Chapter 203
As time passed day by day, the Spring Festival was getting closer and closer, and Xu Jie was getting busier, and he hadn't been home for two days.

Fortunately, hard work paid off. After two consecutive nights of work, on the morning of the 13th, that is, on the 15th day of the Chinese New Year, the advertisement for Mousse Cheese was finally completed, and he handed it over to Ding Zhenye of Daniu Company. The other party was very satisfied after seeing this [-]-second advertisement, praised Xu Jie's work ability, and decided to launch a nationwide publicity immediately.

In Xu Jie's view, no matter what ability to work or not, as long as the money is in place, I can do any job, as long as you give me money, I don't dislike any job.

However, because of the advertisement, the production of the third episode of "Delicious History" has been delayed. Fortunately, the pre-shooting work has been completed, and it will not be too late to do the post-production after returning from the Spring Festival. It is just expected Long vacations may be shortened by a few days.

"Ring bell bell!"

Xu Jie's cell phone rang suddenly, and he glanced at the caller ID on the screen. It was Su Yun calling, and he should be waiting impatiently.

It was agreed to pick up her parents on the morning of Thirty, and then drive to his house to celebrate the New Year together, and it is already past 11 o'clock.


Xu Jie picked up his clothes and connected the phone.

"Hi, I'm waiting for the elevator and I'll be going downstairs soon." He said as he walked out.

"En." Su Yun responded softly when she heard it.

Although she was a little impatient, she didn't mean to urge the other party. After all, it was for work, and she was still busy with her advertisement.

Xu Jie hurriedly left the art program center. When he took the elevator downstairs, he found himself unkempt in the mirror on the wall. Not only was his face pale, but even his eye circles were dark as if he had put on smoky makeup. Hair, decadent Gothic from the neck up, and vampire with fangs.

But this is normal, after all, after two days and two nights in the work unit, no matter how high-quality human males are, they can't wake up.

The elevator stopped on the first floor, and Xu Jie came to the bathroom immediately. He turned on the tap, and the cold tap water slapped his face indiscriminately. Seeing Su Yun's parents, they are too slovenly.

After tidying up briefly, he left the bathroom. Just as he walked out of the gate on the first floor of the TV station, the north wind mixed with snowflakes hit his face after washing with cold water. The icy cold feeling was so refreshing that it made people fly rise.

Especially the hair with water, it feels like it has been frozen into ice.

He didn't think much about it when he arrived, and quickly rushed out of the unit compound, and got into the co-pilot of a BMW mini parked by the roadside.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." Xu Jie said embarrassedly. The other party came at 10 o'clock and waited here for more than an hour.

"It's nothing." Su Yun looked at the tired look on the man's face, and asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, am I fine?" Xu Jie said indifferently. Apart from being a little sleepy, there was nothing wrong with him. "Let's go, don't make your parents wait in a hurry."

"Yes." Su Yun nodded and drove away from the TV station.

Probably because of the [-]s, there were few cars and people on the road. The shops on both sides of the road had been closed. The traffic that was usually congested became smoother today, and soon came to the Nongda Family Building.

Su Yun didn't go upstairs, but made a phone call. It didn't take long to see Su Changzhi, Zhang Simin, and Su Lei coming out from the first floor, carrying a lot of things in their hands.

Xu Jie got out of the car immediately when he saw it, and went forward to take the things from Su Yun's parents. There were several bottles of wine in the bag, and seafood in the foam box.

"Dad, Mom, didn't I tell you that you don't need to bring these things, my family has them all." Xu Jie said.

"This is our little wish." Su Changzhi said with a smile.

Going to someone's house to eat or live in someone's house is already troublesome to them. If you don't bring something, how can you have the nerve to go?
In fact, this has nothing to do with what you take, it is mainly about your heart, and courtesy is reciprocal.

"Xiao Xu, why are your dark circles so heavy? Didn't you have a good rest recently?" Zhang Simin asked with concern.

"The unit is busy these days, and I have worked overtime for a few days, it's nothing." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"You should also pay attention to your body. You don't feel it now. It's because you are young. In fact, fatigue is accumulated in your body, and it will show up when you get old." Zhang Simin said earnestly.

"Mom is right, I will pay attention to it in the future." Xu Jie accepted it humbly, and at the same time was very happy. Su Yun's mother had completely accepted him, otherwise she would not have said these words.

He wanted to put things in the trunk of the BMW Mini, but when he opened it, he found that it was already filled with things by Su Yun. In addition to the suitcase containing a change of clothes, there were also some tea, health care products, sugar, etc. .

"Put it in my dad's car." Su Yun pointed to a Passat on the side of the road.

Xu Jie walked over. Su Lei opened the trunk and was stuffing things into it. When he saw Xu Jie, he immediately said with a smile, "Brother-in-law, I'll help you." After speaking, he took the things in Xu Jie's hand.


Xu Jie frowned slightly when he heard it. If he remembered correctly, this was the first time the other party called him brother-in-law, and he had to go through a body massage before.

Is it because you know that you will go to his territory later?

"Well, not bad." Xu Jie nodded, and handed everything in his hand to the other party, "It's Chinese New Year, and you have grown up too."

"Well, I was ignorant at the beginning, but now I have grown up." Su Lei said seriously.

He used to think that the other party was just a poor little reporter, but now it's different, the other party has suddenly turned into a rich second generation, and his value has immediately increased.

And I heard from Wu Hao that the other party is still the director of the most popular TV show in Beijing, and his future is limitless. It's not bad to think about having such a person as a brother-in-law.

As for the unhappiness in the past, he has already left behind him, and he is a real man who can bend and stretch.

"Brother-in-law, don't you still care about the past?" Su Lei asked in a low voice.

"You're so cute, why?" Xu Jie stretched out his hand and patted the other person's shoulder, showing an amiable smile like an old father.

"I knew that my brother-in-law, the Prime Minister, could hold a boat in his belly, so he definitely wouldn't care." Su Lei breathed a sigh of relief.

"When I beat you before, I may have hit you a little harder. I don't know if there are any sequelae. Shall I give you a bottle of Dieda wine?" Xu Jie asked with 'concern'.

"It's okay, I'm in good health." Su Lei patted his chest behind him, but after he finished speaking, he felt something was wrong.

Dietary wine?
Dad drinking?
Isn't this taking advantage of him?

Su Lei looked at his brother-in-law suspiciously, could it be that he misunderstood?The heart of a villain measures the belly of a gentleman?
"Xiao Lei, drive behind my car later!" Su Yun shouted suddenly.

Su Lei hurriedly looked over when he heard it, and responded loudly: "Sister, I understand, don't worry about my driving skills."

Everyone got into the car, Xu Jie also returned to Su Yun's car, and then he drove.

"What did you tell Xiaolei?" Su Yun asked curiously.

"It's nothing, just a normal greeting between brother-in-law and brother-in-law." Xu Jie said lightly.

"Stop talking to him from now on!" Su Yun said angrily, her face full of disgust.

"Actually, your brother is quite simple." Xu Jie put on his seat belt.

Money is father, how innocent?
And everything is written on the face, which is much better than those who say what they say on the surface.

After hearing this, Su Yun turned her head to look at Xu Jie, touched the other person's forehead, then touched her own forehead, and asked worriedly: "What's wrong with you? Are you sick?" Put on the seat belt, and pushed open the co-pilot's door, "Let me drive the car, you should go to sleep and have a good rest, or you will have hallucinations."


 Thanks to the book friend Lemon Tree for the 100 starting coins, and thanks to the book friend Qindao for the 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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