The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 345 You Don't Know About Movies

Chapter 345 You Don't Know About Movies

Xu Jie left the work unit and came to the Forbidden Film Company. According to Song Wen's location, he found the teahouse with the "Seven Leaf" signboard on the opposite side of the street.

He opened the door and walked in. Although the outside looks very simple, even a little plain, but the decoration inside is very elegant, with a bit of essence and luxury in the simplicity, small bridges and flowing water, surrounded by green plants, as if in a paradise, let People forget all troubles and mundane things, and enjoy this leisure with peace of mind.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Xu Jie Xu?" A beautiful woman wearing a Soviet-style cheongsam stepped forward. The light green color and exquisite embroidery made the beauty look unique.

"It's me." Xu Jie replied.

"Mr. Song has arrived, Mr. Xu please follow me." The beauty bowed slightly, and then led the way.

Xu Jie thought to himself after hearing this: It seems that this Song Wen is a frequent visitor here.

So I followed the beauty to the second floor.

The beauty finally stopped outside a box, reached out and knocked lightly on the door three times, and then pushed the door open.

"Mr. Song, your guest has arrived." The beauty said with a smile, then turned sideways and gestured to Xu Jie to invite him in.

Xu Jie nodded politely towards the other party, and walked into the box.

The room is very big, one side is a place for drinking tea, and the other side is a place for playing Guqin.

Besides Song Wen in the box, the director Zhang Weiqiang also came. The two of them watched the tea art performance and listened to the Guqin performance at the same time. It seemed that they were leisurely.

"Director Zhang, Teacher Song, I'm here." Xu Jie looked at the two of them and greeted them.

"Director Xu, please take a seat." Song Wen pointed to a chair next to him, and then signaled the tea master and luthier to leave.

Xu Jie sat down and asked straight to the point: "I don't know what details in the script need to be revised?"

"Screenwriter Xu is a vigorous and resolute person at first glance, don't worry, drink some tea." Song Wen poured a cup of tea in front of Xu Jie with a teapot.

The period between the end of July and the beginning of August should be the hottest time in Beijing, and the sky is stewed like a steamer.

Xu Jie took a sip from the teacup. Although the tea was hot, it was very comfortable to drink.

Song Wen said at this time: "I read your script three times, and there is no major problem on the whole, and there is no need to modify anything, but I think that in the details, especially the point of highlighting the multi-faceted characters, it needs to be added. Some stories."

"For example?" Xu Jie asked.

"For example, in emotional dramas, adding more dramas in this aspect to the heroine can not only reflect the tenderness of the heroine, but also make the characters more plump." Song Wen said.

After Xu Jie heard it, he couldn't help frowning.

Emotional drama?
If he didn't misunderstand, the feelings the other party mentioned should be the feelings between men and women.

But what does Mulan's military service have to do with the relationship between men and women?
Seeing the young man's expression, Song Wen couldn't help asking: "Why, screenwriter Xu has different ideas?"

Xu Jie thought for a while and said: "I think the movie tells the story of Hua Mulan who disguises herself as a man and joins the army for her father to defend against foreign aggression. I don’t understand why you add an emotional scene to such a movie that makes people excited after watching it, don’t you think mother-in-law drags down the whole plot?”

In fact, when Xu Jie was writing the script, he had considered this issue. Nowadays, some emotional scenes are more or less interspersed in film and television dramas. Even if it is not the main line, it will be used as an embellishment. this idea.

"I understand, but I think as long as the rhythm is mastered, not only will it not drag down the plot, but it will also add charm to the characters." Song Wen said after listening.

"In other movies, emotional scenes may add luster to the protagonist, but if there are emotional scenes in Hua Mulan's movie, it will only reduce the charm of personality. Why does Hua Mulan join the army in place of her father? It is to defend the country from foreign enemies. Not to fall in love." Xu Jie said seriously.

"Screenwriter Xu, the plot doesn't have to be so realistic. Our goal is to make a movie that the audience likes. The audience likes to watch emotional dramas, understand?" Song Wen said with a smile.

The subtext is: You don't understand movies!

"Ms. Song, how do you know that the audience likes to watch Mulan's emotional scenes? Have you done any research?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

Song Wen was immediately stunned by the question.

He really didn't do the research.

The reason why he said this is entirely based on his many years of experience as a screenwriter. He has written war films, martial arts films, fantasy films, and adventure films, and there will be some emotional scenes interspersed in the stories.

"Screenwriter Xu, are you a bit exaggerating? Does the screenwriter need to conduct market research first when writing a plot?" Song Wen asked back.

"It's not an argument." Xu Jie said after hearing this: "Maybe it's the relationship between the short dramas I shoot, so I usually only consider one thing when writing scripts, and that is to maximize the character of the protagonist. , Loyalty, filial piety is loyalty, filial piety and righteousness. I don’t think there is any need for love and hate. What to write, I am not a fortune teller."

"This is a movie!" Song Wen emphasized again.

