Chapter 98
The Ye family belonged to outside households, which is why the village was called Mengzhuang.It is because the Meng family is a big surname.

However, there is another big family, the Xu family, whose population is not weaker than that of Meng Xing.It's just that the Xu family moved in relatively late, and the name of the village has already been called.

The Xu family is the old cousin of the Ye family.The reason why the Ye family came here is that Ye Yuze's grandmother brought Ye Yuze's grandfather back to her parents' house after being a widow.

At that time, the orphan and widow mother, her parents gave her a house and a half to live in.

Until the grandfather married a wife and had children, and then multiplied into a family.All in this one-and-a-half house.

Dad had five siblings.The second child died.

Dad went to elementary school for two years, and then a factory in Jin City recruited workers at the age of 15 and left with the recruiter.

Later, the army was recruited, and my father joined the army directly in Tianjin.Because of a little culture, participated in the training of hygienists.He immediately became the company's hygienist.Finally, the collective demobilization went to XJ.

It's also thanks to my father that he had a salary when he went out.Otherwise, I really don't know how grandma brought this family up.

At this time, the old uncle was still in high school, and the uncle earned centimeters in the village.And my aunt worked as a private teacher in a foreign village.

The family background in the village has been considered improvised.

Ye Yuze frowned because the yard was originally small, so it was built in the middle of the yard.The yard is basically gone.

The rural areas of Hebei are all about large yards.There was no such thing as a homestead back then.As long as the brigade allows you to build, your house is legal.

Since it is building a house, naturally it has to be bigger.

The reason why it is built in the courtyard is because it is a place of three rooms.The original house was only one and a half.

Behind it is the home of Xu Seng, the secretary of the brigade.His family had six rooms and gave birth to six daughters.

This was despised at the time.It's called extinction.Because there is no son to pass on the incense.

After my father came back, he wanted him to transfer two rooms so that he could build four rooms.The result was rejected by him.

Cousins ​​are also far and near.The relationship between Xu Seng and the Ye family has already gone through five servers.It is out of the range of five generations of close relatives.Therefore, the relationship with the Ye family is not good.

The trouble now is that the west end of Xu Jiazhan's village is next to the river.When the water comes out every spring, the water can often flood to the edge of the village.

Therefore, the foundations in the village are very high.The padded place has long been covered with houses.Therefore, each family can only flip on the basis of the old house.

This is not the case in the east end of the Meng family's village.

"Dad, let's set up a place at the entrance of the village to come out?"

Ye Yuze opened his mouth to discuss with his father.

Dad hesitated. "Our money is only enough for four vertical brick houses. It costs at least 200 yuan to lay such a high foundation. Not enough money!"

Ye Yuze was relieved immediately after hearing this!As long as it has something to do with money, it's not a problem!

Ye Yuze turned around and went out to Ma Ye's house.

Master Ma is not Ma, but Xu Ma.Although this person is not a cadre in the village.But the prestige is very high.

Because he has seven sons, all tall and strong.Moreover, Master Ma has an upright personality and likes to fight injustice.Therefore, the village cadres usually do not provoke him.

Ma Ye and the Ye family are close relatives.So the relationship is pretty close.

Ye Yuze passed by the canteen in the village on the way to Ma Ye's house.Went in and wanted to buy something as a gift.

Don't think about wine and food, that era didn't exist yet.The commissary is also affiliated with the supply and marketing cooperative, and sells things like oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, needles, threads and brains.

As soon as you enter the door, the most conspicuous is the two large jars, one with soy sauce and the other with vinegar.

Bring your own bottle to play, two cents a bottle.In fact, the taste is not bad, they are all brewed.

The things that are blended with the mess of the later generations are not the same taste at all.

Ye Yuze looked around the shelf.There are some daily necessities sparsely displayed.

At the end, Ye Yuze realized that there were several bottles of wine in a corner.

It must be the reason why it has not been visited for a long time.There was a layer of ash on the wine bottle.No one cleans either.

There are also some pastries here.At that time, most of the desserts were shortbread.

Sweet and crunchy.It looks tough.It melts in the mouth.

This is because this stuff is mixed with oil and sugar.Confirmed with water.

It was a rare treat at the time.Ye Yuze has basically never tasted it.

Ye Yuze directly asked for two bottles of wine and two packs of snacks.The commissary salesperson was stunned.

Such a big family, he has been guarding the store for several years and has never encountered a few.

The guy watching the commissary is an old bachelor in the village.A lame leg.His name is Stone.

He does not belong to the supply and marketing cooperatives, but the brigade takes care of him and cannot do farm work.Just let him see the shop.

Everything in the commissary is something you can buy without a ticket.So the supply and marketing agency is not serious.

He has no wages and earns centimeters.But this guy is good at drilling camps.I can always come up with more snacks to please women when I buy them.

I heard that some greedy wives were really taken advantage of by him.

He didn't know Ye Yuze, so he asked.

"Whose child are you? Why haven't I seen you?"

Glancing at this color embryo, Ye Yuze didn't want to pay attention to him.But thinking about the imminent start of building a house, he smiled.

"I'm Ye Wancheng's eldest son."

Stone's eyes lit up.

"No wonder I dare to buy things like this. It turns out to be the child of the public family."

There was a tsk tsk in the stone's mouth.

At that time, people who worked outside were called Gongmen.In the eyes of the villagers, their status is very high.

"I heard that your family is going to build a house? How are the preparations?"

Stone has nothing to say.Ye Yuze wanted to leave directly.But suddenly remembered something.

"Uncle Stone, can you get meat tickets?"

Stone narrowed his eyes and shook his head. "This is a bit difficult!"

"If you can get fifty pounds of meat tickets, I'll give you two pounds of meat!"

Ye Yuze put down the words and left.This is what he is trying.At that time, it was not bad for ordinary people to eat meat for the New Year.

And many red and white things are replaced with way.can not afford.

Ye Yuze felt that although this guy was lustful, he still had some ability.If you can't buy it, find a way to get some high-priced meat.

In [-], many things have not been controlled so strictly.Isn't it all about giving people a bike to earn extra money today?

Ma Ye is a small old man who is not tall.It can even be said to be a little handsome.I don't know why I gave birth to a bunch of sons who are five big and three rough.

As soon as he entered the door, Master Ma recognized Ye Yuze.Ye Yuze visited the village several times when he was a child.

"Your father and the others have all come to see me. Why do you still take things?"

Master Ma complained to Ye Yuze with some anger.But it didn't mean to refuse.

It seems that the old man is really greedy for wine, especially this kind of bottled wine.He didn't even remember how many years he hadn't had a drink.

Ask for collections, recommendations, monthly passes and investments.

(End of this chapter)

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