Chapter 279

"Are you sure you don't plan to enter the film and television industry? Based on your understanding of movies, you will definitely become an excellent director and screenwriter in the future. If you want, you can work by my side now." Xu Shenghua said sincerely.

She also developed a love for talent, so she took the initiative to send out the invitation. She didn't want to see such a great horse continue to be a wild horse, it was too wasteful.

Su Yun at the side was surprised and didn't know what to say.

Everyone in the film circle knows that Xu Shenghua has no company, has not joined any company, has neither a regular screenwriter nor an actor who has been employed all year round. She is a very independent filmmaker.

But now, the other party took the initiative to invite Xu Jie, which is enough to see that the other party attaches great importance to Xu Jie. This kind of treatment is not available to everyone, but there are many stars who would rather lower their pay than act in the film directed by the other party.

In fact, the most important thing is director Xu Shenghua's contacts in the film industry. He has been engaged in film work for more than 40 years and has a very good relationship with many directors. Some directors are even her students. With this kind of relationship, why worry in the film industry No chance?
"Thank you Director Xu for being so respectful of me, but I really have no intention of entering the film and television industry." Xu Jie said calmly.

Compared with Su Yun, Xu Jie is still very calm.

He knows better than anyone else how much fat and water there is in his stomach.

He can write scripts and film reviews, but it's because he took a few elective courses related to film in college. It's no problem to make a short joke, but he is still far behind if he really wants to make a real film.

What's more, in his opinion, whether it is the film industry, the TV industry, or the entire entertainment industry, there is nothing that attracts him.

Nowadays, many young people try their best to get into the entertainment industry, one is to be famous, and the other is to make money, but he neither wants to be famous nor lacks money, and has no reason to enter the film industry at all.

In contrast, the work of the TV station is more suitable for him, especially after seeing that the bosses of the agency company and the entertainment company are respectful in front of the director and the station director, he has no idea about the entertainment industry.

how about a star
How about the director?
What about the boss of the entertainment company?
They are all younger brothers in front of the TV station!

Take Su Yun for example, if he is a star or a director, can he still help Su Yun?Yes, but it is definitely limited, and you will have to ask for help when the time comes.

But now what?

Because he works in the art program center of Beijing TV station, he has produced a program with a high ratings and has been appreciated by the leaders, so he can create many opportunities for Su Yun to participate in the program, increase her appearance rate, and bring her popularity. Yun's situation can also be improved.

After understanding these things, if he gave up his job in the TV station and entered some film and television industry, wouldn't he be a fool?

What he wants is not his own fame and fortune, but to bring fame and fortune to Su Yun.

Xu Shenghua secretly sighed.

It was the first time in so many years that someone rejected her invitation, but she was not angry. Can a talent be easily recruited?

The so-called: twisted melon is not sweet.

Everyone has their own aspirations and cannot be forced.

Can you say that people have no ambition?

Regardless of the entertainment industry, this ambition is much bigger than being a star, being a director, or being a filmmaker.

"If I write the script later, can I send it to you?" Xu Shenghua asked.

She really wanted to have someone with whom she could chat about scripts.

"It's my honor to be the first to see the script written by the master." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing it.

Xu Shenghua took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Xu Jie. Xu Jie took it and looked at it. The content on it was very simple, only name and mobile phone number.

"This is my private mobile phone number." Xu Shenghua said, she rarely sent out business cards, mainly because she had a good chat today and wanted to make such a little friend.

Xu Jie didn't have a business card. After thinking for a while, he took out a pen from his pocket, then picked up a napkin, wrote his mobile phone number on it and handed it to Xu Shenghua.

"Director Xu, this is my mobile phone number, please call me if you need it." Xu Jie said.

Of course, it's just being polite. He's a great director, so isn't he more powerful than him?How is it possible to ask him for help?

If the other party really encountered a difficult problem and couldn't solve it, then he certainly couldn't solve it either.

Xu Shenghua took out his mobile phone and wrote down the number on the tissue.

"Director Xu, I wonder if the matter of my wife starring in your movie can be confirmed?" Xu Jie felt that what he just said was just chatting, and this was the real business.

In today's movies, the starring role is not what the director says, but what the investors say. Whoever the investors say will be filmed, the director has to film for whom.

When Xu Jie asked this question, he also hoped that the other party could give him a certain letter. Don't let them agree here. If the investors quit, he and Su Yun would be wasting their time.

"I'm sure." Xu Shenghua said while looking at Su Yun who was on the side, "I can tell you clearly now that you are the number one female in my movie."

When she was making a literary film, she always insisted on using actors with suitable roles, which is why investors would stay away when they heard that she was going to make a literary film.

"Thank you Director Xu." Su Yun thanked after hearing this, and finally heard an accurate answer.

It's depressing to say that I have met Director Xu Shenghua for so long, and I haven't gotten a clear answer. However, Xu Jie just chatted with Director Xu about the script, and Director Xu gave the answer. If he didn't know that Director Xu At seventy, she would really think that the other party had something in mind for Xu Jie.

Xu Shenghua was still a little scrupulous at first, but after chatting with Xu Jie for a while, she believed that with Xu Jie's help, Su Yun would be able to grasp the role well and play the role well, just like the character in "Crossover Actors". Performance.

She was at ease with Su Yun, and even more at ease with Su Yun who had Xu Jie.

It took more than two hours to finish the meal. In fact, I seldom ate and spent most of the time chatting.

Xu Jie came to the cashier downstairs and prepared to pay the bill. The previous proprietress immediately waved her hand and said, "No, no, just come here more often in the future."

"No, then I'm free?" Xu Jie took out his mobile phone to scan the QR code, "How much is it?"

"It's really unnecessary, isn't it just a meal? I can afford it." The proprietress blocked the payment QR code with her hand, but Xu Jie still scanned it.

Seeing the lady boss, Xu Jie paid 300 yuan without saying the price and left.

Xu Shenghua simply said a few words before getting into the car and leaving. Xu Jie was also going back to work. Su Yun beckoned for the nanny's car, and the two got into the car together.

"Thank you for coming to the rescue today." Su Yun said to Xu Jie, if it wasn't for the other party, the result of today's interview might not be what it is.

"It's nothing." Xu Jie didn't care.

"I didn't expect you and Director Xu to get along quite well." Su Yun said with a smile.

"I can chat with anyone, the key depends on whether I am willing to chat with that person." Xu Jie said lightly, this is one of the necessary skills as a reporter, and communicating with the elderly has always been his strengths.

"What you talked to Director Xu just now is not in your film review." Su Yun said.

"Xu Shenghua has already read those eight pages of post-reading impressions. Wouldn't it be nothing new if I go and talk about the content above?" Xu Jie said after hearing this: "I told you last night, if you give me more time, I can write more."

"Amazing!" Su Yun stretched out her thumb.

"There are many places where I am good, you need to realize it slowly."


 Thanks to the book friend Happy Mosquito for the 1500 starting point coins, and thanks to the book friend who showed his waist and knew the horsepower for the 100 starting point coins,
(End of this chapter)

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