Chapter 5 Am I Proud?
Xu Jie took out the vibrating mobile phone from his pocket while browsing online news. When he saw the caller ID, he immediately became nervous, and his brain was even more confused.

It's mom! ! !

When he was in love with Tang Fei, his mother didn't know about it. Now that Su Yun is putting out such a big picture, it's impossible for her mother to not know.

There is no internet in the village.

He glanced at his colleagues around him and felt that this was not the place to talk, so he quickly got up and left the office and hid in the bathroom to answer the phone.

"Mom, what's the matter?"

"You still know you have a mother?"

The roar of the middle-aged and elderly woman came from the microphone, and Xu Jie's ears were buzzing.

It is said that since he left home and rented a house outside, the most worrying thing is his mother's body. Now that he hears that her mother is so energetic, he is relieved.

"Mom, if you have anything to say calmly, there's no need to be angry, it will hurt your body." While Xu Jie soothed his mother's emotions, he thought about what to do next.

"The pigs I have worked so hard to raise for more than 20 years were abducted by others with cabbage. You don't want me to be angry? Is it possible?"


Xu Jie is not a person who can be easily moved, but at this moment there is a feeling of tears in his eyes.

Mom, this is definitely Mom!
Now the whole Internet is saying that the cabbage has made the pig go over, but only the mother has the insight to see through everything and knows that the cabbage abducted the pig.

"Mom, I actually wanted to give you a surprise." Xu Jie felt that he couldn't let his mother down, so he said seriously, "Didn't you say that Auntie always shows how good her daughter-in-law is in front of you? I haven't won you any glory, and I must give you a face when it comes to marrying a daughter-in-law, so I have been holding back for the past two years, and I just want to save a big move to surprise you."

Wang Guizhi originally wanted to invite his teacher to ask the guilt, but when he heard his son's words, he immediately lost most of his anger. Maybe he really put too much pressure on his son, and his son gave her a miracle.

"Joy is hi, but for such a big thing as getting a certificate, you should ask me and your father's opinion, right?" she said.

As a mother, she didn't even know who her son was getting married, and she didn't even know who his daughter-in-law was. If it wasn't for the employees talking about it, she would have been kept in the dark.

"You don't agree with me getting married?" Xu Jie asked.

"Tong, I agree, but there's no need to be in such a hurry, right?" It was so sudden that Wang Guizhi couldn't accept it for a while.

"Don't be in a hurry, Mom, your son is a small reporter, and he has no big skills. It's hard to fool a female star. You must quickly get a certificate and cook the raw rice to prevent changes. If it weren't for the development of the Internet technology, I would have I want to bring you a grandson directly." Xu Jie said nonsense in a serious manner.

Wang Guizhi thought about it carefully, and felt that what his son said made sense, so he slowly tried to accept the reality, "Since the marriage certificate has been received, tomorrow just happens to be the weekend, bring people back to me and your father to see."

Xu Jie was startled, and quickly said, "Not tomorrow, there are tasks in the stage for the past few days and I can't go back. Let's talk about it after a while."

He didn't even know where Su Yun was, how could he bring it home?

"No way!" Wang Guizhi got angry again, "If you don't have time during the day, go back at night. How can a son get a license to get married, and a mother has never even seen his daughter-in-law?"

"I see, you want to meet your daughter-in-law, right?" Xu Jie asked.

"Well." Wang Guizhi felt that his request was not excessive.

"It's easy. You search for Su Yun on your phone, and it's full of photos."

"Fart, is your skin itchy, believe it or not..."

As soon as Xu Jie heard his mother start cursing, he immediately took the phone away from his ear, and pretended to shout at the surrounding air: "What? Okay, I'll go right away." Then he put the phone back to his ear and pretended to be In an urgent tone, he said, "Mom, don't talk anymore, our director called me, you look at the photos first, and I will bring someone back to you in a while, bye!"

When you're done, hang up the phone.

He didn't go out immediately, but waited for a while with his mobile phone in hand, and was relieved to see that his mother didn't call again.

Although the acting is exaggerated, it can finally be mixed.

He grabbed his phone and walked out of the bathroom. As he walked, he realized that the surrounding atmosphere was not right. Everyone who passed by cast a strange look at him. The men seemed to be looking at their rivals, the women were looking at Tang Monk, and the giant pandas in the zoo were all looking at him. No such treatment.

Alas, the aura really can't be hidden.

He walked back while sighing, when suddenly there were rapid and dense footsteps in the corridor, and then he heard someone calling his name.

"Xu Jie!!!"

