The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 177 Plastic Sister Flower?

Chapter 177 Plastic Sister Flower?
"Jiang Cheng, won the Best New Actor Award at the Shenzhou Film Awards, the Best Actor Award at the Popular Film Festival, and the Audience Favorite Actor Award at the China TV Festival. He is an absolute first-line niche. If you don't believe me, ask Yunyun." Dare to be careless, he opened his mouth and reported the hottest actor in his agency.

In fact, as a manager, she doesn't think Jiang Cheng is suitable for the program "Delicious History". After all, Jiang Cheng's popularity is already very high, and one episode of the program will not help his popularity much. What Jiang Cheng needs now is The big production consolidated his status as an A-list star.

However, I was frightened by the man next to me just now. I didn't dare to carry private goods, and I didn't want to miss this opportunity, so I can only take out a star of Jiang Cheng's level, which can be regarded as an expression of my sincerity for cooperation. I hope there will be more cooperation in the future. Opportunity.

"Well, Jiang Cheng is indeed a first-line player, and his popularity has been very high in the past two years." Su Yun looked at Xu Jie and said.

Xu Jie believed in Su Yun, but he searched it with his mobile phone. This star has a lot of works. There are more than a dozen TV dramas in total, and most of them are starring roles. The awards he has won are also on the screen of his mobile phone Can't fit, you need to swipe the screen to see all.

"Okay, Jiang Cheng counts as one." Xu Jie nodded in agreement.

Liu Jinghua breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "Cheng Yilong is also good, he is a first-line actor in the domestic TV drama circle, basically there will be a hit TV series every two years..."

She knew that it would be useless to talk too much, so she directly searched out Cheng Yilong's personal information on the Internet and passed it to the man, saving her saliva from being wasted.

Xu Jie scanned it. It was not as good as the previous one, but he was still well-known.

Wait a minute.

Xu Jie looked at Liu Jinghua, and said: "Compared with Jiang Cheng, there is obviously a gap in coffee status between Cheng Yilong and Jiang Cheng. To invite these two people with the same salary, is it a bit unfair for me to spend the money? Are you here to play fish in troubled waters with me again?"

"No, really not!" Liu Jinghua quickly shook his head and explained: "Jiang Cheng made his debut earlier than Cheng Yilong, so it seems that he is bigger than Cheng Yilong, but Cheng Yilong's popularity is not worse than Jiang Cheng's, and the Chinese New Year is coming soon. Invitation to the Spring Festival Gala, I have tried my best to recommend stars for you, as for the salary issue, we can discuss it, you think Cheng Yilong is not enough, how about reducing the salary to 100 million?"

"Am I short of the 50 yuan?" Xu Jie frowned and said, saving money is saving money for sponsors, not for him, no matter how much you save, it won't go into his pocket.

"Husband, it's really hard to find actors near the end of the year." Su Yun said to Xu Jie in a low voice, "Everyone is either going to the Spring Festival Gala, or going home to celebrate the New Year. Even movies and TV shows are mostly in a state of suspension. I understand, I reminded you before."

Xu Jie remembered that before Liu Jinghua came, Su Yun did mention that it was difficult to find actors at the end of the year.

"Where's the actress?" Xu Jie asked.

"I've already thought about actresses, Yang Lan and Wang Chen, these two are real first-line actresses, if you don't believe me, check!" Liu Jinghua finally felt confident.

Of course, it is impossible to say that there is no selfishness.

In mid-March, Cheng Yilong and Yang Lan's big IP costume drama will be broadcast on Sujiangwei. They are arranged in "Delicious History", and this opportunity can be used to promote the broadcast of this costume drama.

Xu Jie searched the Internet again, and after confirming that the two actresses were indeed qualified, he said: "Okay, just these four people, the shooting time is scheduled for this Friday and Saturday, and I will post the location and script in I'll send it to you tomorrow, no problem?"

"No." Liu Jinghua said.

The four of them haven't had any activities recently, and they are ready to take advantage of the Chinese New Year to take a good rest, so it doesn't matter if they arrange filming temporarily. After all, there is only one day.

"You go to Beijing TV station tomorrow morning to find me. Let's sign the contract. By the way, tell these four stars that I hate being late." Xu Jie reminded.

Liu Jinghua nodded. After seeing each other for a few days, he felt that the other party's aura had become stronger.

After a while, she saw that the other party stopped talking, and knew that the matter was over, so she got up and said, "If there is nothing else, I will leave first. See you tomorrow morning."

"Sister Hua, please sit down for a while." Su Yun pulled Liu Jinghua intimately and said.

"Oh, I won't bother you young couple anymore." Liu Jinghua said, she knew that she was not welcomed by Xu Jie, and instead of staying here and looking at people's cold faces, it is better to leave quickly.

Xu Jie looked at Liu Jinghua's leaving back. When did that woman who wanted to force them to divorce become so sensible?

After sending Liu Jinghua away, Su Yun returned to the living room, looked at Xu Jie with a smile and asked, "Are you happy?"

"What's cool?" Xu Jie asked.

"Of course it's the feeling of reprimanding Sister Hua." Su Yun said.

"That's so cool. I'm here for work, not to vent my personal anger. Who do you take me for?" Xu Jie said seriously after hearing this.

"Yes, you are selfless, I am narrow-minded." Su Yun sat beside Xu Jie, took a bite of the apple on the coffee table, and said while eating, "I don't think Sister Hua would have dreamed that one day she would have Look at your complexion, hehe."

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun, frowned and asked, "Why do I feel that you are so cool?"

"I can't say it's cool, but I just think that Sister Hua's deflated look is very interesting." Su Yun said with a smile.

"Aren't you and her good sisters? Are you two plastic sisters?" Xu Jie asked.

"Heh, how many real sisters are there in the entertainment industry?" Su Yun said lightly.

Xu Jie deeply agreed after hearing it.

After New Year's Day, Su Yun's activities were basically zero, and Liu Jinghua's contact with Su Yun also decreased, and she didn't even take the initiative to contact Su Yun for activities.

When it's hot, everyone will play with you, but when it's cold, who will play with you?


Early Thursday morning, the BMW Mini parked outside Beijing TV station.

"Don't forget the appointment tonight." Su Yun instructed.

"En." Xu Jie nodded. The parents of the two families will meet tonight. How could he forget such an important event?
"I'll pick you up tonight?" Su Yun asked.

"No, you pick up your parents, I pick up my parents, let's meet at the restaurant." Xu Jie said.

"Okay." Su Yun drove away after finishing speaking, and she had to go home to practice making pea yellow.

Watching the car go away, Xu Jie walked towards the gate. Instead of entering the building, he went straight to the security room.

"Brother Wang, do you still have my package today?" Xu Jie asked the security guard.

"Teacher Xu, look..." The security guard pointed to the corner and said with a wry smile, "These are all for you. There are several groups of people."

Xu Jie was taken aback when he saw it. The big foam box from the previous two days was gone, but there were many more convenience bags. When he opened it, he found leeks, goji berries, kidney treasures, and roasted kidneys. The roasted kidneys are cold. It looks like it was baked last night.


Xu Jie was speechless.

Yesterday, he saw a lot of people on Weibo wanting to give him things. He thought everyone was joking, just talking about it. After all, the purpose of his post on Weibo was to persuade everyone not to give things, but who would have thought that it would be better not to say it? , said to send more.

Is this trying to make him out of kidney stones?

(End of this chapter)

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