Chapter 347 Eat Both Sides

"Oh, Director Xu, why don't you return favors? You are so alien. I have always treated Yunyun as a younger sister. Isn't it normal to help her?" Liu Jinghua said with a smile, her face was like a chrysanthemum blooming , that is called a brilliant.

Ever since the cooperation with "Delicious History" was snatched away by Hu Zhen of Liangxing Company, she has been unwilling to reconcile, hoping to cooperate with the show again one day in the future, but she finally got the opportunity today.

Although it is a new program, the content of the program revolves around film and television dramas and celebrities. In terms of publicity effect, it will definitely be better than the original program.

In the future, any artists of the company, as long as they have new works, they can go on this show to promote them at any time.

"You can't say that. Brothers can settle accounts clearly, so they can't always take advantage of Mr. Liu, right?" Xu Jie said lightly.

younger sister?

Ha ha!

He sneered inwardly.

What kind of person this woman is in front of him, he couldn't be more clear in his heart.

Dislike the poor and love the rich, praise the high and depress the low.

When Su Yun was abandoned by the capital, she didn't see what this woman did. Now that Su Yun became popular with "Crossover Actor", she started going home again.

Society is such a reality.

"Director Xu, drink some water first, and I'll go see the movies or TV shows that are about to be released by artists in the company." Liu Jinghua said impatiently.

"Then you have to hurry up, my time is very precious." Xu Jie said.

Liu Jinghua walked out of the living room, and the next second, the pace under his feet immediately accelerated.

She took out her mobile phone while walking, called the heads of several departments of the company, and told them to gather in her office. When she returned to the office by the elevator, the heads had already arrived.

"Among the artists signed by the company, who has a new work to broadcast recently? Movies and TV shows are included." Liu Jinghua asked several persons in charge.

At the same time, she sat back at her desk and searched for the words "deep talk about film and television" on the computer, and a series of results were immediately displayed.

"Beijing Satellite TV launched a new film and television interview program "Deep Talk on Film and Television"."

""Deep Talk on Film and Television" satisfies the public's curiosity about the front and back of the film and television industry."

"The question scale of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" is bold and controversial."

""In-depth Film and Television Talk" set off a wave of movie viewing in the summer vacation, and the pre-sale of "Summer Love Story" exceeded one million."

"Liu Qing admitted to being single for the first time in "In-depth Film and Television Talk"."

After Liu Jinghua read a few news items, a smile gradually appeared on his tense face.

Although it was a brand new program that was premiered last night, judging from the searched news content, everyone recognized this program quite well, and it did play a very good role in publicizing the films that participated in the interview.

In fact, she has been doubting the man's words just now, not because she is suspicious, but because she has been teased by him too many times, which has left a psychological shadow.

"Mr. Liu, it's summer vacation, and there are many artists whose works will be broadcast soon." A department head said.

"Are there any first-line artists?" Liu Jinghua asked.

With the lesson of losing "Delicious History" last time, this time she dare not use Xu Jie's show to praise newcomers, and in order to show her support for the show, she plans to send the most famous artists to participate in the show, for To continue to cooperate in the future to lay a solid foundation.

"Yes, the disaster blockbuster "Heavy Rain" starring Xiao Zhenyu will be released on August 8th." The person in charge of the department said.

"What has Xiao Zhenyu been doing lately?" Liu Jinghua asked while finding the video of "Deep Chat in Film and Television" on the Internet, wanting to see the quality of the program with his own eyes.

"I'm doing a national roadshow with the main creators of the movie "Heavy Rain", and I have arrived in Shenzhou today."

"Okay, you guys go back." Liu Jinghua said.

The heads of several departments looked at each other, but they didn't understand what happened to Mr. Liu.

Calling everyone here in such a hurry is just for these few questions?

Just when the few people were about to leave, Liu Jinghua suddenly asked again: "By the way, have you watched a new program called "In-depth Film and Television Talk" on Beijing Satellite TV?"


""In-depth Film and Television Talk"... I have never heard of it."

"Mr. Liu, I read it, it seems like it was last night."

After hearing this, Liu Jinghua looked up, and said "seen" was Shi Xiaoli, the person in charge of the film and television business, who has a good network in the film and television industry.

"Yes, it was broadcast last night. What do you think of this program?" Liu Jinghua looked at Shi Xiaoli and asked.

Shi Xiaoli thought for a while, and said: "This program is very interesting. It discusses the film and television dramas in depth, but the host's questions are relatively sharp. Whether it is work or personal matters, he will ask them all, and they will get to the bottom of it. Ordinary actors may not be able to accept it." ,but……"

"But what?" Liu Jinghua asked.

"Only by having a topic can attract more people's attention." Shi Xiaoli said.

Liu Jinghua was taken aback for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Not bad!

In the entertainment industry, one is not afraid of having a topic, but one is afraid of not having one, even if it is hype.

No topic means no attention, and the commercial value will be greatly reduced.

In fact, before the film is released, a lot of publicity will be carried out, and the best way to publicize is to hype the leading actors, so as to attract people's attention and achieve the purpose of promoting the film.

