Chapter 172 First
The snow has stopped outside, and the land is white. Snowplows and sanitation workers are working hard to clear the snow and restore smooth traffic in the city.

Xu Jie did a simple cleaning of the snow on the car, then shook the snow off his body and got into the car.

"My husband has worked hard." Su Yun said sweetly, and the goddess turned into a little woman again.

Xu Jie let out a "hum", and he understood that the other party did not learn to act for acting, but for playing him. Last night was the best example, he was played clearly.

Su Yun didn't care, started the car and slowly drove out of the Nongda family courtyard, stopped at a traffic light, and asked with a smile, "Hey, what did you and my dad talk about so late last night?"

"Can you hear it?" Xu Jie asked in surprise, recalling what he said last night, it seemed that he was not bragging, it was Su Yun's father who was bragging, and he kept saying "um", "that's right" and "isn't it?" Thumbs up.

"I can hear voices, but I can't hear anything. The Nongda family courtyard is an old building of more than 30 years. You know the sound insulation." Su Yun explained.

"It didn't affect your sleeping with your mother, did it?" Xu Jie asked worriedly.

"It doesn't matter. In fact, the sound is faintly visible. If you don't listen carefully, you can't hear it at all." Su Yun said.

Xu Jie breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Your father taught me how to get along with a husband and wife, let me respect you, tolerate you, and let me pay more..."

He is not a fool, although Su Yun's father has been saying how husband and wife should be, but only to him, not to Su Yun, what is the difference between this and teaching him how to do it?
But there's nothing wrong with what the old man said, who doesn't want their own children?

"Hee hee, coincidence, my mother also said so." Su Yun said with a smile: "I seriously suspect that the two of them discussed it in advance."

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard this. If this is the case, Su Yun's guess is not impossible.

Although he took the initiative to ask Su Yun's father this question, judging from the question Su Yun's father asked, it is actually not far from talking about the relationship between husband and wife.

Presumably, after meeting him once, after more than a month of thinking, I have accepted him in my heart, and at the same time, I don't want to break up my daughter's marriage with my own hands. The old saying goes well: It is better to tear down ten temples than destroy one marriage.Not to mention his own daughter?That's why I called them over for dinner with the reason of missing, the purpose is to show their attitude, so that they can get along in harmony and live a good life.

Well-intentioned ah!

Because of the slippery road in the snow and the traffic jam, the usual half-hour drive took an hour today.

When Xu Jie came to the TV station, he was stopped by the security guard as soon as he entered the gate.

"Mr. Xu, wait!"

Xu Jie stopped and asked, "What's the matter?"

Pointing to the foam box in the corner, the security guard said, "Another box was delivered this morning, the same people from yesterday."

Xu Jie went in and took a look. The foam box was exactly the same as yesterday. No need to ask, it was oysters again. The purpose was to hope that the show would last longer. He only understood the meaning of sending oysters last night after watching Weibo.

Fans of other programs send letters, razor blades, etc. to the director. Fans of his programs are good, sending oysters, and fans of food programs are different.

He began to consider whether to do a curios show.

"Mr. Xu, good morning!" Tian Haobo saw Xu Jie standing in the security room, and took the initiative to greet him.

"Haobo?" Xu Jie's eyes lit up, he quickly waved at the other party, and said, "It's just in time, help me carry the box."

Tian Haobo walked in and took a look, and was stunned. Yesterday he went downstairs to help Mr. Xu carry the boxes, a box full of oysters, and even took them to the cafeteria for lunch.

Originally, the canteen of the unit never processed ingredients, but Mr. Xu told the person in charge of the canteen that it was for the filming of the program "Delicious History", and the person in charge immediately arranged for the staff in the canteen to steam the oysters, and even prepared dipping sauce for him to eat Supported.

Xu Jie and Tian Haobo lifted the box, only to find that it was lighter than yesterday, only a few tens of catties. When the two moved the box back to the Art Center and opened it, they found that it was not oysters, but geoduck, the one with the long trunk of an elephant. Yeah, it's really long.

Xu Jie was stunned, oysters yesterday and geoduck today, did he meet a seafood boss?

The question is whether episode 3 of Tasty History airs tonight or is it 25 minutes.

According to this trend, another box of eels might be given away tomorrow.

No, it can't be sent like this.

He took out his mobile phone, took a few photos of the box, and posted it on Weibo, writing at the same time: "This seafood tycoon who gave away oysters yesterday and geoduck today has finished filming all 5 episodes. It won’t last long, so don’t send it away.”

After sending it out, I turned around and sent the box to the cafeteria, telling the person in charge to shoot geoducks at noon today, please help me deal with them, they can be boiled, fried and stir-fried.

After leaving the cafeteria, he came to the satellite TV program center, waiting for the announcement of the ratings of last night's program.

Before Director Lu came, he took out his mobile phone and entered Weibo, and found that the Weibo that he just sent had already had many comments.

"Haha, someone really gave it to me!"

"Who is it, which big brother? Please be respected by my younger brother."

"Old Xu, since everyone strongly requests, you can lengthen the program a little bit, and extras are also fine."

"If you don't lengthen it, I'll give it to you tomorrow too, and I'll give you the kidney!"

"I'll give you goji berries!"

"I'll give loach!"

"I'll give leeks!"

Xu Jie was speechless, he was obviously refusing to give gifts, but it turned into a gift giving competition.

My kidneys are fine!

Just when Xu Jie didn't know how to stop him, Lu Hong, the director of the satellite TV program center, walked in from the outside with a warm smile like spring on his face.

"Xiao Xu, you did a great job, I didn't misread you!" Lu Hong immediately extended his thumb when he saw Xu Jie.

Xu Jie took a look and understood.

The ratings last night must have been good, definitely higher than episode 1.

Lu Hong posted the ratings form on the bulletin board. Xu Jie didn't read the first two, but directly looked at the last one.

Ranking of self-hosted programs in the evening on February 2:
1: Delicious History, Beijing Satellite TV, ratings: 1.033
2: First look at the big drama, Shanghai Satellite TV, ratings: 1.031
3: Today's review, Zhejiang-Hangzhou Satellite TV, ratings: 0.986

"Xiao Xu, congratulations, you are No. 1 in the evening!" Lu Hong said with a smile. In his opinion, this is not only the victory of "Delicious History", but also the victory of Beijing Satellite TV.

Finally the first time!

Even if it is only 2 more than No. 0.002, No. 1 is No. 1.

"The ratings broke 1, that's amazing!"

"Teacher Xu, congratulations!"

"Director Xu, I knew your show would be No. 1 sooner or later, haha!"

"The ratings in the future will definitely get better and better."

"Our Capital Satellite TV finally has a show that we can sell."

Everyone was happy for Xu Jie, but also for themselves.

The ratings of some programs rushed to No. 1 in the country, which made them feel a lot easier. After all, the TV station has attached great importance to the revision of the satellite TV channel and put a lot of effort into it. If the ratings of the programs are still average, it means If the revision fails, then the scolding will be small, and the bonus deducted will be big, but now it is different. With a blockbuster show, the revision cannot be regarded as a failure.

Revamping is actually a process of exploration. It is normal for some to be hot and some to be cold, but it is not normal for all to be cold.

Everyone thanked Xu Jie from the bottom of their hearts, because it was Xu Jie who saved them.


 Thanks to the book friend ⑨ ō, the little fart boy, for the 3000 starting point coins rewarded!Thanks for the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friends and other Feng Yun!
(End of this chapter)

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