Chapter 255
The second issue of "Crossover Actor" arrived as scheduled.

At the same time, the editing room of Beijing Satellite TV was once again full of people. If the ratings of the first episode could only represent the attention of the program, then the ratings of the second episode could tell the future direction of the program.

As far as the TV station is concerned, the high ratings of a program does not mean anything. Who doesn't eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year?It is really high if the ratings are high during the period.

"It broke 1, it broke 1 from the beginning!" The staff responsible for detecting fluctuations in ratings data said excitedly.

Lu Hong who was standing behind saw it, his face flushed with excitement.

I remember that when the first episode was aired, the audience rating was only 0.422 at the beginning, but the ratings of tonight's second episode broke 1, what does this mean?
This shows that many viewers are waiting for the second episode of "Crossover Actors" to start broadcasting!
How does a show count as a success?

Let the audience wait willingly, and at the same time let the audience have expectations for the content, so as to retain old audiences and develop new audiences.

And judging from the ratings just now, "Crossover Actor" has obviously done it.

As the program officially started, more and more people turned on their TVs and dialed to Beijing Satellite TV, or switched to Beijing Satellite TV from other channels.

1 minutes later:
2 minutes later:

After 5 minutes:


In just a few minutes, the ratings of the program have broken 2, and the data is still rising, and the curve is still rising.

Lu Hong's excited body couldn't stop shaking. According to this trend, tonight's overall ratings are likely to break 2, surpassing the ratings of the first episode.

Jiang Hai, who had pretended to be calm just now, smiled like a child weighing two hundred catties.

All right, the show will never be worse in the future.

The hanging heart can finally fall back to its original position.

As the short plays were broadcast one after another, they finally came to the final stage of elimination.

And at this moment, the ratings have also reached the highest peak.


What is this concept?
It surpassed the highest peak ratings in the finals of "Crossover Singer" and "Crossover Comedian" in the past seasons!
In the end, the second episode ended with a classic old song by the eliminated Zhu Yuan.

However, people's attention and discussion on the program did not stop, on the contrary, it increased even more, and a large number of fans gathered on the post bar and Weibo to comment on the second issue.

"It's beautiful! It's beautiful!"

"If I use three words to describe it, it would be: wonderful, sharp, and exciting. The content of the contestants' performances is wonderful, the comments of the judges and teachers are sharp, and the final elimination is really exciting!"

"In the first issue, I only focused on the stars, but after a closer look, every story is very exciting."

"I didn't expect Mr. Zhu Yuan to be eliminated, what a surprise!"

"I thought the judges would give these long-established kings and queens some face, but I didn't expect each one to be more ruthless in the comments, and even more merciless when they were eliminated!"

"What about looking at face, I hate looking at face the most. Zhu Yuan's performance tonight was mediocre. It is normal to eliminate him, so as to show the fairness of the competition. However, Lao Zhu's last singing is really good, he is worthy of being the king of singers!"

"Have you seen the list for the next issue? I don't know who will be eliminated!"

Yes, everyone is looking forward to the third episode, the performance of the actors, the comments from the judges, and the final elimination!


On Sunday, Xu Jie returned to the bedroom after breakfast. The script of the 15 into 12 story has been written, and the next step is to start the script of 12 into 9.

The content of the 12-to-9 competition is a masterpiece performance, that is, some famous novels are adapted into scripts, and the actors who advance to the second round will perform by drawing lots.

There are both classical masterpieces and modern literature, the purpose is to test the actors' understanding of the masterpieces, and see if the combination of singers and masterpieces can burst out new sparks.

The phone thrown on the bed suddenly vibrated.

Xu Jie glanced back, just as he imagined, it was Director Jiang's call.

If he didn't guess wrong, he came to report his ratings again.

"Director Jiang, how was the ratings last night?" Xu Jie asked first, pretending to be concerned about the program ratings.

In fact, after the show ended last night, he has been paying attention to the comments of netizens on the show. This is also to gain insight into the public's understanding of everyone's views on the second episode of the show, so that he can modify it during the recording of the third episode. The show is even more exciting.

"Guess!" Jiang Hai said.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback. According to his past experience, being able to say "guess" to him in a leisurely manner here means that the questioner must be in a good mood, which means that the ratings of last night's show will not be bad.

The audience rating of the first episode was 1.978, so the ratings of the second episode broadcast last night are very likely to break 2, or even higher, but if he directly guesses 2 and gets the answer, Director Jiang will say "guess" It's fun, because those who can say "guess" want to bring an unexpected surprise to the other party.

"1.9?" Xu Jie asked tentatively.

"Guess again!" Jiang Hai said again, with a very obvious joy in his voice, "Guess higher!"

"1.999?" Xu Jie guessed again.

"Wrong, it's 2.231, didn't you expect that?" Jiang Hai asked loudly.

"Ah? So tall?" Xu Jie asked in surprise.

Oh, is it easy to be a subordinate?

Even if you can guess it, you still have to pretend you can't.

Xu Jie felt that he had changed, he had become hypocritical, no, he had become more flexible.

"Yeah, didn't you expect it? Actually, I didn't expect it either. The ratings broke 1 at the beginning last night, and then it remained at around 2.2. Finally, it went straight to 2.603, breaking the highest ratings rate for a cross-border program. With an absolute advantage, it occupied the top spot in the national ratings last night..." Jiang Hai talked incessantly, and what he said was so detailed that those who didn't know thought he was reporting to the leader.

Xu Jie was very calm. No matter how high the ratings of "Crossover Actor" was, he would not be able to pay much bonuses. What's more, he was only a consultant and planner, and the benefits were all from the chief director.

If it wasn't for Su Yun at the beginning, he would have played the false name of a consultant at most, and would never have done such brain-intensive work of planning.


At this time, there was a knock on the door suddenly outside the house, Xu Jie and Director Jiang chatted briefly, then hung up the phone and went to open the door.

Su Yun stood outside the door with a script in her hand.

"What's wrong?" Xu Jie asked.

Su Yun looked at Xu Jie, raised the script in her hand, and asked, "You really wrote this script?"

Xu Jie nodded, "It seems that there is no need to joke about this kind of thing, right?"

"Since you wrote it, you must know the characteristics of each character and the meaning of each line." Su Yun stuffed the script into Xu Jie's hand, "Tell me about it."

"Oh?" Xu Jie narrowed his glasses when he heard it, and asked in confusion, "Didn't you not listen? Who told me to go away?"

Su Yun blushed, and coughed lightly to cover up the embarrassment in her heart, but she still held her airs.

"Are you going to talk?"

"Talk." Xu Jie moved the door open, made a gesture of invitation, and said with a smile: "Come, enter the room, and I will give you a heart-to-heart and comfortable talk!"


 Thank you book friends for the summer is too long, please don’t forget to reward 1000 starting coins, and thank you book friends for the 500 starting coins rewarded by the first shot in the world!
(End of this chapter)

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