Chapter 201

On Monday, when Xu Jie came to work, colleagues in the office area were discussing the new program.

"Have you all heard that our station is going to open a new crossover program called "Crossover Actors"?"

"I heard that it seems that a singer is invited to act. It is the opposite of "Crossover Singer". The production team has already started to prepare, and the filming will start after the Spring Festival."

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, let alone in a TV station where reporters gather together.

"So fast? What about "Crossover Singer"? Will it stop?"

"Don't worry, it won't stop. It's not the same type of program. In the future, our station will have three cross-border programs. I just don't know if the audience will buy it or not."

"The new celebrity variety show, the audience should watch it fresh and the pictures are lively, the ratings should be good, but "Crossover Singer" and "Crossover Comedian", if the ratings of these two shows this year are still as bad as last year, I think It will really stop next year.”

Some colleagues are very worried because they are members of the production team of "Crossover Singer" and "Crossover Comedian".

Not long after, Jiang Hai walked in from the outside, and the work area immediately became quiet.

At this time, Qin Yan stood up and asked, "Director, is the news about the new program true?"

Jiang Hai was taken aback when he heard it, "What new program?"

"A crossover actor!" Qin Yan said.

"Who did you listen to?" Jiang Hai frowned.

"It's spreading throughout Taiwan," Qin Yan said.

Xu Jie thought that not only the whole Taiwan, but even outsiders knew about it.

Jiang Hai was startled, apparently he didn't expect the news to spread so fast, he knew that this matter must not be hidden, and the production team will be prepared in the next few days, so he nodded and said, "It's true."

Qin Yan immediately laughed, and said excitedly: "Director, is the host confirmed?"

Jiang Hai walked towards his office and said, "No, the show has just been confirmed, and the team hasn't started recruiting yet."

"Really? Then what do you think of me?" Qin Yan asked, following closely behind Jiang Hai.

Although her program has the highest ratings in the art channel, she still hopes to show herself on a larger platform. As the old saying goes, people go to high places, and water flows to low places. This new program is very important to her. It's a great opportunity.

"You?" Jiang Hai turned his head and took a look.

"Yeah, in terms of image and ability, what's wrong with me?" Qin Yan's voice revealed a sense of confidence, "Cross-border singers and cross-border comedians have participated in our art center, and all available channels are satellite TV channels. The host, this time it's our art channel's turn, right?"

"You have already hosted the Spring Festival Gala, so don't be too greedy, okay?" Jiang Hai said with a straight face pretending to be serious.

He also has a headache about this matter. Whenever a large-scale variety show is launched, there will be people asking him for help openly and secretly. People under him, people from other channels, and people from outside can be said to be in an endless stream. .

Take the program "Crossover Actor" as an example. I only confirmed it with the leader yesterday morning, but his phone kept ringing in the afternoon, and he didn't sleep well all night.

In fact, with Qin Yan's professional ability, it's not impossible to host this variety show, but he has a little bit of his own selfishness in it.

Qin Yan is the backbone of the art program center, and also the face of the art channel. Once the other party becomes the host of "Crossover Actor", his popularity will be greatly improved. If the other party is poached by the satellite TV center, will he let him go or not?


Jiang Hai closed the office door heavily.

He was not angry, the reason why he slammed the door was to let his subordinates know who was the director of the art program center.

If the tiger doesn't show off its power, do you really think I'm a sick cat?


At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in!" Jiang Hai said in a deep voice.

The door opened, and Xu Jie came in from the outside.

Jiang Hai was slightly taken aback, the expression on his face softened immediately, and he asked in an amiable manner, "Xiao Xu, what can I do for you?"

"Director." Xu Jie came to Jiang Hai with a smile and asked, "About the star lineup of "Crossover Actor", is it confirmed now?"

"This matter, it's too early." Jiang Hai said: "The production team hasn't decided yet, let alone celebrities."

Regarding the matter of inviting celebrities, he has already discussed with Lao Lu. First, release the news of the production of the new program, wait for entertainment companies, brokerage companies, and celebrities to sign up, and then select the best from among these people. After all, there is no star who does not want such excellent variety show resources.

"Director, I think that in the first season of "Crossover Actors", we must invite singers who are well-known, popular with audiences, and have certain acting skills to participate. In this way, the content of the show will be more exciting and the audience will like it more. , if I find some pure singers, I am worried that the performance will be too awkward, and the show will be hacked." Xu Jie said seriously.

"Well, it makes sense!" Jiang Hai nodded, "Crossover Singer" is the best example.

Those actors with certain singing skills are more popular in the show, and those stars without singing skills are real, but they will inevitably be complained by the audience, which will rise to an attack on the entire show.

"Director, I want to recommend someone to you." Xu Jie said.

Jiang Hai was slightly taken aback. If he didn't misunderstand, the other party seemed to be begging him for help. This should be the first time that the other party has taken the initiative to open the back door since he joined the Arts Program Center. Before asking for money, it is not counted, because those are all business.

"Oh? Who?" Jiang Hai asked with interest.

"Su Yun!" Xu Jie said.

"Su Yun? Your daughter-in-law?" Jiang Hai was taken aback for a moment. The other party spared such a big trick before just to recommend a daughter-in-law?It's true that you don't shy away from relatives.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded, and analyzed to the other party: "My wife is a Chinese singer. Needless to say, she is well-known. She has also guest starred in several movies and has acting skills. Not to mention her popularity. I just talked to her. When I got married, everyone who met me said that a flower stuck in cow dung, isn't it very suitable?"

"Well, based on your daughter-in-law's achievements, it's more than enough to join this show, but who to choose in the end has to be discussed collectively. It's not up to me alone, I only have one vote!" Jiang Hai said.

"Director, aren't you the chief director? What you say doesn't count?" Xu Jie asked.

"There are also several bosses of the cooperative unit!"

"Director, you are the director of the cultural program center of Beijing TV station. You are the boss of the cultural program. You have to stand up and show strength. Otherwise, how can you highlight your importance?"

Jiang Hai smiled wryly and said, "Xiao Xu, we want democracy, we can't talk about it, understand?"

In fact, the subtext is: In a program that several departments cooperate, the benefits must be shared equally, and one person cannot eat alone.

They are all people in the circle, who doesn't have a relationship yet?
"Oh, I see!" Xu Jie turned around and left, "Then I'll go to Director Lu and ask if it's okay."

"Wait!" Jiang Hai stood up from his chair with a "chuckle" and quickly stopped Xu Jie.

Can he be in a hurry?

Lu Hong has been thinking about the young man in front of him for a long time. If Xu Jie went to find Lu Hong at this time, and the old Lu agreed, wouldn't he be compared?
"Xiao Xu, I just said that I am not the only one who has the final say, but I can help you convince other people." Jiang Hai changed his words and said, "Leave this matter to me, and you must ask for a place for your wife. After all We are all our own."

"Really? Thank you so much Director Jiang." Xu Jie said gratefully.

"It's a trivial matter!" Jiang Hai waved his hand.

It seems that only one place can be squeezed out of his own hands.


 Thank you book friends for the 500 starting coins for eating candy on the lemon tree, thank you for the 200 starting coins for the book friend zzz, thank you for the 100 starting coins for a bottle of rewards, and thank you for the book friend Wu Yin The 100 starting coins rewarded by the lone guest, thanks to the book friend Tianzhitianlanlan for the 100 starting coins rewarded!
(End of this chapter)

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