Chapter 258 Made me cry
In the afternoon, the recording of the third episode of "Crossover Actors" began.

The first one to appear is Dai Qingqing, the queen of the music scene. She starred in a drama, but also a warm drama, telling the story of how a mother communicates with her rebellious daughter. Dai Qingqing plays the mother in the drama.

In fact, in reality, Dai Qingqing is a mother herself, and she does have a daughter. Probably because of her life experience, she played the role of mother very delicately, and also showed the mother's concern for her daughter to the fullest.

This is a typical lottery draw.

After the performance, there was warm applause at the scene, and even the always strict judges gave two good and one bad evaluations, and the bad evaluations were just some minor problems that had nothing to do with acting skills, such as the lack of tacit cooperation between the actors and frequent rushing Talking together is actually deliberately finding fault for the effect of the program.

The second person to appear on the stage is Bai Yu, who also got a drama, the content is the story of the police catching a thief, the purpose is to raise people's awareness of prevention.

Bai Yu is young and handsome. After putting on the police uniform, he looks even more handsome. As soon as he appeared on the stage, the female audience screamed again and again, which directly turned the recording scene into a star chasing scene.

The role of the policeman itself is easy to get bonus points, and Bai Yu is very handsome. Although there are no bright spots in the performance, the shortcomings are not very big, so in the end I got two poor and one good evaluation, mainly focusing on Bai Yu's performance It was too superficial and did not show the spirit of the police.

Zhang Zhen and Chen Kaijie who appeared third and fourth were all comedies. Although they have tried their best to express the jokes in the play, they have no talent for comedy. One turned comedy into a cold humor, and the other jumped up and down It became a monkey show, all in all it was very embarrassing. Although there was still an actor who hadn't started, many audiences at the scene had already begun to speculate that the eliminated person would be between Zhang Zhen and Chen Kaijie.

Finally, it was Su Yun's turn to appear.

Xu Jie swallowed involuntarily, and clenched his fists tightly, his palms were full of sweat.

Although recently he enlightened Su Yun every night, when the other party performed, he still couldn't help being a little nervous, and kept praying for the other party in his heart.

"God bless, you must cry in the crying scene."

"Also, don't forget the lyrics as an assistant actor."

Xu Jie stared at the screen intently, watching Su Yun's performance from multiple camera positions and angles.

"Has your wife ever practiced at home?" Jiang Hai asked in a low voice, with a trace of worry in his eyes. He was worried that if Su Yun was eliminated, Xu Jie would turn around and leave.

No one knows better than him the inside story of Xu Jie being the program planner. If it wasn't for Su Yun's participation, this kid would work so hard?He has long been a bastard in the name of a consultant.

"Practice, practice every day." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

It's not just practice, it's practiced to the point of becoming obsessed.

Jiang Hai breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "How is your practice?"

Xu Jie thought for a while and said, "I think it's pretty good."

He is not a judge, and he doesn't know what the judges think.

"You say yes, sure." Jiang Hai said with a smile. The other party has filmed the stories in "Delicious History" and has many experiences in cooperating with celebrities, so he still trusts Xu Jie in terms of business level.

At the beginning, the elder sister and younger brother met in the ward, and through the dialogue between the two sides, the background of the story was told to everyone, and then as the elder sister left the ward, the plot began to unfold...

on the stage.

My sister hid in the safe passage and cried heart-rendingly, sad, sad, helpless, and desperate... However, when she wiped away her tears and stopped crying, her expression showed determination.

Live auditorium.

The cries kept echoing in the theater, as if touching the most vulnerable part of the audience's heart. Many people's noses were sour and their eyes turned red.

Numerous cameras record the footage and transmit it to monitors.

Seeing this scene, the director team also fell silent. Even Director Jiang, who is usually joking, felt uncomfortable at this moment, and tried hard to control his emotions.

Xu Jie often watched Su Yun cry recently, but this time he was shocked by the tension shown by the other party.

At this moment, he saw concentration, devotion, hard work, and... light in the other party!

As the siblings cuddled together and looked forward to the future, the curtain fell slowly and the skit ended.

The place was silent.

Although the show was over, the audience seemed to be still immersed in the sad and touching story just now. It was not until the judge Zhou Li applauded first that the audience woke up like a dream. They all raised their hands and applauded vigorously, touching Tears while applauding.

"It's so touching, it's so touching!"

"Su Yun's acting is so good, she made me cry in the two crying scenes."

"Well, I feel that I am completely immersed in the story just now, and my heart is still sour."

The audience applauded.

"Su Yun's acting is really good, you can see that she has put in a lot of effort." Lu Hong looked at Xu Jie and said with emotion.

Xu Jie nodded, thinking to himself: Of course, I trained this all by myself.

Seeing the tears she shed these days, Meng Jiangnu had to admit defeat.

"This is the best show I've watched since the first episode. The story is touching and the actors are devoted, especially Su Yun's two crying scenes. I admit that I shed tears." Lin Xiaolong, the judge teacher, praised.

The second Zhou Li said: "Su Yun, you sing well. I didn't expect your acting to be so good. I was surprised by the robot you played in the first episode, but today's performance surprised me even more." ..."

It was the third Jiang Hao's turn, he had already forgotten the instructions of the program group, and praised: "Su Yun, you are better than 80.00% of the actors I met after I entered the film and television industry..."

In the previous evaluation session of the judges and teachers, there were either two good and one bad, or two bad and one good, but this time, the three judges and teachers rarely reached an agreement.

For this result, the audience applauded in approval.

Su Yun's performance today really can't tell the fault.

If you have to nitpick, you can only say: You made everyone cry.

into the elimination phase.

Two judges voted for Zhang Zhen, and one judge voted for Chen Kaijie. In the end, Zhang Zhen was eliminated.

The remaining five actors do not need to be grouped, but they still need to draw lots to determine the order of appearance and performance content in the next issue.

Finally, Zhang Zhen stood on the stage and sang his famous song.

The recording of the third program is over.

Zhou Li immediately stood up and walked to Su Yun's side, muttering for some reason.

Seeing Su Yun and Zhou Li talking and laughing, Xu Jie was happy for each other's perfect performance tonight.

The tears were not in vain.

But while he was happy, a trace of worry suddenly rose in his heart.

You performed really well today, what will you do in the future?
Doesn't this mean that the king was bombed at the beginning?
Xu Jie looked at Su Yun again.

Daughter-in-law, you overacted!


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(End of this chapter)

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