Chapter 559 Eyes
The happy time is always very short. The weekend passed in a blink of an eye. It was so fast that people were caught off guard, and they were not even ready to go to work.

It's also a day, why do days always feel like years when you go to work, and time flies like an arrow when you are on vacation?
Xu Jie came to the unit with this question, and felt that the atmosphere was not right as soon as he entered the door.

At this time, there are still 10 minutes before work time. In the past, at this time, everyone would discuss how to spend the weekend, what to play, what to eat, and what to watch.

Today, however, the public office area is quiet and silent, and everyone is immersed in their work.

what happened?
Get up!

Didn't you have a great weekend?

Xu Jie was very curious.

Wait, this scene seems a bit familiar. I remember that when I came to the unit last Friday, everyone was like this.

Thinking of this, Xu Jie couldn't help but glanced in the direction of the director's office. If he guessed correctly, Director Wang should have arrived.

It seems that the new director is a workaholic, active in his job and active in his work.

Xu Jie walked towards the office, and when he passed by Qin Yan's station, he found that Qin Yan was writing a manuscript, but his face looked unlovable, his eyes were even a little blank, completely devoid of the usual brilliance, like a walking dead.

"What's the matter, didn't you have a good weekend?" Xu Jie stopped and asked.

Qin Yan raised her eyelids to take a look, then said nothing, and then turned her gaze back to the computer monitor.

"???" After Xu Jie saw the other party's reaction, question marks were written all over his face.

What does it mean?
Forgive him for not understanding. .

"What's going on? Who offended you?" Xu Jie asked curiously. In this cultural program center, who would dare to offend the hostess?
Qin Yan still didn't say anything after hearing this, but this time she glanced at the direction of the director's office, expressing her meaning very clearly.

Is it Director Wang?

Why did Director Wang provoke Qin Yan?

Xu Jie suddenly remembered something at this time, looked at Qin Yan and asked in a low voice: "Hey, what time did you work overtime on Friday night?"

Well, found the culprit.

There is indeed someone who dares to provoke Qin Yan, and that is the new director Wang Wanjun.

When Qin Yan heard this, her complexion became even worse, and there was even a trace of anger revealed between her brows, and then she gave Xu Jie a hard look in front of her.

"Let's talk about it." Xu Jie said with a smile: "It's such a glorious thing to work overtime. I feel that the burden on my shoulders is much lighter to have employees like you who voluntarily work overtime."

"You..." Qin Yan gritted her teeth. It's fine if the other party doesn't work overtime with everyone, but he still talks sarcasticly in front of her. Isn't this stimulating her?

In fact, it’s okay to work overtime once in a while. Last month when I was filming a new variety show, I worked overtime almost every day for a month and a half.

But the problem is that last month's overtime work was entirely for work, and last week's overtime work was entirely for showing the new director, without any practical significance.

And looking at the situation in the office area this morning, it seems that they need to work overtime tonight.

How long will it be a leader to work overtime? /
Xu Jie looked at Qin Yan's angry look. Since he knew each other, he had never seen the other party so angry. From this point alone, it is not difficult to see that he must have worked overtime late on Friday night, and even the happy weekend Neither made the other party forget the painful memory of that night.

Xu Jie was worried that the other party would jump up and ask for someone, so he hurriedly left from the other party's station, but his curiosity still prompted him to find another person and asked, "Zhenzhen, what time did you work overtime on Friday night?"

After hearing this, Miao Zhenzhen showed a bitter face, looked at Xu Jie and said, "Director Xu, don't mention it, we didn't get off work until after 10 o'clock in the evening."

"So late?" Xu Jie looked surprised. You must know that the people who stay on duty at night usually stay until 10 o'clock. This time it is equivalent to everyone working on the night shift together.

"Director Wang left at 10 o'clock. We left after he left." Miao Zhenzhen said in a low voice, with deep helplessness in her voice.

"Did he let you go in the end, or did you go by yourself?" Xu Jie asked again.

"He said we can go." Miao Zhenzhen said.

"..." Xu Jie was speechless.

When he saw Wang Wanjun in the satellite TV program center before, he didn't have any other feelings except that the other party was a little serious. However, he never thought that the other party was such a person.

Oh, if you work overtime, you need others to work overtime together. When you leave work, others can leave work. Is this a lack of fatherly love and fatherly love? Do you still need someone to accompany you?
If things go on like this, the center of cultural and art programs will still be full of resentment?

Xu Jie was about to go back to the office. Don't let Director Wang see him chatting, and then he saw Director Jiang walking in from outside.

When the people in the public office area saw Director Jiang appearing, they cheered up immediately, but when they thought that Director Jiang had left the Arts Program Center, their hearts were filled with disappointment.

Think about how free everyone was when Director Jiang was here, and think about how hard it is now!

