Chapter 427 News Awards


Xu Jie came outside the senior sister's office, and as soon as he reached out to knock on the door, he saw the door opened from the inside.

"Come in." Wang Jingmin turned her head and pointed to the office.

Xu Jie walked in. There was no change in the office, and it was still the same. He looked back at his senior sister and asked curiously: "Senior sister, what's the big deal? Hurry up and tell me to cheer me up. You don't know, I don't even drink cold water recently. I dare not drink, for fear of clogging my teeth."

"Oh? I heard that you are now the darling of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Director Jiang. Who dares to provoke you?" Wang Jingmin asked with a smile. The other party is now a celebrity on the TV station in Beijing. Can often hear each other's name.

"Oh, it's too good, there are too many people who are jealous, there is no way." Xu Jie shrugged, showing a helpless expression.

"Cut!" Wang Jingmin rolled her eyes, then went back to sit down behind her desk, and said, "Let's talk about business, do you remember that when you were here last year, you followed up and reported a news about the heating problem in the old community?" , and even appeared on the Beijing News?"

"Remember." Xu Jie nodded.

For this matter, he ran around a lot, and he was a heating company, a heating office, and the city management committee. Of course, he offended many people because of this, and was finally assigned to answer the hotline.

But after what the senior sister said, Xu Jie remembered one thing. It is already November, and the heating period in the capital has started again. I wonder if the things promised by the relevant departments have been implemented.

The senior sister suddenly mentioned this matter. Could it be that the heating has not met the standard?

Failure to meet the standard should be a bad thing, not a good thing.

But even if he reached the standard, what does it have to do with him now?You don't have to deliberately call him here, do you?

"It's like this. The relevant departments have carried out all-round transformation of the heating pipe network of the old residential area this year. This matter was also selected as one of the top ten people's livelihood news in Beijing this year, and won the first prize of the Beijing News Award. The ceremony will be held on the 8th of this month, which is next Tuesday. You were in charge of this news at the beginning, and you should attend the award ceremony. This is the invitation letter." After Wang Jingmin finished speaking, she handed the invitation letter to Xu Jie.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, with a surprised expression on his face.

The Beijing News Award is a news award sponsored by the Beijing Journalism Society. It has been held for more than 30 sessions. There are usually more than 40, but you must know that there are many news media in Beijing, and it is not an easy task to win this award.

I remember that last year, the entire Beijing Radio and Television Station seemed to have only 6 news awards.

If it is said that the previous excellent program selection activities were only selected within the Beijing Radio and Television Station, then this time the news award is selected in the entire Beijing area, with a larger scope and greater social influence.

Xu Jie looked at the invitation letter in his hand. It did not name anyone to invite to participate, but marked the unit, author and news topic.

In the author column, there is only his name.

"That's not right!" Xu Jie raised his head, looked at Wang Jingmin suspiciously, and said, "Why is it only me? Where's Zhang Mingliang? Besides, Senior Sister, you are the director of the column group, so you should be there."

Wang Jingmin shook her head when she heard it, and said, "Before I submitted it to the Journalism Society, I deliberately asked Zhang Mingliang, and he said that you were busy with this matter alone, and he was only responsible for taking pictures and recording, and had no knowledge of the incident itself." Any promotional effect, so I refused to add his name in the author column. As for me, I remember that I did nothing but persuade you to stop reporting this news, and finally caused you to be put on by Director Li. "

After speaking, he sighed.

In this matter, she has always felt sorry for this junior, so she tried her best to overcome all opinions, and finally submitted this news to the station to participate in the selection of the Journalism Society, and also vowed to compensate the junior, but she did not expect to be able to The award is still the first prize. I heard that there are only 8 news awards in the entire radio and television station today.

But then again, if Xu Jie had stayed in the life program center, I am afraid that he would not have the current results.

"Without your persistence, this news would not have happened, so this award should belong to you." Wang Jingmin said seriously.

Xu Jie looked at the senior sister. The other party clearly wanted to give this award to him personally. Otherwise, according to the normal procedure, there would be at least five people in the author column of this news, including the host Zhou Miner.

Is it because of guilt?

Failed to protect him?

"Thank you, sister." Xu Jie said seriously.

Now is the time when he needs honors, and this Beijing News Award is undoubtedly a timely help for him.

"Thank me for what? You deserve it." Wang Jingmin said after hearing this, "Okay, let's go, remember not to be late for the awards ceremony."

"Understood Senior Sister, then I'm leaving."


Xu Jie packed the invitation letter and walked out of the senior sister's office.

When passing by the office area outside, he winked at Zhang Mingliang, who immediately nodded knowingly, got up and left the work station.

Xu Jie stopped in the corridor outside, and after a while, Zhang Mingliang also came out.

"Xu Jie, what's the matter?" Zhang Mingliang asked in a low voice.

