Chapter 298 A Big Problem

The days passed by.

Xu Jie wrote scripts during the day and watched pig slaughtering at night, and his life was very fulfilling.

In a blink of an eye, it was Friday, which was the recording day for the second session of "Crossover Actors".

Xu Jie came to the Grand Theater early in the morning, and the audience showed great enthusiasm for this round of classic reappearance, especially after the wonderful performance of the first round, the images of the three actors became people's favorite. The topic of Taoism, so the second show also received great attention. As a planner, Xu Jie naturally hopes to present more exciting program content to everyone.

Xu Jie gathered several camera teams together and told everyone about the recording content this morning, emphasizing not to include the costumes and appearances of the actors, and all surprises must be left at the end of the competition.

After the meeting, he was about to go to Dai Qingqing's rehearsal room to see how Ding Mengni was doing. When he arrived outside the door, his phone rang. He glanced at the incoming call and connected it immediately.

"Hello, Manager Shen."

The person who called was Shen Zi, the marketing manager of Qiandu Optimal.

"Hello Director Xu, I read the story script of July's "Delicious History" that you sent me yesterday morning, and found many problems. I wonder if you have time now. Let's meet and talk." Came from the microphone An emotionless voice that sounds almost robotic.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback when he heard it. I gave it yesterday, but I finished reading it today?The speed is fast enough. Of course, what he cares most about is the "many questions" that the other party said.

"Delicious History" was filmed for half a year. He wrote the story script, and it was all this routine. Judging from the ratings, the audience liked it very much. He really didn't find anything problems, let alone "many" problems.

"I'm busy with a show, can I change another day?" Xu Jie said.

"What about tomorrow?" Shen Zi asked.

"I don't have time for tomorrow." Xu Jie said after hearing that, recording the program today and post-production tomorrow, the schedule is very full.

"What about the day after tomorrow?" Shen Zi asked again.

"I don't have time the day after tomorrow." Xu Jie said.

Today, tomorrow, and the next three days, the day after tomorrow is the busiest, busy resting.

He put up with working overtime on Saturday, and wanted him to work overtime on Sunday, but there was no way.

"Director Xu is really a busy person. I don't know when Director Xu will be free?" Shen Zi's voice was a little strange, with sarcasm and dissatisfaction.

"Next Monday, let's chat some time on Monday afternoon." Xu Jie thought for a while and said, this afternoon was also squeezed out from his script writing time.

"Next week? No way! Your script is very problematic. There are many things that need to be revised, which must be resolved as soon as possible. Besides, the filming will start next week? The time left for us is only ten days. We must hurry up every day. A genius." Shen Zi said seriously.

Big problem?

Xu Jie was frightened. He just wrote a few scripts about food stories. How big of a problem could there be?Is it too busy recently, too many scripts to write, confused?If so, it is indeed a big problem.

He thought for a while, although Director Lu didn't come as usual, but Director Jiang came, and he has the backbone. Thinking of this, he said, "Well, how about we meet now?"

"Aren't you short of time now?" Shen Zi asked.

Xu Jie frowned. Does this woman know how to chat?

"Didn't I squeeze it out for you?" Xu Jie said, time is like the piss of middle-aged and elderly men, you can always squeeze it out a little bit.

"Come to our company, I will send you a location later." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

Xu Jie looked at his phone and didn't even say goodbye, which was impolite.

Half a minute later, the WeChat mobile phone received the location from the other party. Xu Jie found Director Jiang, told the other party about the matter, and then left the theater in a hurry.

Qiandu Optimal is located in Houchang Village outside the North Fifth Ring Road, where a large number of Internet technology companies are gathered, but it is too far away from Beijing TV Station, and there is no traffic jam on the road. Xu Jie drove for more than half an hour to arrive.

After he met Shen Zi, he was led into the company by the other party and brought into an office.

"Manager Shen, I don't know how many scripts I wrote. Which one is the most problematic?" Xu Jie kept his posture very low. He couldn't give any opinions, so he really hoped that someone could give him opinions and talk about his shortcomings, so that the program can improve, and he can also improve.

"They all have big problems." Shen Zi said seriously.


Xu Jie scratched his head with question marks on his face.

He reluctantly believes that one or two have problems, but he really doesn't believe that all five have problems.

The five scripts are all the same routine as the previous ones. If these five scripts have big problems, then all the previous scripts have big problems, which means that all the previous episodes of the programs have big problems big question.

If so, then it's not the script's fault, it's his fault.

But what puzzled him was that the program team members, the TV station colleagues, and the viewers didn't notice these big problems. Only this woman found out. Could it be that the other party has a pair of piercing eyes?
"All ears!" Xu Jie said, trusting the other party, maybe it is really possible that everyone is drunk and she is alone.

