Chapter 205 Blessed

Xu Jie took out two suitcases from the trunk of the BMW Mini. It is troublesome for a woman to go out, and she has to bring a lot of things every time. I remember that the last time I went to Shenzhou to participate in the film festival, the other party brought four suitcases , actually only stayed there for two nights.

Xu Jie dragged the suitcase into the house, and just put it aside, Su Yun put one of them down, then unzipped the zipper, opened the lid, and a whole box of photo frames came into view.

"Mom, this is the wedding photo of me and Xu Jie." Su Yun picked up the top photo frame, looked at Xu Jie's mother and said, "I brought you 6 photos, and this suitcase can only hold 6 photos. If you think it’s not enough, I’ll get it for you when you come back next time.”

Xu Jie was taken aback when he saw it. He was too busy recently, so he forgot about it.

Wang Guizhi immediately came to his daughter-in-law and looked at the photo in the frame with joy on his face. The son was wearing a black suit and the daughter-in-law was wearing a white wedding dress. When someone asks, she can speak with pictures.

"Good, good!" Wang Guizhi praised repeatedly, and said to Su Yun's parents: "My Xu Jie is so blessed!"

Zhang Simin also said in a plausible way: "Xiao Xu is also very good."

Wang Guizhi smiled, then came to the suitcase and looked through other photos.

There are modern ones, ancient ones, handles, and hugs.

"It's so pretty!" Xu Ning said enviously.

Xu Jie leaned over, and it was the first time he had seen it. He didn't expect that he was quite handsome in the photo, and he could make his debut just by looking at the photo.

"Son, hang up these photos quickly." Wang Guizhi said to his son, "These are in the living room, these two are upstairs, and this one is in your wedding room."

"Second brother, I'll help you." Xu Ning picked up a photo, which was so beautiful, like a blockbuster movie, and secretly thought that he must take such a photo when he got married.

"Brother-in-law, I'll help you too." Su Lei hurriedly walked over, sneaking glances at Xu Ning from time to time.

After Xu Jie saw it, he said to his cousin, "Xu Ning, I don't need your help. You can chat with your sister-in-law. Su Lei and I are just fine."

"Okay, second brother." Xu Ning said.

Xu Jie went to get the tools, then hung 3 sheets in the living room according to his mother's instructions, and then asked Su Lei to pick up the other 3 sheets to the second floor.

"Brother-in-law, does my cousin have a boyfriend?" Su Lei asked Xu Jie who was hanging the photo on the stool while holding the photo frame.

"Yes!" Xu Jie said, actually he didn't know if there was.

"Oh." There was a trace of disappointment on Su Lei's face, and then he didn't know what to think of, and said with a smile: "When you go to college, the partners are always bored, and you will definitely break up after graduation."

Xu Jie snorted coldly and said, "It sounds like you are very experienced."

When Su Lei heard this, he immediately became complacent, "Brother-in-law, I'm not bragging. When I was in college, I was definitely the school girl in our school. I don't know how many girls chased me."

"Are all the girls in your school blind?" Xu Jie asked.

"Really, I didn't lie to you, I basically change girlfriends every semester..." Su Lei said complacently.

Xu Jie believed the other party's words. Su Yun's younger brother was definitely a typical example of "beyond gold and jade, but inside of mischief". It was an old lady who drank gruel and was shameless and obscene.

"Listen!" Xu Jie looked at Su Yun's younger brother coldly and said, "Don't think I don't know what your plan is, I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible."

After speaking, he lifted the hammer in his hand!

The hammer of justice may be late, but it may also be early.

Su Lei was shocked. He had been taught many times by the man in front of him, so he naturally knew that the man would not show mercy, so he quickly said, "Brother-in-law, I know, I understand, I understand."

Xu Jie didn't give the other party a good face, and continued to hang the photo frame.

Su Lei rolled his eyes and said suddenly: "Brother-in-law, let me tell you about my sister's past. In fact, she was very greedy when she was a child. She often hid under the covers and ate sweets at night. Do you know why her photos are all gentle and quiet?" Quiet? Because she doesn't dare to laugh, she looks like an old lady when she smiles..."