"Brother Liang, what's the matter with the Beijing News Awards?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

"What Capital News Award?" Zhang Mingliang asked in confusion.

"Play, continue to play, the senior sister has already told me, isn't there just one more name? Isn't it the same for one person to win the award and two people to win the award?" Xu Jie said.

Even if the other party has no credit, he has worked hard. On such a cold day, the other party has been running around with him, as cold as a grandson every day, and he has to be looked down upon by others. Just for this, the author's name should have Zhang Mingliang three words.

"Huh? You're talking about the news about the renovation of the heating equipment in the old community? Did you really win an award?" Zhang Mingliang was full of surprise.

"You don't know?" Xu Jie looked at the other party suspiciously. It didn't look like he was pretending. Didn't the senior sister announce it in the column group?


It seems impossible to announce.

After all, the winner, that is, he, was forced to leave at the beginning, and announced in the column group, isn't this a slap in the face?

Moreover, he is still in the art program center, even if he announces it, it seems that there is nothing wrong with the group of people in the program group, on the contrary, it will be very embarrassing.

Those who stayed in the column group did not win the award, but those who left the column group did, which is ironic when you think about it.

"I don't know." Zhang Ming shook his head, and then said: "But it doesn't matter, I have nothing to do with that news. The leader came up with a solution, and he didn’t share the difficulties with you. Even when you were arranged by Director Li to answer the phone, he couldn’t say a word of justice for you. In fact, I always feel sorry for you.”

In fact, he has always felt guilty towards Xu Jie.

Although Xu Jie is living a good life now, but one size fits all, even if he is living well, it is because of the other party's hard work and has nothing to do with him. It is not right to comfort himself with the other party's good life.

After hearing this, Xu Jie said: "Brother Liang, don't say that. When I was out and about, didn't you always stay by my side? There is a division of labor, some are in charge of the front line, and some are in charge of logistics support. Do people have to die? It is meritorious service? It cannot be measured in this way.”

Zhang Mingliang shook his head and said seriously: "That's not what I said. Without me, I can switch to a personal camera, but without you, this matter cannot be done. It is my credit, I will fight for it, not my credit, I I won’t steal credit, what’s yours is yours.”

In fact, it's not just about adding a personal name, it's also about the ownership of this journalism award, and it's precisely because of this that he didn't add his own name.

Now Xu Jie is not in the "Serving the People's Livelihood" column. If the news author is only Xu Jie, then once the news wins, the award will belong to Xu Jie alone, but if the news author has him, then the news award will belong to two people. Coupled with the fact that the news comes from the program "Serving the People's Livelihood", there is a high probability that this news award will stay in the "Serving the People's Livelihood" column group.

And he doesn't write his name in it, others are embarrassed to write his name in it, if he adds his name in it, as well as the director, host, director, and even the producer, Xu Jie will not be able to take away the news Awarded.

He is not an ungrateful person. I remember that when the business of his girlfriend’s dumpling restaurant was not good, it was Xu Jie who promoted the dumpling restaurant on Weibo and on the show, saving the business of the dumpling restaurant. If it wasn’t for Xu Jie, his My girlfriend might have gone back to my hometown.

Could he not repay this kindness?
And next year he will marry his girlfriend, and he plans to invite her to his wedding.

"Brother Liang..."

Xu Jie wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zhang Mingliang.

"Okay, Xu Jie, don't talk about this matter anymore. We are not outsiders, so don't fight over such a trivial matter. Besides, isn't the selection of the news award already over? It's meaningless to talk about it now, so you can rest assured Go and receive your award, okay, I’m going back, we’ll talk when I have time.” Zhang Mingliang patted Xu Jie’s shoulder with a smile, turned and went back.

Xu Jie looked at Zhang Mingliang's back and sighed secretly.

Some people wrote anonymous letters to report him because of jealousy, while some people could give up news awards for him. Why is there such a big gap between people?
Just as Xu Jie was about to leave, he saw Li Donglai walking towards him. The other party also saw him at this time, with a slightly embarrassed expression on his face, and he hesitated a bit, as if he wanted to turn around.

"Hello Director Li."

Xu Jie took the initiative to walk over to say hello.

He is not a stingy person, but he still remembers how the other party put on small shoes for him, from an excellent outbound reporter to an excellent hotline answerer.

The best way to fight back against someone is to become a better version of yourself, and obviously, he did.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Li Donglai forced a smile and said, "So it's Xiao Xu, why did you come here?"

"It's nothing, let's ask something. Director Li often comes to our entertainment program center when he has nothing to do." Xu Jie said with a smile. He didn't tell the news about the award.


Li Donglai nodded, but he was thinking in his heart, who is free to go to your place to play?Embarrass yourself?

"Director Li, goodbye!"

Xu Jie waved his hand, turned and left the life program center.



(End of this chapter)

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