Chapter 222
back home.

Xu Jie soaked in a hot bath comfortably. When he came out of the bathroom and was about to go to the kitchen to pour a glass of iced Coke, he saw that Su Yun got a pair of mahjong from nowhere and put it on the dining table. Holding a dice and throwing it on the table non-stop, there is plausibility in his mouth.

"6, 6, 6!"

The dice stopped, it was 1 point.

"1, 1, 1!"

The dice is thrown again and it is 6.

"What are you doing?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

"Practice throwing dice!" Su Yun said.

"Why, instead of being an actor, are you going to be the God of Gamblers?" Xu Jie asked with a half-smile.

"Seeing how easy it is for you to throw, I don't believe that I can't throw it." Su Yun held the dice in her hand, clasped her hands together, and didn't know which god she was worshiping.

"If it is so easy to master, everyone will be a gambler." Xu Jie poured a glass of Coke, drank it all in one go, the air flowed from the mouth to the stomach, and finally rushed up to the nasal cavity, feeling the whole body It's all transparent, and the happy fruit lives up to its name.

"Is there any secret?" Su Yun tossed it a few more times, but still failed, and couldn't help but ask the man for advice.

Tossing 10 times can make 1 match, this is not called skill, this is called trick!
"It's useless, you can't learn it." Xu Jie came out of the kitchen, first looked around the dining table, and then went to the entrance to search for a long time, couldn't help asking: "Where's my money?"

"What money?" Su Yun continued to toss the dice.

"It's the money I won today." Xu Jie said, he estimated that there would be about 2 yuan left. After all, what he ordered was farts, at most two times and four times, even if he ordered thirty or forty cannons, he couldn't lose much money. .

"Oh, let me put it in the safe." Su Yun said lightly.

"Ah? Why?" Xu Jie asked inexplicably, it was the money he earned after working hard all afternoon.

"Didn't you say avenge me?" Su Yun asked.

"I meant to vent my anger for you, not to win the money back for you." Xu Jie explained.

"That's right, help me win back the money I lost, so that I can calm down." Su Yun said confidently.

Xu Jie had a bad premonition, feeling that if the money was handed over to the other party, it would be like a sheep in the mouth of a tiger, and there would be no return.

"Okay, how much money have you lost over the years?" Xu Jie asked, he wanted to see if he could pull out a leg of lamb.

"One hundred and thirty thousand and six hundred yuan!"

The corners of Xu Jie's mouth twitched involuntarily, there were parts and parts, how could he remember so clearly after so many years?
No need to estimate this time, I must have won 600 yuan today.

"If you teach me, maybe I'll pay tuition or something when I'm happy." Su Yun said with a smile.

Xu Jie snorted and walked towards the room.

He is also a person who has a labor fee now, not short of that little money.

"Hey, don't go." Su Yun was a little surprised, "Just teach me."

"I can't teach it. I'm a child's skill." Xu Jie said.

"What? Throwing dice requires children's skills? Is it true?" Su Yun didn't believe it.

She has only heard that dancing requires childish skills, and martial arts requires childish skills, but she has never heard that throwing dice needs to be practiced from an early age.

If you don't want to teach, just say it, this reason is too bad.

Xu Jie stopped, looked back at Su Yun and asked, "How did you learn one plus one when you were young?"

Su Yun thought about it for a while and said, "I forgot, but it should be food. For example, one apple plus one apple equals two apples."

"I use dice!" Xu Jie said: "When I was two years old, I used dice as a toy, when I was three years old, I used dice as a teaching aid, and when I was four years old, I used dice as a tool to win snacks for children in the village. Isn't it Tong Zigong?"

Su Yun stood there in a daze.

From this point of view, it is really childish work.

But the most amazing one should not be the other party, but... mother-in-law!
This teaching method is invincible!

Fourth day.

Xu Jie came to the home of his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Although we have been together these few days, but not entering the house, I always feel less interesting.

