The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 289 The chance to become a classic

Chapter 289 The chance to become a classic

"Wow hoo hoo!"

Su Yun's performance ended after Bai Suzhen was crushed on the Leifeng Pagoda, and the scene immediately burst into deafening applause.

Although only a segment of "Legend of the New White Snake" was presented, the wonderful performance of the actors won the whole house.

Facts have proved that classics are classics, and it is impossible to surpass a classic TV series with a short 10-minute performance. However, Su Yun's performance has brought surprises to people. From this point of view, Su Yun is also successful.

"Su Yun's appearance today is really beautiful, she is like a fairy herself."

"Yeah, not only is the person beautiful, but the acting is also good."

"I suspect she's not a singer, she's an actress."

"If Su Yun continues to play like this, the others can only compete for second place."

The audience discussed in succession.

Today they not only saw a different white lady, but also saw a different Su Yun.

In fact, everyone knows that Su Yun is beautiful, but in the first two rounds of experience, her acting skills overshadowed her beauty, so people talked more about her performance, but today, Su Yun played a beautiful woman, this At that time, people finally realized that she was an actress with both beauty and strength.

Su Yun walked off the stage after listening to the judges' comments, and met Xu Jie on the way back to the dressing room.

"The acting was good." Xu Jie said.

"It's far worse than the original version." Su Yun said with a wry smile.

She has self-awareness.

It is not whoever has a beautiful appearance can successfully portray the character of Bai Suzhen. The appearance is only one aspect. The character characteristics of the character need to be displayed by the actors through performance. On this point, she feels that she is almost meaningless, and she always feels is not perfect.

"Don't be so harsh on yourself, many movie queens have tried this role, but only one is considered a classic, it doesn't mean that other people's performances are not good, it can only be said that the original version is too good, and that's why Only then will it be called a classic." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"Are you comforting me?" Su Yun blinked and asked.

Xu Jie suspected that the other party was discharging him, but there was no evidence.

"No, I'm just narrating the facts." Xu Jie said: "But you don't have to be depressed, because you now have a chance to create a classic."

"What?" Su Yun was puzzled.

"Hua Mulan! Although the story of Hua Mulan has been made into many movies and TV shows, none of them can be called a classic so far, so this is a very good opportunity for you. If you can play Mulan well, Then you may become a classic." Xu Jie said seriously.

Su Yun was slightly taken aback, but it sounded true.

"I see. I will study the role of Hua Mulan carefully. By the way, is your script finished?" Su Yun asked.

Xu Jie, who was persuading others just now, suddenly drooped his head like a defeated rooster, and the firmness just now was gone.

He used to write short play scripts, which lasted ten to twenty minutes, but now he suddenly wants to write a movie script of about nine to ten minutes, which is like two big ones.

Not only are there a lot of characters created, but the content is also exciting and rigorous, and I feel that my whole head has been hollowed out.

"What's the matter?" Su Yun asked curiously, she rarely saw the other party being troubled by work.

"It's nothing, you can change your clothes, I'm going back." Xu Jie said to Su Yun, and then walked to the director team.

Su Yun looked at the man's back, and in her heart she roughly guessed why the man was depressed.

What can I do for him?

At 5 o'clock in the evening, the recording of the program ended.

As many people guessed, the final eliminated person was Chen Kaijie.

The Li Yunlong he played was too refined, not as rough as the original version. Although he would sometimes burst out with a few swear words, he looked extremely unnatural. He was the most different among the three actors. Even before the final judges eliminated him, the audience I already have the answer in my heart.


Noon the next day.

Xu Jie returned home after finishing the show.

Su Yun is sitting on the sofa watching the movie Mulan, because there will be no recording work for "Crossover Actor" in the next two weeks, so she plans to take advantage of this time to delve deeper into the role of Mulan. Seeing Xu Jie coming back, he immediately waved at him.

"Come here, I have a question."

"What's the question?" Xu Jie came and sat down next to Su Yun, showing a look of knowing everything without saying anything.

As a man, when a beautiful woman asks a question, he will inevitably feel a sense of accomplishment in his heart, and even have an illusion: Is she interested in me if she asks me, not others?
Get out of the way, I'm going to pretend.

No, I'm going to answer the question for the beauty.

"I watched several Mulan movies again today, and noticed the action scenes and war scenes in them. Are there any in your script?" Su Yun asked curiously.

"Of course, Mulan's joining the army embodies Hua Mulan's heroic spirit of defending her family and country. How to show her defense of her family and country? Of course it depends on fighting." Xu Jie said as it should.

The story is very clear, "Going to war and galloping, making great achievements repeatedly", it is about Hua Mulan riding a horse and going to battle for 12 years, and has made many achievements. How can she make achievements without fighting?So not only have to write, but also spend a lot of space to write.

How bitter the war is, how tiring the war is, and how cruel the war is, so as to highlight the image of Hua Mulan.

"But what if I don't know how to do action scenes?" Su Yun said worriedly.

Although there were action scenes in the last round of competition, due to stage constraints, there were only a few rounds of action scenes, but filming is different. In order to show Hua Mulan's bravery, there must be many fighting scenes. Learning on the set, selling and filming now, the effect will definitely not be satisfactory.

"There are still two months to turn it on. You should have time to learn it now. By the way, don't you have the skills of dancing? You should be able to learn quickly such difficult movements as ponytail and high leg raising." Xu Jie thought about it for a while and said, but he really didn't expect that the other party would have a day of beating a girl.

"Martial arts can be learned, but what about momentum?" Su Yun asked again: "The two armies confronted each other and went to battle to kill the enemy. Hua Mulan has been on the battlefield for a long time. , I don’t think these can be achieved by practicing in front of the mirror, what should I do?”

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard this, this is indeed a problem.

"Haven't you made a few movies before? How did those actors practice?" Xu Jie asked.

"All I shoot are modern feature films, and I have never shot ancient war films." Su Yun said.

Xu Jie scratched his head, this is tricky.

Temperament is something that has been cultivated over a long period of time, just like a battle-tested general who just sits there without showing any expression, and it will give people a feeling of calmness and prestige.

But the actor has never fought a war, how can he have such a temperament?

It is said that a good actor can act, but the acting needs to go deep into the role and life, so as to understand, but the question is where can I find an opportunity for Su Yun to fight the enemy now?

It's over, stumped!


(End of this chapter)

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