The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 208 Because I Like It

Chapter 208 Because I Like It
After setting off firecrackers, eating dumplings, and watching the Spring Festival Gala, New Year's Eve is over.

When it was time to go to bed, Xu Jie and Su Yun were undoubtedly arranged in the same room. The red quilt and the wedding photos on the bedside looked like a wedding in a bridal chamber.

In fact, this is Xu Jie's original room, but it has been redecorated, and the single bed has been replaced with a double bed, and those awards and trophies that made parents proud are now really taken by them. Throw it into the warehouse to eat ashes.

Xu Jie took a shower and went back to the room. Su Yun changed into her pajamas and sat on the bed, holding a small mirror in her hand to take a picture, sometimes frowning, sometimes narrowing her eyes, as if she was troubled.

"You don't need to work so hard?" Xu Jie looked at the woman and asked.

Since he decided to participate in "Crossover Actor", the other party has a small mirror on his body. As long as he has time, he will take out the mirror and train his expression anytime, anywhere.

"It was you who recommended me to participate in your program. I can't embarrass you, can I?" Su Yun said after hearing this.

In fact, she is not all for men.

Training one's facial expressions and honing one's acting skills is good for both the show and the future development in the film and television industry.

She is a capable singer in singing, and she also needs to be an acting school in acting.

"You're embarrassing me? Don't you? It's been so long since the two of us got the certificate. It seems that everyone has been saying that I'm not good enough for you." Xu Jie said.

"Those are old calendars. Recently, everyone's opinion of you has changed a lot. I read your Weibo. Now many people have accepted our combination, and some fans think that you and I are Lang. Wealthy girl looks talented, she is beautiful." Su Yun looked at Xu Jie with a half-smile.

Since "Delicious History" was broadcast, the other party's popularity has become higher and higher, especially during the broadcast period, the attention even surpassed her.

"Haha, is that right? It seems that I have a fan of brains too." Xu Jie said with a smile.

From this point of view, the encounter between the two may have been predestined.

Don't think that the mention of fate is a feudal superstition. You must know that the vast majority of people spend their lives relying on their fate.

As for those lost things, in fact, there is nothing irreplaceable, and nothing should belong to someone, so when you lose it, feel a little sad, it means good, life will go on, maybe you are destined to lose her , maybe it is destined to lose her and get another her.

Xu Jie locked the door, then came to the cabinet, took out a set of quilts from inside and put them on the ground, and made a floor beside the bed. Because the floor is heated at home, sleeping on the floor will not be cold, but will feel very cold. warm.

"Aren't you coming up?" Su Yun lay on the side of the bed, looking at Xu Jie under the bed.

"Why, you want me to go up?" Xu Jie's eyes lit up, and then he became calm again.

Tell him in his heart: Go!superior!superior!
Experience told him: wait a minute.

But reason told him: this is impossible.

"Guess?" Su Yun raised her mouth and showed a faint smile.

Xu Jie rolled his eyes, who can guess what a woman is thinking?

He remembered an old song: Don't guess what a girl is thinking, you won't be able to figure it out even if you guess it again and again.

If he has that ability, why would he guess what a woman thinks? Wouldn't it be nice to just guess the double-color ball?

"I can't guess." Xu Jie was straightforward.

"It's okay, I'll give you two chances." Su Yun said.


Xu Jie was taken aback.

There are only two answers to the question, I want him to go, and I don't want him to go.

two chances?

Isn't this a grading question?

Xu Jie looked at the woman on the bed. He suspected that she was flirting, but there was no evidence.

"Think!" Xu Jie said immediately, and at the same time cheered up.

To be honest, the ground is pretty hard.

"No." Su Yun smiled and shook her head.

"I don't want to." Xu Jie said with a listless head. Although the answer was correct, he couldn't be happy.

"That's not right!" The smile on Su Yun's face grew stronger.

Xu Jie frowned, "You don't set off firecrackers on New Year's Eve, why are you playing foolishly here? It's not right to think, it's not right to think, tell me what the correct answer is!"

Said and sat up from the ground.

"Okay, let me tell you." Su Yun said, "The correct answer is... I'll lie down, you can do whatever you want!" After speaking, she went back to the side of the bed and lay down.

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched when he heard it, and it was as if he hadn't said it. If he could guess it, he would be damned. It really is easier to guess the lottery ticket.

The situation he is facing now is that if he goes up, he may be treated as a beast, but if he does not go up, he may be treated as a beast.

Forget it, let's go to sleep honestly.

Besides, what if you lie down?Can't do anything.

The existence of the other party is essentially like the female teacher in the foreign science and education materials on his F drive, which can make his blood flow and make him think wildly, but after everything, it is so dull.

Xu Jie reached out to turn off the desk lamp, but he was actually very sleepy, and he was just trying to force himself in front of his parents.

I was finally able to sleep well.

Just when he was about to close his eyes, there was the sound of tossing and turning from the bed, and by the light of the lantern outside, he saw the woman wriggling again at some point, lying sideways on the side of the bed, staring straight at him with big eyes .

Xu Jie was startled, is this woman playing limit pulling with him?
However, before he could speak, the other party beat him back.

"What do you see me doing?"

"I'm sleepy just looking at you!" Xu Jie thought to himself: Do you really know how to flirt?
Could it be that the posture is wrong?

He doesn't want to chase now, he just wants to stop and sleep.

"Why, am I ugly and scary?" Su Yun asked curiously.

"No, it's because you are my dream!" Xu Jie said.

How about this move?
Looking back and digging out, people were caught off guard.

Su Yun was taken aback for a moment, then clapped her hands, and said, "That's right, I'll give you a point, and I'll say more things like this in the future, maybe when I'm happy, our cooperation will continue."

"Do you regard me as a fortune teller?" Xu Jie frowned, and said, "You don't need to scare me with cooperation, maybe I will be the first to sue for divorce."

"Well, I'll wait for your summons!"

Xu Jie looked at the smiling face of the other party, the atmosphere was very good when the fireworks were set off, why did it change as soon as he returned to the house?

A flirt is not like a flirt, and love words are like poison.

Probably, this is too familiar relationship.

The two have gotten used to the way they used to get along with each other. If you tease me, I will tease you.

Xu Jie simply turned his back, he wanted to calm himself down.

At the beginning, it was because of Tang Fei that he got the license with Su Yun, and now he must not have a fake show with Su Yun because of his parents.

He can't live for others, he has to live for himself!

Even if he wanted to pursue Su Yun, it was because of liking, not because of his parents!
This time, he has to be responsible to himself, and also to Su Yun!

 Thanks to book friend Bei Hechen for tipping 1500 starting coins, thanking book friends for going to reward 500 starting coins, and thanking book friend Xun Wukong's grandson for tipping 500 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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