Shen Zi glanced at the man opposite with a haughty look, then took out the printed program script, and said, "The biggest problem with your script is that it doesn't talk about delicious food."

"What?" Xu Jie was stunned.

If the story is not well written, he can accept it, and if the content of the script is not exciting, he can also accept it, but if the food is not good, then he will not accept it.

No, I don't understand.

"Why can't it work?" Xu Jie asked curiously: "These are the traditional delicacies of our old capital, what's the problem?"

The most problematic part of the whole program is the food, because the name is "Delicious History".

"You still need to ask me? Didn't you already tell the problem yourself?" Shen Zi said after hearing it: "The problem lies in tradition."

"Tradition...what's wrong?" Xu Jie was puzzled.

"Some of the so-called traditional delicacies you have chosen not only taste mediocre, but you have never even heard of them. They have been abandoned by the times." Shen Zi said solemnly.

"So?" Xu Jie looked at the other party. He understood what the woman said, but he didn't understand the other party's intention.

"Don't understand yet? So we have to keep up with the times and talk about some novel cuisines. Food is also constantly evolving. New things replace old food, and new food replaces traditional food. Just like what you wrote Crunch box, how many people do you think eat it? How many people eat it often? Look at those popular delicacies, such as dirty buns, towel rolls, soy milk boxes..."


Xu Jie interrupted the other party directly, not because he was rude, but because he couldn't listen anymore.

He regretted it, regretted coming today.

He also thought that there was a big problem with the script of the story, and that there was a big problem with the program, but it turned out that there was no problem, it was the other party's brain that had a problem.

"Manager Shen, the name of our program is "Delicious History". The purpose of the creation at the beginning was to introduce the audience to the traditional cuisine of the old capital, let the audience understand some historical stories behind the cuisine, and let everyone enjoy delicious food while eating delicious food. You can also eat culture, which is also a form of publicizing the food culture of the capital. As for the dirty bags and towel rolls you mentioned, they are some Internet celebrity delicacies. Its vitality is not long-lasting, and many people may like it. But it doesn't match the theme of our show, can you understand what I mean?" Xu Jie said patiently.

He doubted whether the other party had seriously read "Delicious History".

"What happened to Internet celebrity food? In the past, the information was not developed, and food from all over the place could only be eaten locally. Now that the information is developed, the food is spread all over the Internet, and the food that netizens think is delicious has become Internet celebrity food, but This also just shows everyone’s recognition of them, why don’t you see soybean juice become an Internet celebrity delicacy? Why don’t you see the crunch box become an Internet celebrity delicacy?” Shen Zi retorted.

"Manager Shen, our program is broadcast on Beijing TV Station, not Huaxia TV Station, let alone an online video site, so what we introduce are all local traditional delicacies in Beijing." Xu Jie said with a wry smile.

"Your layout is too small. Beijing TV Station broadcasts to the whole country, and people all over the country can watch it. Therefore, the program should keep pace with the times, keep up with the modern trend, and expand its influence..." Shen Zi went on and on. Said: "I have a big data here, which is the love of netizens for food. Everyone is more interested in emerging food than traditional food, especially young people nowadays, not only are more willing to try new things, but also can eat food. Accept new things faster, so..."

Xu Jie stared blankly at the woman in front of him, feeling that what he had just said for a long time was all about talking to Niu, and the two of them were not on the same channel at all.

He said that the main purpose of the program was to talk about traditional food, but the other party said how good Internet celebrity food is, but no matter how good Internet celebrity food is, does it have anything to do with traditional food?
What he couldn't stand the most was that the opponent was completely immersed in his own world, a self-satisfied player.

"I think the show should keep abreast of current trends, so as to gain more traffic and capture more young viewers." After finishing speaking, Shen Zi looked complacent, as if she had already seen the scene of overwhelming ratings.

"Cough, I want to emphasize one point again." Xu Jie made the last effort, "The name of our program is "Delicious History", not "Delicious Food". Deliciousness is important, but without history, the program will change its taste Son, what’s the difference between this and those ordinary gourmet shows? Why are you still watching TV, just watch Kuaishou Douyin.”

So tired, so tired!

But considering the status of the opposing sponsor, he endured it.

"Emerging cuisines also have a history. There is a history behind every cuisine, just waiting for you to discover..."

"Cough, Manager Shen." Xu Jie stood up, and said calmly, "I still have work at the TV station, so we can talk about it later."

After all, he walked out of the office.

Sister, you are off topic in your composition!


(End of this chapter)

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