The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 194 The Biggest Problem

Chapter 194 The biggest problem
General Manager's Office.

"Yunyun, I've already talked to Mr. Ding of Daniu Company, and their people will be here soon." Liu Jinghua said with a smile, then picked up a cup, looked at Su Yun and asked, "What would you like to drink? Water or coffee?" ?”

"Sister Hua, I'm not thirsty, so don't be so polite." Su Yun said with a light smile.

After hearing this, Liu Jinghua poured a glass of water and put it in front of Su Yun, and said, "Daniu Company is very sincere, and the endorsement fee is not negotiable. By the way, how did they find you? Could it be because of yesterday's program?" ?”

She is very curious about this matter. Su Yun's current star commercial value is very low. She shouldn't be approached by a big brand to endorse her. Even if she is on the show, her influence is very limited. Can do market research, should know this.

"It was introduced by my husband." Su Yun said.

"You mean Xu Jie?" Liu Jinghua was taken aback, when did that man get involved with the advertiser?

Su Yun saw Sister Hua's doubts, so she explained: "Daniu Company is the sponsor of "Delicious History"."


Liu Jinghua suddenly realized.

"Yunyun." Liu Jinghua sat next to Su Yun at this time and asked, "Do you know which celebrities Xu Jie plans to invite to appear in the fourth issue of "Delicious History"?"

"The fourth episode? Now he hasn't even finished filming the third episode, how can he think about the fourth episode?" Su Yun said.

"That's not necessarily the case. Isn't it time to shoot the fourth episode after the third episode?" Liu Jinghua took Su Yun's hand and said intimately: "Yunyun, he had you in the first three episodes, and the fourth episode will definitely be filmed as well." You are indispensable, can you recommend our company's artistes to him?"

"Sister Hua, he is a person who is very serious about his work. If he has a candidate in mind, even if I tell him, he may not necessarily listen." Su Yun said lightly, implying that I don't want to interfere with work matters. .

"Yunyun, you are his wife, how could he not listen to you? He loves you so much, he will definitely listen." Liu Jinghua said holding her hands.

"Sister Hua, you think highly of me too much."

"Honey, if you have to help, consider it as helping the company bring people in, and the income will be included in your income." Liu Jinghua said seriously, this is her big trump card.

The year before last, Su Yun became a shareholder of Prosperity Economic and Cultural Company. In addition to the task of bringing in newcomers, there was also a four-year contract with a profit of 4 million yuan. Simply put, it was a gambling agreement. If it could not be completed, she could only use cash to make up for it price difference.

Although Su Yun is a first-line artist, due to the downturn in the music industry in recent years, her income as a singer has dropped sharply. 0, although there are still two years to go, it is almost impossible to complete the bet.

But it’s different now. If the remuneration of the artists who shoot the show is counted in Su Yun’s studio’s revenue, 5 people will get 750 million yuan for one episode, and 12 million yuan for 9000 episodes a year. It’s possible to complete the VAM agreement.

Su Yun looked at Liu Jinghua silently, and sure enough, the closer people are, the more they understand her weaknesses. The other party knows that the biggest problem she faces now is the gambling agreement, so she throws out such a temptation.

I have to admit that this temptation is really great for her.

"I, let's try." Su Yun thought for a while and said, without a clear promise, nor a clear disapproval.

Liu Jinghua smiled.

In her opinion, if you try, you will succeed. What weapon can be more powerful than blowing pillow wind?

At this moment, the phone on the table rang, and Liu Jinghua pressed the call button.

"what's up?"

"Mr. Liu, the people from Daniu Company have arrived."

"Take it to my office."

"Alright Mr. Liu."

Liu Jinghua stood up and said to Su Yun: "Here is the person, let's go and greet him."

For them, the advertiser is the God of Wealth, and there is no reason not to welcome the money giver.

So, the two walked out of the office together and stood at the elevator door to wait.

Not long after, the elevator door opened, and a man and a woman led by the company's front desk came out.

"You are Mr. Zhao, right?" Liu Jinghua reached out to the woman and said, "I'm Liu Jinghua. We talked on the phone earlier."

"Hello." Zhao Jie shook hands with Liu Jinghua, his eyes lit up when he saw Su Yun at the side, and he said with a smile: "Ms. Su, I am Zhao Jie, the deputy general manager of Daniu Company. Your program, you yourself are more beautiful than the TV station."

"Mr. Zhao, you are too polite." Su Yun said with a smile.

Liu Jinghua pointed in the direction of the office and said, "Mr. Zhao, let's talk in the office, please."

A group of people came to Liu Jinghua's office. Zhao Jie didn't talk nonsense. After sitting down, he directly took over the product spokesperson's contract from the assistant and handed it to Su Yun, saying, "This is the contract that President Liu and I negotiated before. If Miss Su There is no doubt, you can sign it."

Without saying a word, Su Yun picked up the signature pen and wrote her name on the back.

In fact, she has already read this endorsement agreement. It was sent to her by Liu Jinghua before. This is a normal endorsement agreement. She has signed too many such agreements, so there is no need to worry about anything.

Seeing how happy Su Yun was, Zhao Jie also showed a smile on her face. After Su Yun finished signing, she smiled and said, "Miss Su, welcome to join our big family of Daniel brand spokespersons."

"It's my honor." Su Yun said.

"Shall we take a picture?" Zhao Jie asked.

"Okay." Su Yun nodded.

The two stood together, holding the endorsement agreement in their hands. The assistant took out his mobile phone and took a picture of this scene. Although it is just a photo, it can also be used for publicity.

"Mr. Zhao, I don't know when your company plans to shoot commercials for Su Yun? Our company has a professional commercial production team and a first-class commercial director. It must be..."

Before Liu Jinghua finished speaking, Zhao Jie interrupted her.

"Thank you Mr. Liu for your kindness, but we already have a director, Director Xu."

"Director Xu? Which Director Xu?" Liu Jinghua asked in confusion.

"Of course it's Ms. Su's husband, Director Xu Jie, the director of "Delicious History". Why, didn't Director Xu tell you?" Zhao Jie asked.

Liu Jinghua looked at Su Yun, who shook her head.

"It seems that Director Xu wants to surprise Ms. Su." Zhao Jie said with a smile: "Actually, Mr. Ding originally planned to invite Mr. Accept the endorsement and act in commercials, but finally agreed to shoot commercials for us."

Liu Jinghua was stunned, that man can still shoot commercials?This is really... so versatile!

But what followed was depression.

If you don't film your show well on the TV station, why would you compete with us for a job?

Su Yun thought of more at the moment.

She knew that Xu Jie was very busy recently, busy filming TV programs. At this time, the other party was still able to accept the job of filming commercials. There must be some unknown reason for this.

She took out her mobile phone and sent a text message to the other party: "The endorsement contract has been signed."

After a while, the man replied: "A treat."

"Well, wait for you!"


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(End of this chapter)

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