The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 175 Fried Eggs 1 Cut

Chapter 175 Egg Frying Everything

At night, when Xu Jie came home, he heard the sound of "Zi La" and "Ding Dang" coming from the direction of the kitchen as soon as he entered the door.

No need to ask, Su Yun is making steak pasta again, it has been like this for the past few days.

Su Yun was not invited to participate in the Spring Festival Gala in various places this year, which also made her feel uncomfortable every day. Apart from the regular acting and body classes, she just cooks for fun every day.

Especially after learning the royal cheese, the whole person began to have full confidence in cooking, thinking that it was not that I was not good at cooking, but that I lacked exercise before. As long as I spend a little more time, there is nothing I can’t make. Steak pasta is the best. good proof.

"I said my wife, can we change a few, no matter how delicious the food is, you will get tired of eating it every day." Xu Jie took off his down jacket and came to the kitchen. Now he finally understands why foreigners like to eat Chinese food.

There are many varieties of Chinese cuisine, many ways, and many tricks. It is not as monotonous as Western food. There are only a few kinds of dishes, whether it is steak, sausage, salad, or noodles. Who will not get tired of it?
"Hee hee, I knew you would say that, so I changed a new trick for you today." Su Yun said with a smile.

"Oh? What did you do?" Xu Jie asked after hearing it. At this time, he was very complicated in his heart, expecting and worried.

The anticipation was because I vomited from the steak pasta, and finally I was able to eat something else.I was worried because I felt that with the other party's cooking skills, other dishes might not be as good as steak pasta, so I was entangled.

Su Yun brought two dishes to Xu Jie, "Take it."

Xu Jie saw that it was scrambled eggs with tomatoes and scrambled eggs with green peppers. Immediately afterwards, an ominous premonition rose in his heart.

When he brought two dishes to the dining table, he saw Su Yun walking over with two dishes, one was scrambled eggs with leeks, and the other was scrambled eggs with cucumbers.


Eggs scramble everything.

"Eat with confidence, this time is different from usual." Su Yun said confidently.

Xu Jie looked at the dishes and asked curiously: "What's different, aren't they all fancy scrambled eggs?"

"Did you underestimate me? This time I have strictly controlled the amount of salt and sugar." Su Yun said seriously.

"How strict?" Xu Jie asked.

"Tell me that the amount of salt in a dish should not exceed 3 grams." Su Yun said and took out a spoon from her pocket, "So I bought it."

Xu Jie took it over and saw that there was an Arabic numeral on the handle of the spoon: 3. Combined with what the other party said just now, this should be a measuring spoon, and the weight when filled is 3 grams.

Hehe, I don't have the numbers in my hands, so I use my brain to make up.

Not bad.

Xu Jie returned the spoon to Su Yun, took a bite of scrambled eggs with leeks with the chopsticks nearby, the scrambled eggs were old, and the leeks were cut too long, but the taste is definitely better than before, not salty, no strange taste, It seems that this woman has kept his teachings in mind: when you don't know what seasoning to put in the stir-fry, just add salt.In this way, even if the dishes are not delicious, they will definitely not be unpalatable.

"How?" Su Yun stared at Xu Jie and asked, "I followed the method you taught me. If it still doesn't taste good, you can only find the reason yourself."

Xu Jie frowned. It’s because the earth doesn’t have gravity because he can’t poop. After studying for so long, he didn’t learn how to flip the spoon, but he did it very well. He ate it and said, “Your fancy scrambled eggs may It's time to stop."

"Why? Isn't it delicious?" Su Yun asked.

Xu Jie shook his head and said, "The third episode is about to start shooting. Like the second episode, I have arranged a snack for you."

Su Yun took out her mobile phone to check the date, and reminded, "Do you know how many days are left before Chinese New Year?"

The implication: Chinese New Year is coming soon, who still wants to make a show?

She has already wrapped the red envelopes, and is going to go to the studio tomorrow to give the staff a holiday until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. After the fifteenth day, she will also join the filming team.

"I know, that's why I have to hurry up and try to finish the filming before the end of the year, so that everyone can have a good year easily and comfortably." Xu Jie looked at Su Yun and asked, "Why, you don't want to film ?”

"Shoot, why don't you shoot?" Su Yun snapped her fingers and said, "I can learn how to make snacks, show my face in acting, and earn money. I have no reason to refuse. What are you going to do this time? "

"Pea yellow."

"Okay, you teach me." Su Yun said.Pea yellow is a traditional cake in the old capital. It looks very ordinary and simple, but it is different when it is filmed into a story.

"Delicious History" is not only about food, but also food culture. The story behind the food is the focus of people's attention.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun and thought: Of course I want to teach, but do I let you learn by yourself?So it will take years of dogs and horses and months to learn it?
"One more thing." Xu Jie said: "I now need four stars to appear in my show, two men and two women, the salary is 150 million a day, and the actual shooting time is less than one day. I don't know if your agency can accept this business. catch?"

"Oh?" Su Yun's eyes lit up when she heard it, "This time it's all up to you?"

Xu Jie nodded and said, "Yeah, you might not believe it, but the sponsors are still stuffing actors into my show."

"Hee hee!" Su Yun was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "Stuffing actors in food shows? This is the first time I've heard of such a thing, but who told you to make food shows feel like a time-travel drama? You need to contact Sister Hua about this matter, you know, as the Chinese New Year is approaching, many celebrities will attend Spring Festival Gala in various places, and I don’t know who in the company has time and who doesn’t.”

After speaking, he picked up the phone and called Liu Jinghua.

Soon, the phone is connected.

"Sister Hua, do you have time?" Su Yun asked, then put the phone on speakerphone and put it on the dining table so that Xu Jie could also hear it.

"Yes, yes, what's the matter?" There was a quick panting sound from the microphone.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it. Why does the rhythm of this voice sound so familiar, especially in foreign science and education films, which can often be heard.

What is that old woman doing?
What time is this?

Su Yun also heard something strange, immediately picked up the phone, turned off the speakerphone, and asked in a low voice, "Sister Hua, what are you doing?"

"Playing badminton, what's wrong?"

Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, turned to Xu Jie and explained, "Sister Hua is playing badminton." Then she turned on the speakerphone and asked, "Sister Hua, my husband's show needs four first-line stars, and the salary is 1 million a day. , I wonder if anyone in the company is willing to take this job?"

"Your husband? You mean Xu Jie's show, "Delicious History"?" Liu Jinghua's surprised voice came from the alley.

"Yes." Su Yun said.

"Okay." Liu Jinghua said excitedly: "Wait a minute, I'll go to your house now, let's meet and talk."

"Well, I'll wait for you!"


 Thank you book friend Tianxia Zhiba for rewarding 1500 starting coins!Thanks for the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friend Wuyin Lonely Guest!
(End of this chapter)

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