Chapter 294
"Ring bell bell!"

The alarm clock rang, and Su Yun was woken up.

She opened her eyes in a daze, only to find that a pair of eyes were staring straight at her. They were deep and gentle, which made her feel a warmth that she had never felt before, and she instantly woke up.

"You, why didn't you sleep?" Su Yun looked at Xu Jie and asked.

She remembered that she couldn't fall asleep because she was afraid, and finally went downstairs to the man's room. As for when she fell asleep, she couldn't remember.

"Slept, just woke up." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

The man's breath rushed towards her face. Su Yun suddenly remembered something when she felt it. She stretched out her hand and grabbed the man's ear and asked, "Why are you so close to me? Do you know that you have crossed the line?"

In order to prevent men from doing beastly things to her, she deliberately drew a "[-] line" in the middle of the bed after going to bed. Now that the two of them are almost stuck together, the other party must have crossed the line.

"Really? See for yourself." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Su Yun sat up from the bed, only to realize that she was lying in the middle of the bed, there was still a lot of space on one side of her, and there was no bed behind the man. In addition, she also found that she had been lying in the other's arms In this case, her head rested on the other party's arm, that is to say, it was not the other party who crossed the boundary, but herself crossed the boundary. The other party did not take advantage of her, but she kept taking advantage of the other party.

After seeing the situation clearly, Su Yun couldn't help but blushed. She was glad that the lights in the room were not turned on, otherwise the man would have seen her blushing face.

"It's time, let's go." Su Yun knew she was wrong, so she quickly got out of bed while changing the subject, and hurriedly left the man's room.

She went back upstairs to change her clothes, looked at herself in the mirror, and suddenly thought that the man was looking at her when she woke up, and she didn't know what the other was looking at.

It's strange to say that I couldn't fall asleep when I was alone, my head was full of images of monsters and ghosts, but after lying next to the man, I didn't think about anything, and fell asleep without knowing it, and I didn't have a nightmare, could it be This is the so-called sense of security?
She changed her clothes and went downstairs, and found that the man kept moving his shoulders and arms, and asked curiously, "What's wrong? Stiff neck?"

"I was numb by you." Xu Jie said truthfully.

The red cloud that had just retreated appeared on Su Yun's face again, and she quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I won't do it next time."

"Next time?" Xu Jie looked at the other party with a smile, and said indifferently: "It's okay, you can pillow as you like, but I'm fine."

Su Yun was slightly taken aback, and then realized that there was something wrong with what she said, and immediately explained: "I didn't mean that, I meant next time, no, I didn't mean next time..."

"Which time was that?" Xu Jie interrupted and asked.

"Yes... not that time, but in the future, I will never sleep in your bed again." Su Yun walked towards the garage as she spoke, not forgetting to urge Xu Jie, "Aren't you going to the slaughterhouse, hurry up .”

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun's back and followed with a smile.

Don't be too absolute in what you say, or you won't find a way to go back if you want to regret it in the future.


Xu Jie drove east all the way, gradually driving out of the urban area.

In order to avoid disturbing the people, the capital had promulgated a regulation a few years ago, prohibiting the establishment of slaughterhouses in the urban area. After that, all slaughterhouses were moved out of the urban area.

An hour later, the car slowly drove into a slaughterhouse named "Huifeng".

"Uncle Zhao."

After Xu Jie got off the car, he greeted the middle-aged man who came to meet him.

"Xiaojie, you are a rare visitor. Are your parents okay?" Zhao Feng asked with a smile, with a very enthusiastic attitude.

"It's all good." Xu Jie pointed to Su Yun at the side, and took the initiative to introduce: "Uncle Zhao, this is my wife Su Yun, wife, this is Uncle Zhao, the factory manager here."

"Hello, Uncle Zhao." Su Yun said politely.

"Hello, hello, during the Chinese New Year, I heard from Xiaojie's father that Xiaojie is a good kid and has a good eye, haha." After chatting for a while, Zhao Feng looked at Xu Jie and asked, "Xiaojie, what are you doing?" Why do you think of coming to my place? I heard you say on the phone that you want to visit? My place is either slaughtering pigs or cattle. It’s fishy and smelly. What’s there to visit.”

Xu Jie explained: "Uncle Zhao, it's like this. My wife is going to make a movie about the story of Mulan joining the army. I think Hua Mulan has been battle-tested and heroic. She must have a murderous aura on her body, and her eyes are also beautiful." It must be resolute and fierce, so I want my wife to experience life and see the scene of killing pigs, and let her try it by the way to get a little bloody."


Su Yun froze in place after hearing this.

Didn't you come to the slaughterhouse to watch the slaughter of pigs?Why do you have to do it yourself?This, this is completely different from what she thought.

Zhao Feng nodded in understanding, and said straightforwardly: "No problem, I can't do anything else here, but kill pigs, kill as many as you want, come with me." After speaking, lead the way.

Xu Jie followed behind, and he didn't go far when he saw Su Yun gently tugging at his clothes.

"what's up?"


