Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 83 Students who do not have to attend classes

Chapter 83 Students who do not have to attend classes

Teacher Niu waved his hand weakly.

"You go out of school first. You won't use it except for the final exam in the future."

This is really not Teacher Niu's anger, Ye Yuze's current level, the first grade is really a waste of time.

With this kung fu, it is really better to let others learn something you like.

Ye Yuze finally got rid of the constraints of his studies.won personal freedom.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't learn anything.This Russian he still has to study hard!

After leaving school, he simply went directly to the master.

After the Chinese class, there is a self-study period before school ends.You can't walk outside for an hour, can you?
Seeing Ye Yuze coming back, Master Lin Blacksmith was a little unhappy.

"Why skip class? You're a student now! That's your main task!"

Naturally, Ye Yuze didn't dare to hide it, and explained the situation at school today in detail.

Aunt Zhou looked at him with pity on her face.Complimented:

"This baby looks like a very smart child. It will have great prospects in the future! It's your luck that you can be his master!"

Ye Yuze nodded quickly.

Blacksmith Lin had black lines all over his head.

Only then did Ye Yuze realize that he had made a mistake in the program.Quickly shook his head:
"Master, I will definitely be proud of this master in the future!"

Blacksmith Lin's mouth grinned to the top of his cheek.A sullen look on his face.

Aunt Zhou dismissed him as disdainfully."Humph!" in his mouth.But there was envy in his eyes.

Ye Yuze couldn't care about this anymore, and hurriedly got back on his horse.In no time, I was sweating profusely!
An hour was gone in a blink of an eye.Ye Yuze hurried back to school.Otherwise, even the local people can't find him for a while, and they don't know what to say?

Back home, Ye Yuze started cooking.Today he wants to roll noodles like Master did.

But it's still a technical job.First is that side.He knew it had to be tougher.

Just accidentally poured too much.Then we met and we were reconciled.But can't roll.

Once the surface is soft, it will stick to the surface.This time, Ye Yuze was so sad.

Ye Yufan was fascinated by the fact that he seldom eats noodles at home.He is also hungry.But this sudden brother is going to make noodles, and he is looking forward to it.

However, after a few turns of the rolling pin, not only the dough sticks together.I can't even get the rolling pin out.

This time, Ye Yuze was so worried.He has no experience with this kind of thing!Is it that such a big piece of noodles is going to be thrown away?
Ye Yufan looked at it in confusion. "Brother, don't they roll the noodles into slices and then cut them? Why did you finally get them open? You still have to roll them into a ball?"

Ye Yuze really wanted to kick him, but he didn't know how to do anything, but he was still very clear about the cooking procedure.

At this time, Ye Yufan was thirsty, so he went straight to the bucket and scooped a spoonful of cold water to drink.

In fact, Chinese people have always had the habit of drinking hot water.But that's only for adults.

No child has the patience to wait for the hot water to cool down.

In addition, the water quality of that era was almost unpolluted.It can be said that the quality of mineral water is purer than that of the mineral water sold for several dollars in later generations.

Ye Yuze saw the water suddenly light up.With water, it won't stick.If it can't be rolled out, won't labor and capital pull it?
Thinking of this, he quickly scraped the noodles off the rolling pin.Then knead it again and roll it out into large pieces.

Sprinkle with more flour as long as it doesn't wrap around the rolling pin.This one won't stick.

Anyway, Ye Yuze's home panel is big enough.He carefully rolled the dough into a large rectangular piece according to the shape of the panel.Then use a knife to cut into thumb-width strips.

"Brother, you are too thick and wide!"

The younger brother expressed different opinions on the side.

Ye Yuze ignored him and hurriedly cut the meat and potatoes to marinate.

After thinking about it, I also followed the master's way and fried some pepper oil.Although he didn't like the taste very much.But Master must have his reasons for doing so.

After the brine is done, put a pot of water.After the water boils.Ye Yuze picked up a sliced ​​noodle and dragged it in the water.

Not to mention, this noodle is tough.Although the shape and length of the noodles pulled out are different.But full of personality!Who has noodles like this?
Seeing that Ye Yuze was having such a good time, the younger brother went on strike.He also washed his hands and joined the line of stretching noodles.

Brother two laughing at the game to see who can pull the longer.As a result, all the noodles on the chopping board arrived in the pot after a while.

Mom and Dad got off work together.I saw that the dishes were already on the table.Just why is this potato cut so small?With soup?

"Son, are you practicing knife skills? Or are you planning to let us practice chopstick skills? How can we clamp such small particles?"

Dad laughed and joked.

Mom is not happy. "If you don't eat it, just stay there. My son is so good at swordsmanship, you are still picking on faults!"

Ye Yuze couldn't care less about being poor with his parents.Because the noodles are cooked.

When a pot of noodles of various shapes is fished into the pot.

Ye Yufan pointed at the longest ones and shouted, "I made those ones, don't grab them from me!"

Ye Yuze picked out a bowl of noodles, and then added some mutton and potatoes.After thinking about it, I added some pepper oil.Mix well, pick a piece and put it in your mouth.

"This...?" Why is this feeling even better than Master's?

Mainly noodles, the taste is particularly smooth and strong.The main thing is that it's not that hard!
Dad wanted to spit out a few words when he saw this noodles.After all, no one's noodles have such personality.

But after a mouthful.Immediately, he picked up his chopsticks and snorted toward his mouth.I can't stop talking at all!
Although my mother eats a little more gracefully, it is not much better.The frequency of the chopsticks sliding is much faster than usual.

When the family is full, there is not a single noodle left in the basin.

Dad will completely forget what he just complained about.humbly ask:

"Son, how did you make this noodles?"

Before Ye Yuze could answer.Ye Yufan, who was on the side, opened his mouth, "Baba!", and recounted the detailed process.

Ye Yuze looked at his younger brother in surprise. He didn't expect this guy to observe every step so carefully.

But he obviously misunderstood the first step.He also regarded the part of sticking to the rolling pin as a procedure.

Ye Yuze hurriedly explained it, and made an honest move to change the situation of rolling noodles instead of rolling them.

Mom laughs! "Ye Wancheng, listen to you. My son can turn waste into fine products. Can you do this?"

Ye Yufan rolled his eyes and didn't know what to think.
At this time, Dad suddenly saw the sandbag that Ye Yuze put on the bed.He asked where Ye Yuze came from?
Ye Yuze told the truth about his apprenticeship.

Mom immediately objected. "This can't be done! You're still too young. When you're older, I'll leave you alone!"

Ask for collections, recommendations, monthly passes and investments.

(End of this chapter)

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