Chapter 462 Convinced
Zhang Nan's eyes were wide open, with doubts in his eyes, but more surprise. His pink and delicate lips were slightly parted, which made people unable to help but fantasize.

Although both were clothed, she felt offended.

Wouldn't it be an insult to her profession to have a history professor come to the cabaret to give lessons to the dancers?

"Why, my teaching level is not as good as that of a history professor?" Zhang Nan frowned tightly. Now she is extremely suspicious that the other party is picking up private goods at work, introducing jobs to her mother-in-law, and then paying high labor fees.

"Of course!" Xu Jie said after hearing this: "Tuan Zhang is so young, he has only been engaged in teaching work for about ten years at most, and my mother-in-law has been in the teaching position for 30 to [-] years, and is a teacher who specializes in teaching teachers. Whether it is teaching experience or teaching level, it must be higher than you."

"I'm talking about dancing!" Zhang Nan said angrily, feeling like he was playing the piano to the cow all the time.

"Dancing?" Xu Jie looked at the woman strangely and said, "Head Zhang, you are dancing with a history professor? What do you think? Why don't you compare Chinese with foreigners? It's better not to be next to each other! "

"Then why do you still invite a history teacher to teach our dancers here?" Zhang Nan asked angrily.

"I think your actors' understanding of the content of the show is too superficial and formal, so I invited my mother-in-law to describe that era in detail for them, so that the actors can understand it better. Is this wrong?" Xu Jie asked the staring woman.

Zhang Nan was shocked and blinked his eyes. It turned out that this was the case!

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

She put all the responsibility on the man, thinking that the other party didn't speak clearly, which caused such a misunderstanding. If the other party had said it earlier, she wouldn't be thinking about it.

In fact, the man's explanation is still very easy to understand. For example, some folk dances need to consult some professional teachers, and even need to go deep into the local area to learn, and the counterparts who study are not only ordinary villagers, but also some folklore scholars.

What the program wants to express is history and culture, so it is understandable and reasonable to invite a history professor to give a lecture.

"Didn't I tell you that the actors don't understand the content of the show well, so I asked a teacher to teach the actors a lesson so that they can listen carefully and get into the role." Xu Jie said.

"You, have you said it?" Zhang Nan recalled it carefully, it seems that he did say it, but he said it in sections.

"What do you think?" Xu Jie asked back.

Zhang Nan coughed, and turned his head to look at the stage.

It's embarrassing that the pot didn't get thrown out!
After more than an hour, a vivid history lesson finally came to an end.

This time without waiting for Xu Jie to speak, Zhang Nan took the initiative to stand up and said, "Thank you Professor Zhang for your guidance."

"You're welcome." Zhang Jingmin said after hearing this.

At this time, Zhang Nan looked at the actors on the stage and asked, "Have you all listened carefully to Professor Zhang's narration of human activities in the primitive period just now?"

The actors looked at each other and listened to each other, but when it came to being serious, they must have fallen short.

Seeing the dancer's reaction, Zhang Nan couldn't help blushing, feeling ashamed again.

"Professor Zhang is invited to let you have a deeper understanding of the content of the program. Now go to the backstage immediately to reflect and combine Professor Zhang's narration to think about what you have not done enough." Zhang Nan said with a serious expression.

When the actors heard this, they understood Mr. Xu's good intentions, and walked backstage while thinking.

Zhang Nan turned to Zhang Simin and said, "Professor Zhang, we still have a few programs, can you tell them more?"

Now when I think about my choreography design, although I have consulted a lot of information, they are all biased towards form and do not pay too much attention to connotation.

Without connotation, it means that there is no soul, so this dance is a failure.

"Yes." Zhang Simin nodded.

"Thank you Professor Zhang!"

Zhang Nan immediately arranged for all the actors of the second program to gather on stage.

In this way, after four classes in a row, until the afternoon, Zhang Simin had to leave the Beijing Song and Dance Troupe because of the school's classes.

Xu Jie drove his mother-in-law to school, and then returned to the Beijing Opera Troupe.

"Mr. Xu, the children are ready. Do you want to read it again?" Zhang Nan asked impatiently. When he looked at Xu Jie, he no longer had the previous resistance, but it was like offering a treasure.

In fact, it's not just a dancer, even she herself was greatly inspired by listening to Professor Zhang's class and realized some shortcomings.

So during the period when Xu Jie sent Professor Zhang back to school, she was not idle, and immediately rehearsed the program that she had taught, and felt that it had changed a lot. This is also her change of attitude, and she hopes that Xu Jie will watch it again the main reason.

"No need? I have to go to the modern dance troupe in the afternoon, and I have already made an appointment with them." Xu Jie looked at the time on his watch. It was already past one in the afternoon. He had just finished his history class, so it would be better to settle down.

"Half an hour, just half an hour, okay?" Zhang Nan looked at Xu Jie eagerly, but at the same time, he didn't wink at the actors under him.