"I know it's a movie and not a TV series. For this matter, I deliberately investigated it. Looking at the movies with high box office in recent years, most of them have no emotional scenes. I have watched many movies these days. To be honest, it is already difficult to shoot a story well, so we should stop interspersing so many trivial things." Xu Jie said.


Song Wen straightened up and looked at the other party with wide eyes. How dare a small TV program director say such words in front of a big director and a big screenwriter, it is simply beyond his control!
Who do you look down on?
He felt that he could not convince the young man in front of him, so he turned to look at Zhang Weiqiang beside him, hoping that the other party would come forward.

Zhang Weiqiang stared at Xu Jie intently, and asked after a while: "I have a question, do you think the audience will buy it if there is no emotional scene?"

Xu Jie replied neither humble nor overbearing: "The audience likes wonderful movies, not movies with love and love. Don't think the audience is so bad, like paparazzi. As long as the story is wonderful, the audience will like it."

The corner of Song Wen's mouth twitched. Are you saying he looks like a paparazzi?
"So, you still insist on your own point of view?" Zhang Weiqiang asked.

"Yes." Xu Jie nodded.

His attitude is very clear, if you want to add it, you can go back and add it yourself, I will not add it anyway.

He is the screenwriter, not Party B. You must know that he wrote this script for free and is not under anyone's command.

When he took over this job, he also wanted Guo Chuan to invest in the film directed by Xu Shenghua, and indirectly delayed the start of Xu Shenghua's film, so as to buy enough time for Su Yun to shoot the film "Mulan".

Besides, if he was asked to add plots he didn't like to his script, he would not do it.

Zhang Weiqiang picked up the cup and took a sip of tea after hearing this, and then said: "I heard your thoughts just now, but I also think that emotional scenes are unnecessary."

When Song Wen heard this, he became anxious.

"Director Zhang..."

Song Wen thought to himself: Why didn't his old partner help him, and even betrayed him?

Zhang Weiqiang raised his hand, interrupted his old partner, and continued: "There are too many commercial movies, and I always want to add some emotional scenes to the movies as a selling point to attract more audiences and get higher box office. This sentence touched me a lot. It is already very rare to be able to make a good story. Indeed, the content of many movies that are popular with the audience is often very simple, without any complicated things in it..."

Xu Jie nodded and said, "That's right, we're not queuing up romance movies, nor suspense movies, so it's best to be simple and straightforward."

"What do you think is not reflected in your script?"

"The scene of the war must be big and magnificent. On the one hand, it can show the cruelty of the war, and on the other hand, it can also show Hua Mulan's bravery."

"Where should the focus of the whole play be?"

"Hua Mulan's transformation, from a rookie entering and exiting the battlefield to a seasoned general, this process is very important!"


Song Wen looked at his old partner who had already discussed with the young man, he was in a daze, his eyes full of puzzlement.

Before the other party said that his idea was good, how can he say that this young man's idea is right now?

This feeling is like... Just now, Xiao Tiantian was in the eyes of his partner, but now he is Mrs. Niu in the eyes of the other party.

You must know that "Mulan" is a movie with a leading heroine, and if there is no emotional drama in a leading heroine movie, wouldn't it mean that there is one thing missing?
I really don't know what my old partner is thinking.

Xu Jie didn't expect that after arguing with Song Wen for a long time, it was Zhang Weiqiang who listened to his opinions. He thought that Zhang Weiqiang would be the most difficult to deal with, so he planned to convince Song Wen first, and then Zhang Weiqiang, to break through each level Well, I didn't expect that the soldiers didn't kill them, and directly captured the BOSS. However, it can be regarded as a wrong attack.

Xu Jie and Zhang Weiqiang talked a lot, but Song Wen became an outsider instead.

The discussion didn't end until after twelve o'clock at noon.

Before Xu Jie left, Zhang Weiqiang also invited him to attend the opening ceremony held some time ago, and Xu Jie also promised that as long as he had time, he would definitely attend.

The door was closed, and only Zhang Weiqiang and Song Wen were left in the box.

"Director Zhang, why did you change your mind?" Song Wen couldn't help asking.

Zhang Weiqiang said: "I read a book recently, and I realized a truth, the avenue is as simple as possible, a good movie should be simple and clear in content, and dispensable things are actually useless things. The difference between movies and TV dramas is that It's so distilled, it tells a great story in just 90 minutes, and since there's nothing wrong with his script, there's no need for us to add more to it."

"He's a newcomer in the film industry, what do you know?" Song Wen pouted, obviously a little unconvinced.

Zhang Weiqiang poured a cup of tea for his old partner, and said with a smile: "Didn't Mr. Guo ask us to respect this screenwriter Xu? I think Mr. Guo asked him to write this movie script, there must be his reasons, as long as there is nothing too big It’s a problem, let’s just do it.”


Song Wen snorted coldly.

"Okay, just follow his script, I want to see how much box office I can get!"


(End of this chapter)

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