The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 144 Please call me a chef

Chapter 144 Please call me a chef

With the experience of the first period, and this time with more people, the three modern scenes were filmed very smoothly.

The first one was at the fried belly shop at noon, the second was at the office in the afternoon, and the third was at Uncle Guo’s roast duck restaurant at night, and the handwork was finished before 7 o’clock.

"Let's go first, I'll chat with Uncle Guo for a while." After filming the roast duck, Xu Jie said to the rest of the program crew: "Go to bed early when I go back tonight, and I remember to film soybean juice tomorrow morning."

"Yes, Director Xu."

"Understood, Teacher Xu."

"meet tomorrow!"

Xu Jie sent the man away, and then returned to the roast duck restaurant. Looking at the old man who was clearing the table, he immediately walked over to help.

"Uncle Guo, I'll help you." Xu Jie brought the plate to the back kitchen.

"No, are you still so polite to Uncle Guo?" The old man looked out the window, saw the leaving car, looked at Xu Jie suspiciously and asked, "Why didn't you go with your colleagues?"

"Hey, isn't this asking for something?" Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Please?" The old man frowned immediately when he heard this, "Xiao Xu, what you said is too outlandish, you helped me so much before, I don't know how to thank you, you Just tell me if you have something to do, as long as I, a bad old man, can do it, I will help you."

"Uncle Guo, that's what you said." Xu Jie gradually put away his smile, and said seriously: "Uncle Guo, I want to learn how to cook roast duck from you."

"What?" The old man was stunned for a moment, wondering if he was too old to hear well.

"My show is not only filming food, but also cooking, so I want to ask Uncle Guo to teach me how to make roast duck, from the whole process of selection to slaughter to roast." Xu Jie was a little embarrassed after finishing speaking.

There are many roast duck restaurants in the capital, each of which tastes different, and each has its own secrets, and these secrets are not sold for a lot of money, let alone passed on to outsiders, so his behavior of studying just now was not only abrupt, but also There is also the meaning of being strong.

However, in order to prove that he was really for the show, rather than stealing technology, he took out his mobile phone and played an episode of the first episode of the program that he had downloaded to his mobile phone during the day to prove himself.

The old man stared at the mobile phone screen carefully, especially when he saw Xu Jie transmigrating to ancient times and transforming into a chef, he was taken aback. This part of the shooting took Xu Jie's whole body into the camera, what is it? The dishes were not made by him, and the audience could see clearly.

it's him!
The old man looked at the young man beside him. He had known each other for more than a year, and he didn't know that the other party was a master of cooking. Although he had never eaten it before, the food in the show looked very tempting.

"Did you really do it?" asked the old man.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded and said, "At first I wanted to go to the store to ask the chef to take pictures, but when they heard that they wouldn't advertise, they immediately changed their face and didn't want to go, so I can only drive the ducks to the shelves and play the role of myself." cook."

"Okay boy, keep it secret." The old man patted Xu Jie on the shoulder.

"It's just an ordinary home-cooked practice." Xu Jie said modestly, "I worked in a restaurant before, so I understand more or less. I can know beer duck, dry pot duck, and sauce duck, but this roast duck is not good. meeting."

Roast duck requires a special oven, which is not available in most restaurants, so it cannot be made.

Seeing that the old man didn't speak, Xu Jie continued, "Uncle Guo, if you're worried, we can sign an agreement. If I learn to roast duck and use it for commercial purposes, I'll pay ten times the income from the sale. How about that?" ?”

"Xiao Xu, didn't you say that you slapped your Uncle Guo in the face?" After hearing this, the old man said seriously: "Isn't it just learning to cook roast duck? It’s half buried in the ground, selling roast duck is not for making money, it’s purely for finding something to do, even if I don’t teach you, I have to bring it into the ground.”

Xu Jie's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly, "Then what do you mean..."

"Teach!" The old man said with a smile, "When will you come to learn?"

"The sooner the better." Xu Jie said.

"Then tomorrow morning, come to me at 8 o'clock, and I will take you to catch ducks." The old man said.

"Catch ducks? How many?"



Xu Jie left Uncle Guo's roast duck restaurant and returned home with a piece of roast duck in his hand.

When he came to the restaurant, he was about to take out the lunch box, but found a bowl on the dining table. The content in the bowl was white and tender, like tofu, but when he got closer, it smelled like milk.

This is, royal cheese?
Xu Jie stood there in a daze, could it be that Su Yun did it?

The bowl is from home, so it should be right.

He immediately picked up the spoon on the side and dug it down. The cheese was very delicate and thick, and he couldn't help but eat it. It was tender and smooth in the mouth, full of milky fragrance, but the sour taste was slightly heavy and delicious.

That's right, if the food made by Su Yun has this kind of taste, it is delicious, a hundred times better than the strange slimming soup last night.

And there are no flaws visible from the appearance, so it is absolutely no problem to shoot at this level.

"Su Yun, Su..."

Just as Xu Jie yelled twice, he found the other party's figure in the living room. The woman was leaning on the sofa, her eyes were closed, and she was still wearing last night's pajamas.

The bowl of cheese just now was still a little cold, and it shouldn't be long after it was taken out of the refrigerator, which means that the other party most likely fell asleep just now, or fell asleep unknowingly while waiting for him.

so hard?

Obviously you can rely on your appearance, but you have to work so hard.

Even if you didn't learn it last night, you can learn it again tonight if you are proud.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun's sleeping face, and couldn't bear to wake her up for a while, but seeing her curled up on the sofa, her neck and waist were twisted, and sleeping in that position can hardly be called comfortable.

He thought for a while, then suddenly came to the other party's side, and called softly: "Su Yun, Su Yun?"

Not knowing whether she heard the sound or the posture was uncomfortable, the woman turned around and continued to sleep.

Xu Jie heaved a sigh of relief, and then stretched one hand under the opponent's leg, and wrapped the other around the opponent's waist. With a little force, he picked up Su Yun, still a princess hug.

He hugged Su Yun and walked upstairs, taking every step carefully, for fear of waking her up.

On the second floor, he walked into the woman's room and gently put her on the bed.

"Huh? You're back."

At this time, Su Yun's eyes slowly opened, probably because she was too sleepy, she looked sleepy, and her upper and lower eyelids were fighting.

"En." Xu Jie responded softly.

"The palace cheese is ready, on the dining table, did you see it?" Su Yun asked in a daze.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Su Yun asked again.

"Be more confident, remove the word "?" Xu Jie covered the other party with a quilt.

When Su Yun heard this, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, revealing a smug smile, "I told you, I'm very good now, please call me Chef Saint in the future."


Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, it seemed that the woman had really fallen asleep.

"Have you heard?" Su Yun tugged at Xu Jie's sleeve.

"I heard it." Xu Jie said, "Hurry up and sleep, you son of a bitch."

"It's almost there!"

Su Yun muttered, and finally fell asleep satisfied.


(End of this chapter)

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