There is no harm without comparison, and everyone begins to miss the previous days.

"Good morning, everyone." Jiang Hai greeted everyone warmly, completely oblivious to the changes in the office area.

"Morning Director Jiang!"

"Good morning, Director!"

Everyone greeted Director Jiang one after another, and some of them didn't say anything, and worked with their heads down, pretending not to see.

"Director, why are you here?" Xu Jie also casually called the director. After more than a year, he was used to calling him, but he couldn't get used to it when he was asked to change his mouth suddenly. Moreover, he was called Mr. Wang, and he always felt a little strange, not as good as the director. called kindly.

"There's still some work to do, come here and hand it over." Jiang Hai said with a smile, "Is Director Wang here?"

"Come on, I'll take you to..."

Before Xu Jie finished speaking, he heard a voice from behind.

"Boss Jiang, you're here."

When Xu Jie heard it, he turned around and saw that it was Wang Wanjun.

The other party came out of the office with a smile on his face, seemingly very enthusiastic, but there was a bit of indifference in his eyes.

"Director Wang, are you busy these days? How are you familiar with the work here at the Arts Program Center?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Basically, I'm already familiar with it." Wang Wanjun said.

"Really? As expected of Director Wang, I still have a few projects in hand, and I'll hand them over to you later. In this way, the work will be handed over, and the art program center will be handed over to you in the future. I hope you can Make persistent efforts and create more brilliance, the waves behind the Yangtze River will push the waves ahead." Jiang Hai wished.

After Wang Wanjun heard this, he felt very uncomfortable. What he said seemed to be that the other party gave him the position of director of the cultural program center.

"Mr. Jiang, don't worry. Thanks to the trust of the leaders of the leadership station, I have handed over the cultural program center to me. In the future, I will definitely manage the cultural program center better and better." Wang Wanjun said seriously, and then pointed in the direction of the office, " Mr. Jiang, let's go in quickly, there will be a morning meeting later."

"Okay." Jiang Hai nodded and walked to the office.

Wang Wanjun walked beside Jiang Hai, turned his head after not walking far, squinted his eyes to look at the people in the public office area, then lingered on Xu Jie for a moment, and then followed Jiang Hai into the office.

A question mark appeared in Xu Jie's heart, because he saw a trace of coldness in Director Wang's eyes.

What do you mean?
I didn't do anything?
"Director Xu, Director Wang seemed to have heard us when we called Director Jiang just now. Do you think he will be angry?" Miao Zhenzhen asked worriedly.

"Isn't it? Director Jiang has been in the art program center for so many years, isn't it normal for us to say hello to Director Jiang?" Xu Jie said indifferently.

"Anyway, I think Director Wang seems to be unhappy." Miao Zhenzhen said in a low voice. She also had no basis, it was purely a woman's perception.

Xu Jie was stunned, remembering Director Wang's eyes when he turned his head. If he was unhappy because of such a trivial matter, then the other party's mind was too narrow, narrower than those alleys in the old capital.

When Xu Jie returned to the office, he suddenly remembered that the script for the second season of "Crossover Actor" had already been written, and since Director Jiang was here, he could just hand it over to the other party.

So, he pushed the door of the office open and left it open, so that when Director Jiang passed by outside, he could also find it immediately.

After about ten minutes, Xu Jie heard Director Jiang and Wang Wanjun's voices coming from the corridor.

Looks like the work has been handed over.

He immediately got up from his seat and walked out of the office.

Sure enough, Director Jiang was walking out, and Wang Wanjun followed, it seemed that he was giving someone off.

"Director, the script is finished, here it is." Xu Jie said and handed over the USB flash drive.

"it is good."

"What script?"

Jiang Hai and Wang Wanjun spoke in unison.

Seeing this scene, Xu Jie immediately realized that he hadn't called the person clearly. He was too anxious just now and didn't add the surname in front of the word "director".

After all, in his heart, he did not accept Wang Wanjun. Instead of convincing him, what the other party did made him miss Director Jiang even more.

Jiang Hai took the flash drive and explained to Wang Wanjun beside him: "It's the script of "Crossover Actor". I am the chief director of the show, and Xiao Xu is the chief screenwriter. Xiao Xu is responsible for the script of the show."

"Oh!" Wang Wanjun responded with a rather embarrassed expression.

At the same time, there was still a trace of anger in his heart.

Everyone has been transferred, and they are still shouting at each director, do they take him as the new director seriously?
Don't know who is the big and small king in the cultural program center now?
Xu Jie looked at Wang Wanjun, who had a bad face, and remembered that he left work alone on Friday night, and remembered the director without the prefix just now. As the old saying goes, there are three fires for a new official. It seems that among these three fires, there are at least two fires. It was going to be burned to him.


(End of this chapter)

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