"When I was young, my sister was very smug. Once my mother brought her a dress from a business trip. She deliberately soiled the school uniform so that she could wear the dress to school the next day..."

"When my sister was in school, every time she won an award, she would go home with the certificate all the way, and she almost stuck the certificate on her forehead..."

"The first time my sister made scrambled eggs with tomatoes, she threw the whole tomato into the pot..."


Xu Jie knew that Su Lei's thoughts were nothing more than betraying his sister to please him. He despised this behavior from the bottom of his heart, but his movements gradually slowed down. From a husband's point of view, it would be good to hear about his wife's childhood.

After a long time, Xu Jie hung up the photo frame and went downstairs, Su Lei also shut up at this time.

"Second brother, my mother called me and told me to go home for dinner, remember to go to my house to play." Xu Ning said to Xu Jie.

"I'll drive you!" Su Lei said immediately after hearing this, and acted very positively.

"Don't bother you, my house is at the entrance of the village, only four or five hundred meters away." Xu Ning politely declined.

"It's okay, I'm fine anyway." Su Lei said with a smile.

Xu Ning looked at Xu Jie, and Xu Jie said, "I'll see you off, just to see my sister-in-law and uncle."

This kid, blinded by lust, forgot all his previous warnings.

To put it bluntly, I deserve a beating!
"I'll go too, just to pay New Year's greetings to my sister-in-law and my uncle." Su Yun said after hearing this, everyone has already come, if I don't go to pay New Year's greetings, I always feel a little impolite, and those who don't know think it's a big star playing tricks Big names.

Xu Jie put on his clothes and carried two more boxes of health care products. Although Su Lei was unhappy, he still said courteously: "Brother-in-law, let me come. I'll get it." After speaking, he snatched the things from Xu Jie's hand.

Xu Jie didn't pay attention, since he was there, the other party couldn't make any trouble, so he talked to his parents and went out.

As soon as the group of four went out, the children who had set off firecrackers on the side of the road before ran over immediately.

"Second uncle, you are back."

"Second Uncle, Happy New Year!"

"Uncle, I got No.1 in the final exam."

The children surrounded Xu Jie. There were boys, girls, eight or nine years old, and some in their teens. They were very happy to see Xu Jie, with smiles on their faces.

Su Yun didn't expect Xu Jie to be so popular with the children. Xu Ning explained in a low voice: "Second brother built a library in the village, and the children in the village would study and read there after school. In the past, second brother would give them lectures. Send some small toys, so it is especially popular with these children."

Su Yun suddenly realized, said "Wait for me" and then walked back home quickly. After a while, she took a bag in her hand and took out a few boxes of chocolates from it to distribute to the children.

"Auntie, who are you? Why have I never seen you in the village?"

"Yes, it's so beautiful!" said the two younger children.

"Stupid, my mother said that when the second uncle got married, the auntie looked like the second aunt."

"Happy New Year, Second Aunt!" said the other two older children.

Su Yun laughed when she heard it.

At this time, there was a shout not far away.

"Da Zhuang, go home and eat!"

"Duoduo, it's time to eat."

"Xiaodong, Xiaodong!"

The New Year’s Eve dinner in the north is eaten relatively early, mostly in the afternoon, near the evening. After eating, play, watch TV, and cook dumplings at [-]:[-] in the evening. Thirty Even in the past.

"Mom, wait a minute, I'll talk to my second uncle and aunt!" the child shouted back.

The woman standing outside the gate came over immediately after hearing it.

"Xu Jie, you are back, is this beautiful woman your wife?"

"I remembered, it's Su Yun, no wonder she looks so familiar."

"A big star is a big star, so beautiful, even more beautiful than on TV."

"Xu Jie, you are so blessed."

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun beside him, he might as well call her lucky in the future!

 Thanks to book friend Li Ge YYDS for the reward of 1000 starting coins, and thanks to book friend 160402091237463 for the reward of 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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