The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 13 I heard that you have a crush on me?

Chapter 13 I heard that you have a crush on me for ten years?

When the day turns the night on the bed again, the sun is born!

Xu Jie woke up very early.

Mainly because of something in my heart, I can't sleep.

He had already moved into the villa overnight and lived in the previous room on the first floor, while Su Yun was on the second floor.

Taking a bath, brushing his teeth, shaving, blowing his hair, he cleaned himself up to leave a good impression on Su Yun's parents.

Be a delicate pig even if it is considered a pig.


There was a knock on the door outside the bathroom.


Xu Jie put the hair dryer away, opened the door, and saw Su Yun standing outside. The other party was simply wearing a pink silk nightdress, but it perfectly set off her bumpy figure.

In an instant, all kinds of hormones scurried around the body.

Have fun!
"Have you watched the news?" Su Yun asked calmly.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with her dress. First, it was her own home, so she was used to it. Second, the skirt covered her knees and didn't reveal anything.

"No, what's the matter?" Xu Jie lowered his head and pretended to straighten his hair to prevent the colored light from appearing in his eyes.

Although he is not a decent gentleman, he does not want to be regarded as a womanizer.

"I heard that you had a crush on me when you were in middle school?" Su Yun stared at Xu Jie intently, as if trying to find something on the man's face.

"Who said that?" Xu Jie asked back.

"Your classmate." Su Yun took out her phone and shook it in front of Xu Jie.

"What?" Xu Jie took the phone and was surprised at first, but after a while, he understood what was going on.

The screen shows hot topics on Weibo, one of which is: What do you think of "Lao Xu" who spent 10 years chasing Su Yun!
The reading volume is as high as 4300 million!
It even appeared on the hot search list.

The content is what he posted on Tieba last night.

However, after a whole night of fermentation, the story has appeared in multiple versions, and some people have added a lot to the content of the story.

Originally it was just a [-]-word post, but now it has been edited into a short novel by netizens, and more than one has been written, which is comparable to an essay contest.

Xu Jie was stunned when he saw it, and said to himself: This netizen is really talented.

What is even more interesting is that some netizens take these small essays seriously, and while marveling at the precocity of "Lao Xu", they all express their own reading testimonials.
"It's the most inspiring story I've ever heard, so inspiring."

"You still have to have a lover in your dreams. What if one day it comes true?"

"Others' teens are working hard for female stars, and my teens are working hard for the top."

"This is probably a fairy love story with memories from a previous life. It has long been destined, and mortals like me are only envious."


The original intention of Xu Jie's post was to make those who scold him accept the fact that Su Yun was married by establishing the image of an infatuated man. However, the post was so touching that it had become a fairy love that everyone envied.

Are you pushing yourself too hard?
"Is it true?" Su Yun asked curiously, her eyes full of smiles.

Xu Jie looked at the other party, how could he admit it?
"A rumor, an absolute rumor, how can a three-good student like me fall in love early?"

Xu Jie returned the phone, turned and walked to his room.

For some reason, he always felt that there was an invisible hand behind the public opinion, just like when he saw the information searched by the characters last night.

No one is perfect, and saints are only three to seven, how can there be no negative news at all?
I haven't done anything illegal, but there are always things that violate the school rules, right?
Did you go to an Internet cafe in junior high school?Are you chasing girls in high school?Did you skip classes at university?

Su Yun's eyes followed Xu Jie's figure, and the other party's escaping behavior directly confirmed the doubts in her heart.

The news on the Internet is absolutely true!

She walked over unhurriedly, leaning on the door frame enchantingly, and interviewed Xu Jie: "I married the dream lover of my youth, I wonder what reporter Xu Da thinks?"

"Do you still take the things that netizens wrote indiscriminately?" Xu Jie said lightly.

"There is a certain intention behind every human behavior, even if it is made up by netizens, it has a certain purpose." Su Yun analyzed seriously: "What is the purpose of his doing this? Is he framing you? What's in it for him?"

Xu Jiexin said: The benefits are great, can I tell you?

He untied the belt on the bathrobe, looked back at Su Yun at the door and said, "Do you want to see me change?"