When he turned around, it turned out that his colleagues who had gone out to interview had returned, but compared to usual, everyone seemed to be in a hurry at this time, as if something major had happened.

"What happened?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was surrounded by colleagues, blocking him directly against the wall.

"Is the news about you and Su Yun true?" a beautiful woman asked with concern.

Her name is Zhou Miner, she is the host of "Serving People's Livelihood", and she is also the face of the entire column. She is not only young and beautiful, but also smart and capable. She is the dream lover in the minds of many viewers.

"Min'er, the person in the photo is definitely not him!" Before Xu Jie could speak, a man with a camera said yin and yang, "Su Yun is a first-tier actress, how could she marry Xu Jie? Poor boy? If you want me to say, maybe I look more similar, and some people say that I look like the overbearing president Huang Xiaoming, am I proud?"

"But Su Yun'ai has posted Xu Jie's Weibo, how can I explain it?" Liu Ting, a female colleague with a ponytail next to her, asked suspiciously.

"Uh... Maybe they use photos as avatars, and Su Yun is also confused." The man turned his head and glanced at Xu Jie contemptuously, opened his mouth and said loudly, "If he can marry Su Yun, I can marry Shi Fei. Chang'e."

Xu Jie listened to Fu Yi and smiled, and was about to explain to other colleagues when Liu Ting next to him suddenly exclaimed "Ah", then put the phone in front of him and asked excitedly: "Xu Jie, you are also here. Weibo posted a registration photo? So what about you and Su Yun..."

Others checked their phones one after another. Xu Jie’s Weibo was sent 8 minutes ago. At that time, everyone was rushing back, and no one paid attention to Xu Jie’s Weibo.

Shi Fei noticed something on his colleague's face, grabbed Liu Ting's mobile phone, and stared at the screen with his triangular eyes. When he saw the marriage registration photo posted below Xu Jie's Weibo, his blood surged. Straight to the top of the head, the head "hum", the whole person is stunned.

"How, how is this possible?"

He stood there blankly, his eyes filled with disbelief.

In fact, he should be happy, because Xu Jie got the certificate, and it is impossible for him to be with Zhou Miner, but he couldn't be happy.

I have worked in the TV station for five years, but the number of appearances is very few, especially after the other party came to this team, not only the number of partners with Zhou Miner is less, but even the news reports that are adopted are also declining. Become a cameraman with a machine on his shoulder.

Looking at each other again, not only did she marry a beautiful woman, but she was also a big star. The depth of Yan Fu was simply enviable and jealous.

Why do good things always fall on this kid?
Xu Jie looked at Shi Fei at this moment, and said sincerely, "Brother Fei, let me know when you will marry Chang'e. The camera work is covered by me."

Shi Feishao's face turned red all of a sudden, and he could not wait to find a hole to burrow into.

After talking for a long time, the clown turned out to be himself.

When Zhou Min'er heard Xu Jie's personal admission, she felt a little uncomfortable. In addition to being depressed, there was a hint of loss in her eyes. She bit her lip and slowly withdrew from the crowd.

On the surface, everyone is a colleague, but in fact, she has always paid attention to Xu Jie. Although the other party is not as handsome as a fresh male star, he will find it very attractive after a long time, and his body also exudes a strong male hormone breath.

The most rare thing is that the two of them are very compatible in work, and they often think of going together. Except for the average family conditions, they really can't find other shortcomings.

It's a pity that she never imagined that when there was no good news about the target, she was suddenly cut off by others without any warning.

This kind of complicated mood is like seeing something I like when I go shopping. I don’t rush to buy it when I don’t need it for a while. Suddenly one day I find that it has been bought by someone else when I pass by, and I will inevitably feel lost and unhappy in my heart.

Seeing that Zhou Min'er was gone, Shi Fei immediately followed up, not forgetting to provoke, "Min'er, do you think Xu Jie is too pretentious? Don't you just hang out with a female star, what's the matter? Amazing, what are you pulling!"

Zhou Min'er was very worried, and she didn't talk to Shi Fei at all. She couldn't understand, how could a small reporter and a big star be together?

Shi Fei touched his nose and returned to his work station angrily, but the more he thought about it, the more unbalanced he felt, and the more he felt unfair, so he took out his mobile phone and secretly registered a small account and left a message on Su Yun's Weibo.

"I know the man. His name is Xu Jie. He lives in Nangou Village, Huairou, Beijing. His parents are pig farmers. He is currently working as a reporter on the Beijing TV Life Channel. I guess he used his work to get close to Su Yun..."

Humph, can't be cheap that kid!

(End of this chapter)

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