And after this year, Xu Jie has completely integrated into the Su family.

Needless to say, the father-in-law went to my uncle’s house yesterday, and the two of them cooked together, establishing an incomparably deep proletarian relationship; after seeing him stand up for Su Yun yesterday, the mother-in-law treated him like a half-son ;As for the brother-in-law, let alone, since knowing his family situation, this cheating teammate has become a silver medal supporter, and he can't wait to nurse him all the time.

He was very troubled by this.

I am so popular, there is no challenge at all.

"You talk, I'll cook." Su Changzhi got up and went to the kitchen.

In fact, it's just 10 o'clock, but this is the first time the son-in-law comes to the house during the Spring Festival, and it's also the first time the whole family eats together, so the meal should be more formal.

"Dad, I'll help you." Xu Jie also stood up.

"No need." Su Changzhi pushed Xu Jie back on the sofa, and said, "It's just the five of us eating, and I'll come here by myself."

"Xiao Xu, eat fruit." Zhang Simin picked up an orange and handed it to his son-in-law, "Let's talk about..."

Su Lei: "Brother-in-law, I bought these oranges, try to see if they are sweet or not."

Su Yun sat aside, looked at her father and then at her mother, wondering if she had gone to the wrong house, otherwise why are men more popular than her?
But when I think about it carefully, I think it's normal. After all, when I went to the man's house, my father-in-law and mother-in-law were also very enthusiastic about her.

"Ding dong!"

At this time, the doorbell rang suddenly, and Su Yun got up to look at the intercom. It was the elder brother Zhang Ke and the elder sister Tian Rongrong.

"It's the eldest brother and sister-in-law!" Su Yun turned her head and said to her parents, and then opened the door.

"Xiaoyun is here too." Zhang Ke walked into the door and said loudly, "Sister-in-law, uncle, I'm here to see you."

"Zhang Ke and Rongrong are here, come in and sit down." Zhang Simin greeted.

Zhang Ke picked up the gift box in his hand, and said in a somewhat showy tone: "Sister, this is a nutritional product I brought back from abroad. It is very popular abroad now, and it will make you look younger when you eat it. I will also bring you this time when I come back. Come back with two boxes."

"Thank you, I let you spend the money." Zhang Simin said politely, she was not very interested in these things.

"You are my sister-in-law." After Zhang Ke finished speaking, he looked at Xu Jie. "My brother-in-law looks good. Did you win last night and you are in a good mood?"

Xu Jie's expression froze, can 10 yuan make me feel better?Who do you look down on?

"That little money, I don't count it, I gave it to my wife." Xu Jie said indifferently: "Brother won so many games yesterday, why didn't you buy something for sister-in-law to celebrate?"

Zhang Ke's mouth twitched, and then he said with a smirk: "Win, I don't see the money, I just want to play, it doesn't matter if you lose or win."

Zhang Ke sat down, because he had met yesterday, so he didn't talk so much. After a brief chat, he looked at Su Lei, who had been silent all this time, and said, "Xiao Lei, how come every time I see you You are playing games, not as a big brother, you are not too young, you should find something to do, you can’t be so idle all day long.”

Su Lei stopped moving his hands, and squinted at Zhang Ke, "Who has nothing to do, I have a job."

Zhang Simin felt a little uncomfortable. Although what Zhang Ke said was true, is it appropriate for a Chinese New Year senior to say such a thing?

Su Yun looked at Zhang Ke, did he come to visit, or to find something awkward?Is it because I lost money yesterday and felt unbalanced, so I came to embarrass them today?

"Really? Where do you work?" Zhang Ke asked.

"In..." Su Lei couldn't make it up for a while.

Xu Jie looked at the family's ugly expressions. As a son-in-law, if he didn't come forward at this time, how long would he wait?
"Xiao Lei is with me now."


 Chapter 2 is here!

(End of this chapter)

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