Chapter 264 Potential?
After Su Lei's brother-in-law's show, he quickly changed his clothes, and couldn't wait to drive his sports car to drive Hu Zhen, the general manager of Liangxing Brokerage Company, to a film and television base in Changping.

When he came to the set, it was just in time for the crew to shoot a fighting scene. The two actors were fighting back and forth, which was very intense. He was excited and worried at the same time.

Excitement is that this is a movie that men should act in, and worry is that I will be beaten. After all, it is a villain, and it must be beaten. If the villain does not get beaten, the box office will definitely be worrying.

Hu Zhen found the director, and waited until the filming of the fighting scene was over before he stepped forward and said, "Director Zhang, I brought it for you." After speaking, he pointed to Su Lei who was behind him.

Zhang Delu turned his head and looked over, only to feel that although the actor introduced by Hu Zhen was good-looking, his eyes were very frivolous, and he looked foolish. Although the other party was standing obediently, his temperament was something that couldn't be hidden.

No wonder Mr. Hu said on the phone just now that this actor is very good at playing villain roles, such as gangsters and so on. With this image, he doesn't even need to put on makeup, just stop wherever he wants.

Just now he was worried about the poor image of the actors. After all, 90.00% of the actors who joined the group through their connections had a bad image. Now that he saw people, he felt relieved.

"Have you ever made a movie?" Zhang Delu asked.

"I did." Su Lei nodded repeatedly.

"Have you ever acted as a gangster?" Zhang Delu asked again.

"I played a gangster." Su Lei said truthfully.

Zhang Delu pointed to a red sports car on the set, and said to Su Lei: "Play a scene where you get out of the car and go into a bar."

"What line? What do I need to do?" Su Lei asked.

"There are no lines, no fixed actions, just get out of the car and enter the bar, but your identity is a gangster." Zhang Delu said.

Su Lei was taken aback when he heard it, nothing?

How does this play out?
Back then when he was on the crew of "The World", Dao Ye and his brother-in-law were beside him to guide him.

But he also knew that this was a test given to him by the great director. Didn't Director Ye also test him when he joined the crew of "Human World"?
"Why, can't act?" Zhang Delu frowned, and at the same time turned his head to look at Hu Zhen beside him, thinking: Mr. Hu, who is this person you recommended to me? A bit.

"Yes, I can act!" Su Lei said quickly.

How could he shrink back from the crew that his brother-in-law found for him with favors?

So he immediately walked to the sports car, opened the door and sat in it, and when he saw the director looking towards him, he opened the door immediately.
Su Lei got out of the car full of air, looked around frivolously, then slammed the car door with his hands, turned the key fob with his fingers, and walked towards the bar by the road while whistling, his steps were as brisk as if he was about to float , when he was about to go up the steps, he threw the car key into the arms of a staff member standing by the door, and walked in arrogantly.

A series of smooth and free movements stunned Zhang Delu who was not far away.

Although people seem to know nothing, but the acting is better than he imagined.

Are you arrogant?

Are you arrogant?

And he didn't say a word, and he was able to deduce these things only by his movements and expressions. This acting skill is much better than when the villain No. [-] tried this scene.

Hu Zhen on the side also brightened up.

Before coming here, Director Xu's brother-in-law played a half-player role on Director Xu's side. He only had a few lines that were neither salty nor bland, and he couldn't see anything at all, but the series of actions in the audition just now shocked him directly.

Director Xu's brother-in-law has potential.

As expected of Su Yun's younger brother.

Su Yun's two crying scenes in "Crossover Actor" directly rushed to the trending searches, and Su Yun's younger brother's performance just now was also very surprising.

At this moment, an idea suddenly appeared in Hu Zhen's heart.

Do you want to sign Director Xu's brother-in-law to your agency?
On the one hand, this kid looks really good. On the other hand, signing a contract with Director Xu's brother-in-law is equivalent to establishing a long-term cooperative relationship with Director Xu. Once the relationship between Director Xu and that woman Liu Jinghua eases in the future, he will not be abandoned.

Well, let's observe and observe again!

"How is it?" Hu Zhen asked Zhang Delu.

"It's okay." Zhang Delu didn't say too much, and he didn't praise him. Although he felt that the young man's performance just now was really good, he was worried that after telling the truth, Hu would always arrange more people to join the crew. Still messed up?

"Then I will act as Director Zhang and agree." Hu Zhen said with a smile.

Su Lei came over at this moment, looked at the director anxiously and asked, "Director, can I do it?"

The reason why he didn't know what to do was because he wasn't acting as a gangster at all just now, but acting out his usual process of going to the bar.

He has never seen a gangster, nor does he know a gangster, and he has no reference, so how can he act?Since the brother-in-law said that he has the talent to play the villain, then he can only play himself.

"Well, you can stay here." Zhang Delu nodded, and then directed the assistant director to hand over the script of the villain No. [-] to Su Lei, saying: "There will be your play the day after tomorrow, go back and familiarize yourself with the script."

"Good director." Su Lei was delighted, but then he was a little depressed. The director asked him to play a gangster, and he played himself. As a result, he passed the audition so smoothly. It doesn't mean that he is like a gangster. son?

Alas, it seems that my brother-in-law is right, I really have the talent to play the villain.



When Xu Jie came home, he could smell the cooking smell as soon as he entered the door, accompanied by the sound of spatulas colliding.

His heart skipped a beat, what happened tonight, instead of practicing acting, he started cooking again?
Xu Jie put on his slippers and came to the restaurant. There was a row of fried leeks and a plate of mixed okra on the table.

"Are you playing a female chef?" Xu Jie asked.

"My mother asked me to take good care of you, have you forgotten?" Su Yun turned her head and said with a smile.

Xu Jie heaved a sigh of relief when he heard it. It turned out that it was for mending, but he thought the two plates of green were implying something to him, but what is the use of invigorating the kidney when he is like this now?Heroes are useless.

"By the way, I heard that you found a crew for my brother?" Su Yun asked. She really didn't expect Xu Jie to be so efficient. She was stunned for a long time when she received a call from her father.

"Yeah." Xu Jie had already received a call from his brother-in-law during the day. During the call, he told him excitedly that he would join the team the day after the audition. In fact, he still had great confidence in his brother-in-law for a role like a villain.

"I heard that the director is Zhang Delu. I know him. He makes very good police action movies. Do you think Xiaolei can do it?" Su Yun asked again.

When she was filming "The World", she was there, but now that she is in a new crew and no one is taking care of her, she will inevitably feel a little worried.

"It's okay, you'll know if you try it." Xu Jie said indifferently: "Also, didn't you say that if you let him accept the beatings from other crews, he will retreat in spite of difficulties? Why do you still care about it now? gone?"

"Who, who cared? I didn't!" Su Yun refused to admit it.

"Well, neither have I, and my mind is very calm, and I don't have any hope. After all, not all bugs can turn into butterflies, and some may be maggots." Xu Jie said.

"..." Su Yunxiu frowned slightly, why did this sound so awkward?

 Thanks to book friend Bei Hechen for the 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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