Many artists will also cooperate with the film crew to hype, for example: the closeness of the male and female protagonists on the set is suspected to be a fake scene, and the dispute between the female one and the female two on the set is suspected to be black faces, etc.

So sharp questions are also for the purpose of gaining attention. As long as we communicate in advance and ask for permission from the artist, then no matter how sharp the question looks to the audience, it is actually nothing to the artist.

Some artists even take the initiative to reveal themselves in order to gain attention.

Liu Jinghua fast-forwarded to watch the show. From her point of view, those issues were really not sharp, and some of them were even well-known matters, but no one brought them up before, but this time they were moved to Just in the TV show.

After listening to the words of her subordinates and watching the show, she finally had a bottom line in her heart.

Ten minutes later, Liu Jinghua returned to the reception room.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Liu Jinghua first apologized, then looked at Xu Jie who was playing Fighting the Landlord and said, "I just checked who among the company's artists had new works released, and found a disaster movie starring Xiao Zhenyu "Heavy Rain" will be released on August 8, what do you think about letting the main creators of "Heavy Rain" participate in this show?"

Xu Jie has heard of Xiao Zhenyu, a first-line male artist who became famous through TV dramas a few years ago, and has started to take the film route in the past two years, and has a good reputation.

"You can choose whoever you want." Xu Jie stood up after playing this game, and said to Liu Jinghua: "I will leave it to you to notify the main creators of "Heavy Rain", because the show will be broadcast on Thursday, so it is best to download it." It can be recorded on Monday."

"Don't worry, I will definitely notify you." Liu Jinghua said with a smile.

"I'm going back to work." Xu Jie packed his phone and walked out.

"Go slowly." Liu Jinghua followed behind, leading the person out of the door, watching him get into the car and leave.

The first thing she did when she returned to the company was not to inform Xiao Zhenyu, but to call the producer of the movie "Heavy Rain".

"Director Chen, I'm Liu Jinghua. That's it. Isn't Xiao Zhenyu's movie "Heavy Rain" going to be released soon? I won an opportunity for them to promote the movie on Beijing Satellite TV. You know there is a program called "Deep Talk on Film and Television" "? This is the latest film and television talk show launched by Beijing Satellite TV. Liu Qing's "Midsummer Love Story" has just finished participating. It's nothing, thank you...

Xu Jie called Hu Zhen in the car, and when he returned to the TV station, the other party had already arrived.

"Director Xu, are you done?" Hu Zhen asked.

"Yeah." Xu Jie smiled and nodded.

However, this smile directly confused Hu Zhenxiao's heart.

Because he heard Director Xu said that the other party had a grudge against Liu Jinghua.

But now, the other party just came back from Liu Jinghua's place, and he seemed to be in a very good mood, which made him wonder whether the relationship between the other party and Liu Jinghua had eased.

"Director Xu, why do you need to find Liu Jinghua in person, can't she come to the TV station?" On the surface, Hu Zhen was trying to defend Xu Jie, but in fact he was trying to provoke a relationship. By the way, he wanted to know what the two were talking about. What's up.

"I happened to pass by there when I went out to do errands, so I stopped by." Xu Jie said lightly: "It's actually nothing. Didn't I launch a new program recently, called "Deep Talk on Film and Television", which is dedicated to interviewing the main creators of film and television dramas." Staff, to promote film and television culture, explain the inside story of the movie, and gossip about some personal issues of the artist that fans care about, the crew of an artist under Liu Jinghua wants to participate in this show, so I went to watch it.”

"I see."

The expression on Hu Zhen's face immediately stiffened, and he had experienced the bad premonition before. He thought about it, and asked tentatively: "Director Xu, in fact, the artists under my hand also have film and television dramas that need to be promoted. I don't know if they can Are you on your show?"

Xu Jie looked at Hu Zhen and said with a smile: "Of course, but "In-depth Film and Television Talk" is different from "Delicious History". Publicity for the crew."

After Hu Zhen has been in this business for so long, he immediately understood what the other party meant.

"I understand, I wonder how much the publicity fee for a program is?" Hu Zhen asked.

"Well, you should ask the film crew of "Summer Love Story", after all, I am the program director." Xu Jie said.

The reason why he told Hu Zhen about going to Fanhua Brokerage Company on the phone earlier was that he wanted to buy insurance. If Liu Jinghua's side didn't go well, he could take advantage of Hu Zhen's worry and nervousness after he came back. Let the other party take the bait by casually revealing about the new show.

But now, although Liu Jinghua has already bit the bait, the number of artists in a brokerage company is limited, and there is no guarantee that there will be film and television crews participating in regular programs, so he deliberately talked about it in front of Hu Zhen. Taking the opportunity to hang on to the other party, once there is no one on Liu Jinghua's side, Hu Zhen can immediately make up for it.

In this way, he has the artist reserves of the two brokerage companies, so he doesn't have to worry about not having any crews on the show in the short term.

And the most important point is that both agencies want artists to appear in "In-depth Film and Television Talk". solved.

Hey, I'm so smart!
(End of this chapter)

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