For a moment, the singing of warblers and swallows in the venue was melodious.

"Mr. Xu, why don't you stay and watch our performance."

"Yes, we rehearsed again just now, it was very hard."

"Teacher Xu!"

How could Xu Jie stand such a scene?Even a straight man of steel would be melted at this moment.

"Okay, just half an hour." Xu Jie sat down.

Zhang Nan's face was overjoyed, and he immediately commanded and announced the scene himself.

"The first show, let's start!"


Xu Jie watched the performance on the stage seriously. He never regarded himself as a judge, but only as an ordinary audience. After all, the New Year's Gala was for audiences all over the country, not for dance judges.

Because I have performed once before, the gap between before and after the show can be seen immediately after the second performance.

There is no harm without comparison.

Different programs can be compared to see whether they are good or bad, let alone the same program, it is easy to see at a glance.

Xu Jie finally nodded this time.

As expected of a professional dancer, once you know what the problem is, you can make a big difference after a little study, and it only took two or three hours during this period. If it takes another two or three days, there will definitely be bigger problems improvement.

The first show is finally over.

Xu Jie didn't wait for Zhang Nan to ask, so he spoke first, "What do you think?"

"Ah?" Zhang Nan was taken aback, thinking that Xu Jie was still not satisfied, so he said, "I think it's okay, but if you give me some more time, I'm confident to make the show better."

Xu Jie asked again: "How about the match in the morning?"

"It's better than in the morning." Zhang Nan said without thinking, as long as you have eyes, you can tell.

"Well, I think so too." Xu Jie stood up after finishing speaking, "Okay, let's stop here today."

"Don't tell me, didn't you say half an hour? It's only been 10 minutes now." Zhang Nan said after hearing it.

"There is nothing wrong with the choreography of the shows you showed. The problem is all with the actors. Now that the actor's problem has been solved, you can figure out the rest." Xu Jie said: "By the way, isn't it still Are there three programs? Tomorrow I will invite my mother-in-law to continue to attend class, and you will be responsible for the driving, I don’t want to freeze her old man to catch a cold.”

"No problem!" Zhang Nan made an OK gesture.

Xu Jie nodded, and left quickly, for fear that the other party would use a beauty trick again.

Looking at the back of the man, Zhang Nan thought that the man was just a layman, but he didn't expect his eyes to be so poisonous. No wonder he was recommended as the chief planner. It really has something special.

Thinking about it, is it possible to make a show with such a high ratings and marry a big star Su Yun, can it be a fool?Certainly not!

When Xu Jie walked out of the gate, she immediately turned around, clapped her hands, and said to all the actors: "Come on, get ready, let's continue rehearsing!"

Taking advantage of the fact that everyone has just received the edification of the history and culture class, and the whole person is still in the state, continue to rehearse quickly. This can inspire the actors to show their best sides on the stage, which can be regarded as a reward for Director Xu.


Xu Jie left the Beijing Song and Dance Troupe and came to the Beijing Modern Dance Troupe.

It can be seen from the name that the dance style that this dance troupe is good at is modern dance.

In the New Year's Gala program, the modern dance troupe is responsible for all the modern part of the dance, a total of six programs, although not many, but they have a pivotal position.

On the one hand, the program shows modern civilization, and it needs to show the achievements of various modern fields in front of the audience. On the other hand, in the past, present and future of the entire evening program, it plays a role of linking the past and the future, with a good transition , the whole party will not look abrupt.

Xu Jie watched a few shows, probably because he had more contacts and was very close to the times, so his overall performance was better than that of Zhang Nan.

"Mr. Xu, how are you?" Li Qing, the head of the modern dance troupe, looked at Xu Jie.

"Not bad." Xu Jie nodded.

Li Qing smiled.

She had already received rumors that there seemed to be a problem with the Beijing Song and Dance Troupe's program, and Mr. Xu seemed not very satisfied with the planning.

There are too many dance troupes in Beijing, and there is more or less competition with each other. She does well here, but Zhang Nan does not so well there, so Mr. Xu will definitely be willing to cooperate with her in the future after planning, such as New Year's party, Spring Festival party, The Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, as well as other evening parties, will virtually increase the popularity of the modern dance troupe.

"But I think there is still room for improvement." Xu Jie continued.

"Well, yes." Li Qing said: "The rehearsal has just been completed, and the actors are not skilled enough. I think the effect will be better when the actors become more proficient and then add music and back view."

"I'm talking about the dancers' grasp of the content. Every program represents a kind of spirit, and actors need to express this spirit." Xu Jie thought for a while and said, "Well, I'll find you a seat History teacher, ask her to tell the actors about the development of modern civilization, and those major events that can affect human beings, yes, then go to the Science and Technology Museum to visit, feel the progress of science and technology, and experience modern civilization personally..."

"Ah? Oh!"


(End of this chapter)

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