Chapter 235
Ye Chu came to Ding Mengni's side, and while acting the way the other party should have just now, he explained: "Mengni, you have to restrain your emotions, you are still in the early stage of rebellion, and everything is ignorant. Don't be too obvious, understand?"

"Yes, director." Ding Mengni nodded seriously, thinking about what the director said thoughtfully.

At this time, Ye Chu looked at the actor beside him again, and said, "And you, Yang Chao, you are playing a gangster, not a gentleman, so don't be so rigid, please? Let go."

"Oh!" The actor responded, with a hint of embarrassment and unnaturalness on his face.

Ye Chu returned to the monitor and said loudly: "Okay, all departments are ready, let's do it again."

Shooting resumes.

However, after only ten seconds of shooting, Ye Chu called to stop again.

"Stop, stop!"

"Yang Chao, did you listen to what I said? Do street sluts know? Do you know how to act like a fool?" Ye Chu rushed into the set again anxiously, and explained to the actor the way the gangster walked and the expression on his face. And in order to let the actor understand better, he even performed it himself.

The male actor showed a embarrassed expression when he saw it, and then said with a wry smile: "Director Ye, don't look at my dyed yellow hair. In fact, I am a literary youth at heart. I really can't play a gangster. Otherwise, you should play it with someone else." Bar."

"You..." Ye Chu looked at the actor with disappointment and helplessness written on his face.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun beside him strangely and asked, "What's going on?"

In the script, although this gangster doesn't have many roles, he is still an important role. How could someone not want to play it?

"Actually, he is the lighting engineer of the filming crew. In order to save money, the film crew wanted him to play the role of a gangster." Su Yun said in a low voice.

"What?" Xu Jie was taken aback, this is okay?
"Not only the lighting engineer, but also many staff members of the production team have cameo appearances in the play. In fact, the effect looks good. Maybe it's because the role of a gangster is too difficult to play." Su Yun looked surprised.

"Oh!" Xu Jie sighed.

It seems that this crew is not generally poor.

However, as a person who has experienced it, he can fully understand it. After all, when he was filming the first issue of "Delicious History", he was also poor, and he used one person as several people.

It's all out of money.

"Yang Chao, didn't we agree? You have to overcome difficulties." Ye Chu persuaded.

"Director Ye, it's okay to overcome difficulties, but I really don't know how to act. How about finding someone from the extras?" Yang Chao asked.

Ye Chu looked around among the extras around him. There were five or six extras playing the gangster, but it was really not easy to find one among them who could play the leading role.

Moreover, each character has its own pit, and these extras also have their own plays behind them. If one is picked out now, there will still be one less person behind.

He looked at the other staff members in the crew. They were either too honest in appearance, or they were too old, and they were not suitable for acting as gangsters.

Ye Chu suddenly saw a person, walked over quickly as if seeing a savior, and greeted with a smile, "Director Xu, you are here, I'm sorry, I made you laugh again."

"There is an accident, it's normal." Xu Jie didn't care on the surface, but he was very depressed in his heart. It seemed that it was impossible to expect the film to be completed in advance.

"Director Xu, have you read the script, do you have any recommendations for the role of the second female boyfriend?" Ye Chu asked.

Xu Jie was speechless.

Does this mean he is the assistant director responsible for selecting actors?
Speaking of which, he knows a lot of actors, but the problem is that those people are all first-line actors, they are all filming big productions, and they are all leading actors who do their part. Who would come to such a small crew to play a gangster?

He thought about the extra extras he had recruited during the filming of the program these two days, punks, idlers, idlers...

For some reason, as soon as these three conditions were met, a figure appeared in Xu Jie's mind.

Su Lei!

That's right, it's Su Yun's younger brother, his current brother-in-law.

From the first time he met Su Lei, the image of the other party in his heart has not changed.

He is idle, idle, lazy, sloppy, even Su Yun herself has said more than once that her younger brother is a bastard.

"When you ask this question, I really think of someone." Xu Jie said, "But this person has only done group performances for two days and has no acting experience."

Ye Chu was overjoyed, thinking that Director Xu must be being modest.

"It's okay, Director Xu, didn't you say that? Actors need the director to guide and inspire. Besides, in this movie I made, many of the actors who played the roles were acting for the first time. That Yang Chao is a lighting engineer, because Because of the cost, I will be recruited to act as a gangster, as long as the salary is not high." Ye Chu said with a smile.

After hearing this, Xu Jie slowly turned his head to look at Su Lei behind him, then shook his head at him and said, "Go and try the mirror."

Su Lei was watching the second female lead, and when he heard what his brother-in-law said, he was immediately stunned, "Audit? What kind of cast?"

"Little gangster." Xu Jie said, "Don't you want to act? Here's your chance."

"Him? No!" Su Yun was the first to shake her head.

"Yeah, with an image like mine, I should be acting in an idol drama. How can someone like a domineering president play a punk? It's not suitable." Su Lei said.

Xu Jie patted Su Lei on the shoulder, then leaned into the other's ear and whispered: "The role of this bastard is actually the boyfriend of the second female lead, and there will be action scenes behind, that kind of bang bang bang!"

"Really?" Su Lei's eyes lit up, and he said seriously: "Brother-in-law, I am willing to challenge such a difficult role, and I will definitely be able to play him well, so don't worry."

"Well, let's go." Xu Jie pushed Su Lei.

Su Lei walked up to Ye Chu, Ye Chu asked him to act like a gangster walking, Su Lei heard question marks all over his head, what does a gangster walk like?Then he looked at his brother-in-law for help.

"Don't be nervous, you can walk as you usually do now," Xu Jie said.

"So simple?" Su Lei asked.

Xu Jie nodded, it might be a bit difficult for others, but it was too easy for Su Lei, because he is just a gangster, he is whatever he is, so he doesn't need to learn at all, as long as he acts in his true colors.

In order to make the other party relax, Xu Jie reached out and touched the other party's pocket, took out a cigarette from it, took out one and stuffed it into the other party's mouth, pointed to the alley and said: "Go over there, light the cigarette, and then come over here .”

Su Lei nodded, then walked to the end of the alley and listened to his brother-in-law to light the cigarette. Although he didn't know why it was so simple, he believed what his brother-in-law said and walked towards him.

The body is swaying, the feet are light and light, one hand is in the pocket, and the other is holding a cigarette.

When smoking, squinting your eyes, flicking your hands, exhaling the smoke, a frivolous look will naturally appear on your face.

Ye Chu was taken aback for a moment, the small steps that the six relatives did not recognize, and the small expressions that swallowed the clouds, were too good.

Immediately make a decision.

"It's him!"

Xu Jie laughed, saying that Su Lei is not a bastard, who would believe that?

Su Yun lowered her head and covered her eyes with her hands, what a disaster for the family!

 Thank you for the 2000 starting coins rewarded by book friend Yuejiyoutu, the 1500 starting coins rewarded by book friend Lin Yaochenjia, the 800 starting coins rewarded by book friend Drug Fund Shen, and the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friend Eating Candy on the Lemon Tree Starting currency!
(End of this chapter)

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