Su Yun looked embarrassed, hesitating to speak, just happened to see a cart of live pigs being pulled into the slaughterhouse, and finally couldn't help asking: "Do I really want to kill the pigs myself?"

"Of course, if you don't kill, how can you develop a murderous aura?" Xu Jie said naturally.

"It's not necessary, is it?" Su Yun hesitated, she entered the haunted house, she jumped the bungee jump, but this time she really flinched.

The ghosts in the haunted house are all fake, but the pigs here are all real.

"If you want to play a role well, you have to experience life." Xu Jie said seriously.

"But, since I've grown up so big, I haven't even killed a live fish. Isn't it cruel to ask me to kill a pig now?" Su Yun's voice began to tremble.

"Really? But how can I remember that you have done even more cruel things?" Xu Jie asked.

"What's the matter?" Su Yun was puzzled.

"Have you ever steamed crabs? Have you steamed shrimp? Have you steamed oysters? Are crabs alive? Are shrimps alive? Oysters are alive too? You put a fresh life into the pot Slowly steaming, do you think this process is more cruel than helping the pig with a knife? Pigs are life, but crabs and shrimps are not life?" Xu Jie asked rhetorically.


Su Yun was questioned for a moment, and when the other party said this, she immediately felt that she was a devil who killed shrimps like hemp, and the peony shrimps she ate at night were not sweet anymore.

"I'm going to be a vegetarian in the future." Su Yun said resolutely.

"Nonsense, do flowers and plants have no life? You are speciesist!" Xu Jie pointed sternly.

Su Yun couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, why did she have another crime?It sounds like it's still heavy.

Xu Jie patted Su Yun on the head at this time, and comforted him: "Knowing your mistakes can improve you a lot. Nutritionists have said that you can't be picky about what you eat. You have to treat everyone equally and eat everything. Only in this way can you have a balanced nutrition, right?"

"Yes." Su Yun nodded, and shook her head violently after a while.


It was obviously talking about killing pigs, how did it turn into talking about eating?

It's over, being led into a ditch.

She felt that she shouldn't try to persuade the other party to change her mind at all, because the other party's ability to speak "reasonable" is too strong, she is simply Xu Youli, and she can only ask for trouble by doing so.

The three first entered a dressing room, changed into special work clothes, hats, masks and water boots, and disinfected their hands before entering the slaughterhouse.

Su Yun walked through the corridor, and saw through the glass window a group of motionless pigs being transported in.

"Are they dead?" Su Yun asked.

"Not dead, just stunned." Xu Jie said in a low voice.

"Why do you need to be stunned?" Su Yun asked in confusion.

"There is an animal welfare law. Animals sent to the slaughter point need to be stunned. Before the pigs react, they are already dead. Simply put, they are euthanized." Xu Jie explained.

Su Yun secretly let out a sigh of relief when she heard it.

"But it's not absolute. Some pigs carry electricity, and they may open their eyes and struggle twice when they are killed." Xu Jie looked at Su Yun with a half-smile after speaking.

Just at this glance, Su Yun couldn't help shivering, feeling uncomfortable all over, "You, why are you looking at me like that?"

"The pigs you want to kill must all carry electricity." Xu Jie said meaningfully.

"How do you know that pig is carrying electricity?" Su Yun asked.

Xu Jie smiled and did not continue.

Su Yun was at a loss. Could it be that the other party's family owns a pig farm, so they have developed a pair of discerning eyes since they were young, so they can see at a glance which pigs have rough skin and thick meat?

Before she could figure it out, she saw a workshop with a dozen masters in white aprons and rubber gloves holding knives and slaughtering the pigs they brought in. Of course, blood splashed on her body was unavoidable in the process, and this was what frightened her the most.

In order to prevent Su Yun from escaping, Xu Jie tightly grabbed the opponent's hand and dragged him to the console.

Zhao Feng picked up a knife and handed it to Su Yun. Su Yun's hands trembled, the knife was not heavy, but it looked very sharp, and it shone coldly under the light.

"The pigs transported in are all stunned, so the assassination must be fast, preferably within 30 seconds, otherwise the longer the time, the greater the chance of the pig waking up. When the pig wakes up and struggles, the scene It's going to be bloody, understand?" Zhao Feng instructed Su Yun, "Take a look at other masters first."

Su Yun was standing next to a master, a strong smell of blood came to her face, especially at the moment when she saw the knife pierced into the live pig's body and the blood flowed out, she covered her mouth and ran out with a "vomit" .

"Is she okay?" Zhao Feng asked.

"It's okay." Xu Jie shook his head calmly.

"Is it too embarrassing for her?"

"Uncle Zhao, don't you have any female employees here?"

Zhao Feng smiled wryly, can it be the same?His female employees here have been trained for many years.

But this is a matter between the couple, and it's not easy for him to interfere too much.

"Let's go out and have a look." Zhao Feng patted Xu Jie on the shoulder, killing pigs when it's time to kill pigs, and cherishing fragrances and jades when it's time to pity them.

Xu Jie nodded and walked towards the door.


(End of this chapter)

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