the meal, Ye Yuze didn't like to do the dishes.

Ye Ling returned home, looking around the room in a strange way.Wang Honghua asked her what she was looking for?Ye Ling then talked about seeing Ye Yuze at school today.

Wang Honghua was not surprised at all, but said flatly, "I must have gone to Martha's place."

"Who is Martha? What does it have to do with Yuze?" Ye Ling was even more surprised.

"One of his women." Wang Honghua slowly sipped the red wine in the glass with a calm expression.It's like talking about irrelevant people.

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(End of this chapter)

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