Su Yun nodded seriously, "Think."

"Go out!" Xu Jie said angrily.


He only thought about fooling netizens and forgot the female nerve beside him.

"Don't be so shy, you are mine now." Su Yun said with a smile.

"Go and change clothes." Xu Jie threw a blank eye at the other party and closed the door directly.

"Hee hee, alright!"

A woman's complacent laughter sounded outside.

Not long after, Xu Jie changed his clothes and walked out of the room.

He has a feeling that what he is wearing is not clothes but money. This suit is 6 to 7 yuan inside and out, and it smells like copper when he walks.

And it is precisely this copper smell that fascinates many people.

Su Yun was not on the first floor, and women were always slow to change clothes.

He glanced at the time, it was just 9 o'clock, it seemed a little early, so he sat on the sofa and waited for someone while scanning Weibo.

Looking at it, a group of pictures suddenly came into view.

It was a photo of him shopping with Su Yun last night!
The title is: Su Yun and his wife were met by chance while shopping in the mall, and they were praised for taking photos with fans happily.

There are a lot of photos, there are seven or eight.

Both the two were photographed eating together, and some were photographed buying clothes.

In fact, eating and shopping is nothing at all, after all, he posted on Weibo when he was eating.

The key is that as soon as more photos were released by the news, netizens immediately became uneasy. There were no photos of feeding and killing people on Weibo last night.

First, after ten years of love, and then the sweet life after marriage, these two together are like throwing out a set of king bombs, making those abusers shut up instantly.

Hello, 110?
Someone here is abusing dogs.

what dog?

single dog.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Xu Jie glanced at the time on his phone, it was already 9:45.

This woman won't go back to sleep, will she?

He walked to the stairs leading to the second floor, raised his head and shouted upstairs, "Hey, are you dressed properly?"

When he moved in last night, he made it very clear that his scope of activities was only on the first floor, and he was not allowed to enter the second floor without special circumstances.

"Now, wait for me for a while." Su Yun's voice came from the second floor.

Xu Jie thought that it should be soon, so he stood at the back door of the garage.

As a result, after ten minutes, there was still no one. Just when he was about to call the other party, there was a "click-click" sound from upstairs.

"Going to my house is not yours, so what's the hurry?" Su Yun complained as she walked downstairs.

She was wearing a black sweater with sequins and a long beige plaid skirt, with a rose-red coat and black short boots. She looked very fashionable. She typically required demeanor rather than temperature, and was not afraid of getting cold.

The most important thing is that she also put on makeup, although it is only a light layer, it is very delicate.

"Do you need to dress up like this?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked, "If you know you are going home to see your parents, if you don't know, you think you are going to the red carpet."

Su Yun shook off her long hair, raised her head and said, "Of course I don't need to dress up like this when I go home, but today with you, I have to dress up beautifully so that my family can see my brightest side. , let them know that I am very happy now."

Xu Jie was stunned when he heard it, and what he said seemed to make some sense.



After half an hour's drive, the car slowly drove into the farmhouse.

Xu Jie got out of the car with the gift box in the back row, looked at the gray buildings around him, and felt uneasy in his heart.

The real son-in-law is nervous when he comes to the door, not to mention that he is still a fake and shoddy product?

Su Yun pulled Xu Jie into a residential building. The elevator stopped on the sixth floor. Su Yun pointed to the door on the left and said to Xu Jie, "This is where I grew up."

Going to ring the doorbell.

Xu Jie grabbed the opponent's hand, Su Yun looked over in confusion, Xu Jie took a deep breath, patted his face with his hand, and then said, "Press it."

Su Yun smiled when she saw it, and reached out to ring the doorbell.

The sound insulation of old-fashioned residential buildings is average. After the doorbell rang, a loud voice was heard from inside.

"Come on!"

There was a "click" on the anti-theft door, and then a man in his 50s opened the door, holding a kitchen knife in his hand, which was still stained with blood.

Xu Jie's heart suddenly rose to his throat.

This, what is this for?
They are all scholars, so let's not do it when a gentleman speaks!

(End of this chapter)

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