The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 750 Where is Lao Xu?

Chapter 750 Where is Lao Xu?
Under Xu Jie's organization and leadership, the filming is proceeding in an orderly manner. Although there will be some small problems of one kind or another from time to time, they will be resolved soon.

Although Xu Jie was making a movie for the first time, he didn't find it difficult to make a movie.

Although he has no experience in filming, he has experience in "A Delicious History" and "Crossover".

In his opinion, a movie is just a series of small stories connected together. As long as each small story is shot well, the whole movie will not look bad.

But if you can't even make a small story well, then the movie you make will definitely not be good.

Fortunately, he is very good at directing short stories.

It is also this kind of thinking of traveling lightly that greatly speeds up the filming progress of the entire film. The winter filming task that was originally expected to take [-] days is now expected to be completed in [-] days.

Don't look at it's only three days less, but it can also save a lot of money for the crew.

In the busy schedule, the time of the week passed quickly, and the new week arrived in a blink of an eye.

For Xu Jie, this was a very normal day, even because he was busy with filming work, he forgot the exact day of the week.

However, it was a very important day for Qin Yan, Song Huanhuan, and the entire crew of Beijing Satellite TV's gourmet show "Delicious History".

Because on this day, the new "Delicious History" will be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV.

The reason why it is called "new" is not because the content and form have changed much, but because the show has replaced a new leading actor, and in addition, the director has also changed.

This is not the first time that the cast and crew of "Delicious History" has changed. In fact, since last year, the screenwriter of the show has changed from Xu Jie to Song Huanhuan.

It’s just that it’s the first time that so many people have been changed, and it’s the protagonist and the director.

This night, all the staff of the program team stood in front of the TV, holding their mobile phones tightly in their hands, waiting for the program to be broadcast to check the audience's reaction.

Soon, the show begins.

Familiar titles, familiar music, but when a beautiful woman in fashionable clothes with both familiar and unfamiliar appearance appeared on the TV screen, all the audience watching the program "Delicious History" were stunned.

Familiar, because everyone knows that this beauty is the host of Beijing TV Station, and has hosted "Deep Chat in Film and Television" and "Ordinary Courage".

As for the strangeness, it is because everyone has never seen this woman in the program "Delicious History".

Wearing a dark red woolen coat and carrying a white bag, the beauty walked quickly on a certain street in the capital. She looked towards the side of the road as she walked, and after a long hesitation, she walked into a breakfast shop... …

The same back, the same story, the same shop, but the protagonist has changed.

what's the situation?
Where is Lao Xu?
Why did Xu, the worker, disappear?
Is it because the broadcast time is too long, in order to add freshness to the audience, a heroine was added to the new episode of the show?

Well, it is possible!
Men and women match, work is not tired.

Besides, the worker Xu has been "single" for two years, and it's time to find a girlfriend.

A pair of foodies is also very good.

Some viewers began to make up their own brains.

But when everyone watched it patiently, especially when the female anchor traveled to ancient times and became a beautiful cook, they finally realized one thing. Today's episode of "Delicious History" may really not have the old Xu
what happened?

What happened to Lao Xu?
Why did you suddenly change the main character after filming the show for two years?It's really hard to justify.

So, many people picked up their mobile phones, took pictures of the latest episode of "Delicious History" on the TV, and then posted Weibo to ask why the protagonist changed.

Some people even went directly to the official Weibo of the program "Delicious History", and left comments on the latest episode of the program preview Weibo.

"Where's Lao Xu? Where did Lao Xu go?"

"Why change? I want to see the original actors."

"Did Xu change jobs and go to another TV station? China TV, right? This year's China TV Spring Festival Gala has a sketch directed by him."

"Old Xu will only go for one episode, or one episode, or will he never come back?"

"It's not that the new protagonist is bad, it's just that it's hard to adapt suddenly. Although the hostess is very beautiful, I still feel that Old Xu looks more down-to-earth."


The show was still on the air, and the comments kept increasing. By the time the show was over, the comments had reached several thousand, which was enough to show that everyone was concerned about the change of the protagonist.

You must know that even if it is the official Weibo of a popular variety show, there are usually only a few dozen comments on a Weibo.

Among the many comments, the one with the most likes is undoubtedly asking where Lao Xu has gone.

While everyone was looking for answers, the program official Weibo left a message under the question with the most likes.

"Where's Lao Xu? Where did Lao Xu go?"

"Old Xu has traveled through time and hasn't come back yet."


Seeing the answer on the official Weibo, everyone who followed this matter was stunned.

Crossed over?Didn't come back?
What does this mean?
In today's episode, the person who time-traveled was not Lao Xu, but the new hostess.

