Chapter 274 Full bloom

On Monday, Su Yun drove Xu Jie to the TV station, and then went to her studio.

Because of the lack of work, she hasn't been here for a long time. Even if there is anything, it is solved through the mobile phone, let alone nothing at all.

"Good morning, sister Yun!"

Seeing Su Yun at the front desk, he hurriedly put down the makeup mirror in his hand, and quickly got up to say hello. At the same time, his eyes were full of surprise and curiosity, probably because he didn't expect the boss to come to the studio suddenly.

Su Yun nodded, opened the door and walked into the office.

The studio is still the same, but there are a lot fewer people than before, without the busyness before, it looks very deserted.

"Sister Yun!" Huang Xiaorong immediately came to the boss, with Chen Guo and Wang Chenxi behind.

Compared with the boredom of the previous days, the faces of the three of them were a little more excited and joyful at this time, because they knew that the boss was going to become popular, and after half a year of immersion, they were finally about to stand up again.

"What about people?"

Su Yun looked at her watch, it was already 9:20, past the morning working hours, but so far, she only saw four people in the studio.

Huang Xiaorong, Chen Guo, and Wang Chenxi looked at each other, then lowered their heads in unison, swaying, hesitating, and slurring their words.

"What's wrong?" Su Yun asked curiously.

"Hey, they should be busy with other things." Huang Xiaorong said after a moment of hesitation.

"Other things? What's the matter?" Su Yun still didn't understand.

"That's right, just go outside to pick up some work." Huang Xiaorong said in a low voice.

To put it bluntly, it is to take private jobs to earn extra money.

Su Yun was slightly taken aback when she heard it, and looked at the expressions of the three people. Not only did she know it, but she also knew it a long time ago, that is to say, those people have been taking private jobs for a long time.

"Oh!" Su Yun responded, then grabbed a chair and sat down.

"Sister Yun, why don't I call them now?" Chen Guo asked.

"I don't need it for now. When I get busy in the future, it's not too late to call them back." Su Yun said with a smile.

She is not unreasonable.

The employees in the studio are all living with her. If she loses her job, the employees' bonuses will naturally drop significantly.

Living in a big city like the capital city, the base salary of several thousand yuan alone is probably only enough to pay the rent, so when the studio has no assigned work, she personally understands that the employees go out to do private work to earn some extra money. To be honest, it is already kind and righteous not to resign and leave.

Huang Xiaorong and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiao Rong, what you said on the phone last night..."

Su Yun looked at Huang Xiaorong, this is also the purpose of her coming to the studio today.

Hearing what the boss said, Huang Xiaorong immediately said excitedly: "Sister Yun, I've already confirmed that the script was indeed sent by Director Xu Shenghua."

At this time, Chen Guo took a laptop and logged into an email address. This is Su Yun's work email address, which is usually managed by Chen Guo.

There are many emails in the mailbox, one of which first introduced myself, I am Xu Shenghua, sent a script, and left a phone number at the end.

Su Yun immediately took out her mobile phone, entered the phone number into the mobile phone, and then saved the electronic document to the desktop, opened it and looked it up.

She wanted to read the script in the shortest possible time and give Director Xu Shenghua a reply as soon as possible.

In fact, she has already decided to act in this movie. After all, the opportunity is rare, and she must firmly grasp it. As for the content of the script, the film director Xu Shenghua decided to make, can the content be bad?

For her, the content of the script is no longer important, what is important is to be able to cooperate with director Xu Shenghua.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Su Yun finally finished reading the script sent by director Xu Shenghua in her office.

Although it was only a part, not the complete version, the content of the story deeply attracted her.

The name of the movie is "Strange Road", and it is about the choices made by the heroine when facing the dual pressures of life and work.

The content is very realistic and full of humanistic care, which is also the consistent style of director Xu Shenghua.

She thought about it for a while, then found the number left on the email from her phone and dialed it, and the other side of the phone was quickly connected.

"Hi, I'm Su Yun."

"Hello, I'm Xu Shenghua."

Su Yun froze for a moment when she heard the voice. She didn't expect that it would be Xu Shenghua himself who answered the phone, but she thought it was an assistant or deputy director or something.

This also flattered her, it seems that this is Director Xu Shenghua's private mobile phone number.

"Director Xu, I just finished reading the script you sent me, and I really like this character."

This is a movie with a leading heroine, and the requirements for actors are very high. She doesn't know that she can act well. This is definitely a huge challenge for her. Because of this, she doesn't want to miss it even more. As an actor, she must not deny herself. Only by constantly challenging herself can she improve herself.

"If you decide to act, I can send you the rest of the script."

Compared to Su Yun's excitement, Xu Shenghua seemed calmer. After all, he has made too many movies and won many awards. He has worked with countless actors and actresses. It was also her expectation that Su Yun could agree. among.

"I agree. I don't know when the crew will start shooting. I need to make preparations in advance." Su Yun's voice began to tremble. The filming period is about one and a half months, I don’t know if it will delay the filming? In fact, the recording of the program is only on Friday, and it can be filmed at other times.”

"The film is still in the preparatory stage, and it is expected to be launched at the end of July. When we have time, let's meet up. I happen to be in the capital." Xu Shenghua said.

"Tomorrow, you decide the time."

"Well, at 10 am, there is a ferry over Houhai, do you know? Let's meet there."


After the phone call, Su Yun clenched her fists excitedly. She clutched the phone and wanted to call Xu Jie to share with her, but thought that the other party might be busy, so she sent a text message to the other party, and the other party replied quickly. smiley.

Su Yun opened the door and went out, looked at Huang Xiaorong and the others in the office area and said, "I've finished talking with Xu Dao on the phone and decided to act in her movie."

"Yeah!" Huang Xiaorong exclaimed excitedly, looking happier than Su Yun.

In fact, the truth is easy to understand.

She is Su Yun's assistant, she is a celebrity, and if she has more activities, her bonus will be higher.

Moreover, the assistants of outdated celebrities and the assistants of popular celebrities are different in the eyes of others.

"Sister Yun, have you discussed the remuneration?" Wang Chenxi asked. She is in charge of the brand endorsement work, and the boss's remuneration is linked to the endorsement fee.

Su Yun was stunned, she was too happy just now, and forgot about the salary.

But no matter how much the salary is, she decided to act in this movie. Besides, literary and artistic films are not as good as commercial films, and the salary is not much.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this time, Wang Chenxi's mobile phone rang suddenly. She checked the incoming call and answered it immediately.

"Hello, Editor-in-Chief Chen, um, okay, I see, I will tell Sister Yun."

Wang Chenxi put down the phone after finishing the call, and said excitedly, "Sister Yun, Fashion Weekly would like to invite you to take a group of fashion photos."

Su Yun's eyes are wide open. Fashion Weekly is a well-known fashion magazine in China. It has a great influence in the fashion and entertainment circles. It is also very picky about the stars it invites. She has been on it twice before, but the latest It was already two years ago.

"Okay, except tomorrow and Friday, any other time is optional." Su Yun said.

There are so many happy things these two days.

First it was movies, then endorsements, and now there are more fashion magazine shoots, it seems that it won't be long before it will return to the state before the marriage registration.

No, it's better!
After all, no famous director invited her to star in a movie before she got married.


 Thanks for the 2000 starting coins rewarded by book friends! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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