Chapter 230
The discussion will end in a pleasant atmosphere.

"Xiao Xu, you are both a consultant and a planner now, you need to pay more attention to the program in the future." Lu Hongyu said earnestly.

Regardless of the fact that there are so many people present at the meeting, all of them are old fritters who have no profit and can't afford it early. It's no problem to arrange program tasks for them, but if I really want to come up with something new and bright, I have to rely on Xu Jie. young people.

"Director Lu, I will." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

For him, the deeper he participates in the program, the more beneficial it is for Su Yun, especially after becoming a member of the planning team, he has a certain right to speak on the content of the program, even if he cannot provide convenience for Su Yun. , but at least fairness can be ensured. After all, judging from the situation at today's meeting, the artists who will be invited in the future have more or less backgrounds
"Consultant Xu."

Feng Dekun and Yu Kuan also came to Xu Jie.

The artists who had been prepared were not selected, and both of them were quite depressed, but when they heard that Xu Jie wanted to increase the number of invited actors, their moods improved again.

"This is Gu Yan from our New Era Media, who is also the planner of "Crossover Actor". Let's get to know each other." Feng Dekun pointed to a female subordinate behind him and said to Xu Jie.

"This is Qian Cheng, the planner of our Beijing Television Culture. We have done many variety shows. Whether "Crossover Actor" can attract audiences and whether the ratings are high depends on the three of you." Yu Kuan also pushed one male subordinate.

"Crossover Actor" is co-produced by Beijing TV Station, New Era Media and Beijing Television Culture. In order to gather the strengths of each company and make it easier to shoot, the family chose a planner as a representative to form a planning team.

Xu Jie hurriedly greeted the two, and while exchanging contact information, looked at them.

Gu Yan from New Era Media looks to be in her early thirties, with a ball head, black-framed glasses, a simple sweater and jeans, she looks like a house girl.

Qian Cheng from Jingshi Culture is about the same age as Gu Yan. He has long hair and a small braid on the back of his head. He wears a plaid shirt. He looks white and clean, giving off the impression of a literary and artistic young man.

This is the first time for Xu Jie to plan such a large-scale celebrity variety show. Although he has many ideas in his head, he has no experience. The two in front of him are different. They have rich experience, which can just make up for his shortcomings. The most important thing is Yes, he can learn a lot from these two people.

While Xu Jie was looking at these two people, Gu Yan and Qian Cheng were also looking at this young man.

They didn't underestimate the other party just because they were young. On the one hand, the other party was from the Beijing TV Station and was supported by the three big bosses. One of the other parties is also a consultant of "Crossover Actors". It is said that this person came up with the show, and it doesn't matter whether he wants to pay attention to it or not.

After a brief introduction, everyone walked and returned.

Xu Jie followed Director Jiang into the elevator, and after returning to the art program center, Jiang Hai suddenly said: "Xu Jie, I just expressed your thoughts at the meeting, you won't blame me for stealing the fruits of your labor, will you?"

"No, even if I don't talk about this kind of thing, I think Director Jiang will think about it." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Jiang Hai stopped, looked at Xu Jie intently, and said after a while: "Kao, when did you learn to flatter?"

Xu Jie immediately shook his head and said, "No, I'm just telling the truth. Director Jiang is the director of the Arts Program Center. He has directed so many celebrity variety shows. How could he not consider these things? Even if he doesn't think of it now, he will think of it in the future of."

Jiang Hai was speechless, flattery was the deadliest, and he almost believed it himself.

He reached out and patted Xu Jie on the shoulder, and then said: "I didn't ask you to say it because I was afraid that you would offend others. Of those who are here today, who doesn't want to add a few people to the show? I am old acquaintances with them, and we can say anything." It doesn't matter, you are different. If these words come out of your mouth, how can you cooperate with them in the future? I want you to have a plan today, and I also want you to get in touch with Lao Feng who is older than them. You have acquired a lot of resources, and it will only benefit you in the future, understand?"

Xu Jie nodded, and was also full of gratitude to the director.

"Let me just say, the director must be more thoughtful than me." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Jiang Hai shook his head with a wry smile, why are you still shooting endlessly?
"However, you're a good kid. You've said so many ideas, and the deputy editor-in-chief seems to be very satisfied with you. In the future, you will be more confident when you cooperate with Lao Feng and Lao Yu's people." Jiang Hai instructed.

"Thank you, Director." Xu Jie said from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, go back and hold a meeting with your people. You are now the consultant and planner of "Crossover Actor", and you will be busy in the future."


Xu Jie returned to the office area and called together the members of the "Delicious History" program team.

"Speaking of one thing, from tomorrow onwards, the filming of the April program will officially begin. It is still the same as before. The modern part will be filmed first, and then the ancient costume part will be filmed." Xu Jie turned to Song Huanhuan and said, "Wait a minute and get ready The script was given to the four stars and they were given three days to start filming their parts on Monday."

"Director Xu, hasn't the star been decided yet? Who should I give the script to?" Song Huanhuan asked puzzled.

"It has been confirmed, there are Huang Zibo, Jiang Liying, Zhao Xiaotong, and..." Xu Jie glanced at Song Huanhuan, and then said: "There is also Chen Yixing!"


Song Huanhuan jumped up happily.

"Director Xu, is it true?"

"Fuck, the lineup this time is too strong, they are all the hottest artists at the moment!"

"Teacher Xu is awesome!"

Everyone was amazed, it's better to follow Director Xu, to work and follow stars.


The next day, the program team started running all over the capital, looking for shops suitable for filming. There was no rest on weekends, and it took three days to finally finish filming the modern part.

In a blink of an eye, Monday, today is the day when the March episode of "Delicious History" is broadcast, and it is also the day when the costume drama is filmed. Xu Jie came to the unit early in the morning, brought people and equipment, and set off for the film and television base in Changping.

Arriving at the Lima Film and Television Base, I saw a young man standing at the gate from a distance, looking anxiously at the intersection, as if he was waiting for someone.

Xu Jie asked Tian Haobo to stop the car when he saw it, then opened the window and waved to the outside.

"Brother-in-law!" Seeing Xu Jie, Su Lei immediately ran forward.

Xu Jie nodded, and then said to the people in the car: "This is my brother-in-law Su Lei, I called him to be an extra performer today."

When everyone heard that it was Su Yun's younger brother, they immediately greeted him politely.

Xu Jie opened the rear door, let Su Lei get in the car, and then went to the shooting location under the leadership of the staff of the film and television base.

In March, the weather turned warmer, and the number of film crews who came to the film and television base for filming was significantly higher than in January and February.

When a group of people came to the venue, it happened that a costume drama was being filmed in a venue next door. A group of people were lying on the ground, their clothes were torn, and some had blood on their faces.

"Brother-in-law, you won't let me play the dead body?" Su Lei asked worriedly.

After he received a call from his brother-in-law last night, he immediately posted about today's filming in the circle of friends. He was envied by his friends. He wished he had such a brother-in-law, but if he played a dead body, wouldn't he be laughed at by his friends?

"Nonsense, I'm here to film a food show. Who would have the appetite to film a dead body?" Xu Jie said with a blank look.

The brain is a good thing, but it’s a pity that this kid often doesn’t bring it with him. Seeing the other party’s lack of understanding, Xu Jie regrets it a bit. Su Yun hasn’t brought his younger brother to play for so many years in the entertainment industry, but now he has it, and he doesn’t know Right or wrong, in fact, he doesn't ask much, just don't embarrass him.


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(End of this chapter)

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