Could it be that in the last episode of the program, Lao Xu did not come back after traveling through ancient times?
This, isn't this nonsense?

This is a food show, not a sci-fi show.

Besides, isn't time travel a form of program content?How can a person really travel through time and never come back?
It's good that no one answered. With the answer from the official Weibo, people who were already curious became even more confused.

It seems that the program official seems to have answered everyone's doubts, but after careful consideration, I feel that the program official has not only failed to solve everyone's doubts, but has brought new doubts to everyone.

This answer is simply negative.

A residential area in Beijing.

Qin Yan held her mobile phone and looked at the comments of netizens, with a bitter look on her face.

"Xu Jie, Xu Jie, you will kill me this time."

"I said I won't act, but you insisted on letting me act, now it's all right, the act is ruined."

"My fame in the first life will be ruined on this song show tonight."

When Qin Yan thought that there were still four episodes left in this episode, she couldn't help crying in her heart.

After playing one episode, the netizens have already complained like this. If the remaining four episodes are all broadcast, won't they be drowned by the netizens' spitting?
You know, as the host of Beijing TV Station, she has only become popular for a short time. In the past two months, she has just been known to everyone because of "Ordinary Courage", and she has gained a wave of praise and fans. She did not expect to be cold again so soon.

Life is like a roller coaster, full of ups and downs and excitement.

In fact, she can fully understand the audience's attitude. The show that she has been following for two years suddenly changed the leading role, and she couldn't adapt to it.

In the past two years, countless viewers have fallen in love with this show, and fell in love with Xu Jie, a migrant worker who hunts around for food and often time travels.

But now, the person I like suddenly disappears, even if the replacement person is a big star, no one will accept it immediately.

This is not a question of who will play the leading role, nor is it a question of whether the food introduced has changed, but a kind of feeling, because everyone is too familiar with it.

With hundreds of episodes, Xu Jie has long been the soul and signature of the show, so without Xu Jie, the audience feels as if the show they are watching is not "Delicious History".

Qin Yan found Xu Jie's number in the phone's address book, hesitated for a while, but finally did not call.

She knew that Xu Jie had been filming for a while, so if she called the other party at this time, what would she do if she disturbed him?
At this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

Qin Yan was startled when she saw it, and almost dropped the phone.

She looked at the caller ID and found that it was Song Huanhuan calling, so she answered the call immediately.

"Huanhuan, what's the matter?" Qin Yan asked.

Since Xu Jie left the Art Program Center, Song Huanhuan has replaced him as the director of the program "Delicious History", which is also Xu Jie's opinion.

So she believed that Song Huanhuan might be under more pressure than she was at the moment.

If the ratings of "Delicious History" plummeted because of Xu Jie's departure, then Song Huanhuan, as the successor, must be blamed.

"Sister Yan, have you read the comments on the Internet?" Song Huanhuan asked.

"I've seen it." Qin Yan sighed lightly, she knew that Song Huanhuan's call at this time must be to inquire about this matter.

"How do you feel?" Song Huanhuan continued to ask.

"Oh, how can I feel that I am rejected by the audience? It's all Xu Jie's fault. I will settle the score with him later!" Qin Yan said with a wry smile.

In fact, it is just a talk, after all, being able to become the leading actor of the show "Delicious History" is a very good opportunity for anyone, and money can't buy it.

Moreover, her current status among the hosts of Beijing TV Station is all due to Xu Jie's program. Without the support and support of the other party, she might still be hosting "Cultural Entertainment Broadcasting" on the Art Channel.

"Hee hee, sister Yan, don't be depressed. In fact, the audience just didn't get used to it for a while. After watching a few more episodes, everyone will definitely accept you." Song Huan said with a smile.

"Don't comfort me." Qin Yan said after hearing this, and at the same time secretly sighed that the other party was big-hearted, and the audience was already in a mess. As a program director, he could still laugh.

"Sister Yan, I didn't comfort you. Do you know the ratings of today's episode?" Song Huanhuan asked.

"I don't know." Qin Yan said.

Looking at the feedback from netizens, we know that the ratings of tonight's episode will definitely not be good, and maybe the audience will give up after watching it.

"Let me tell you, I just asked the people in the station, and they said that the ratings of the episode of "Delicious History" aired tonight reached a peak of 2.735, and the average ratings are at least around 2.4." Song Huan smiled happily Said.


Qin Yan was stunned, and her eyes were filled with disbelief.

The audience rating of "Delicious History" is generally around 2.1. It has been very stable in the past two years. How did it reach 2.4 tonight?

Even if it is above 2.1, it is impossible to have such a big fluctuation.

"Really? Did you hear it wrong?" Qin Yanxiu frowned, her voice full of suspicion.

In her opinion, if the ratings don't drop, they're already on the rise. How could it have risen so much?This is completely unreasonable.

You must know that Xu Jie is the soul of the show!

Now that the soul is gone, the ratings have increased instead, making it seem like Xu Jie is the failure of the whole show.

Besides, can the bad pen lose the ratings of 2.1?
With this ratings, "Delicious History" has won the No. [-] evening show rating for countless nights in the past. Among the five excellent programs on Beijing Satellite TV, "Delicious History" was awarded just a few days ago.

"Sister Yan, in fact, I didn't believe it at first, so I checked with the other party many times, but my colleagues in the station said that they were right, so I believed the other party's words." Song Huanhuan said.

"Could it be that there is an error in the third-party ratings data?" Qin Yan mentioned another possibility.

"I don't think this is very likely. Of course, the final ratings will still be based on the ratings table that will be released tomorrow."


Qin Yan fell into deep thought after hearing this.

If there is no problem with the ratings, why are the ratings of the show so high?
Don't the audience like her new protagonist very much?
But if the audience really likes it, why are there still so many people complaining about it online?He asked where Lao Xu had gone, and strongly urged Lao Xu to come back. This was obviously not the attitude of liking her.

Could it be that the controversy was huge, so after the audience knew about it, they switched channels one after another to see what happened?
Well, this situation is very possible!

These days, good programs may not be watched by people, but as long as there is excitement, many people will definitely watch them.

"Wait and see."

Qin Yan didn't know what to say, so she could only leave the question to time.


the next day.

Qin Yan came to the art program center.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw all the staff of the "Delicious History" program group gathered together, discussing the program that was broadcast last night.

Obviously, everyone already knew about the unusual ratings of last night's episode, so everyone was waiting, waiting for the ratings table on the station.

Soon, it was time to go to work, and everyone returned to their workstations one after another.

The waiting time is always very long.

After more than an hour of waiting, the ratings finally came out.

After the director posted the form on the bulletin board, people from the "Delicious History" program group rushed forward.

1: Delicious history, ratings 2.412

Seeing the ratings, although everyone was mentally prepared, they were still dumbfounded.

really that high?
But why?why is that?
Why is the ratings higher without Director Xu?

At this moment, everyone's hearts are full of question marks and exclamation points, and this feeling is like seeing a ghost.

"Hey, have you noticed? The change of the leading role of our show has already become a hot search." Xiao Wei showed her mobile phone in front of her colleagues.

Everyone was taken aback, and looked at the screen of their mobile phones, only to see that among the hot searches on Weibo, "Delicious History" was ranked seventh on the hot search list.

And the sixth place turned out to be...Old Xu crossed over.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they all saw deep doubts and incomprehensions in each other's eyes.

It is said that I have worked in the TV station for so many years, and I have never encountered such a wicked thing.

If Director Xu finds out about this, will the other party be happy, or will he be pissed off?
"I think it's because there are a lot of viewers who like our show, and everyone is very curious when they suddenly see the main character change, which is why there are such high ratings and popularity." Song Huanhuan calmed down and analyzed.

"That's right, last night's ratings can't represent the quality of the show, it can only represent the popularity of the show. After the popularity subsides, the ratings at that time should be the most real." Qin Yan also said.

"There are still four episodes left, let's see how the audience reacts." Liu Jinbao said.



"Delicious History" continues to air.

The third-party ratings show that the program's ratings are still higher than before, and it is still above 2.4 in the end. Moreover, there are more people complaining about it on the Internet.

Qin Yan believes that this may be because many viewers did not watch the program on Monday, and only watched the program broadcast on Tuesday after hearing family members or colleagues talking about it during the day.

On Wednesday, the ratings dipped slightly to 2.321.

On Thursday, the ratings returned to previous levels at 2.152.

On Friday, the ratings were 2.013.

For such an underline in ratings, the "Delicious History" program group is completely acceptable. Although the ratings are constantly falling, they have only fallen to the average ratings in the past, and they have not dropped as much as everyone imagined in advance. Ugly, at least the fifth episode also broke 2.

However, everyone's heart is full of a sense of crisis, because everyone knows that the sudden change in February has increased the popularity of the program "Delicious History". No matter whether it is good or not, everyone will watch it. The real test It was in March.

With the broadcast of the program in February, everyone is no longer surprised by the replacement. Therefore, the ratings in March should be the most real ratings of the program, and it also represents the future ratings of the program.

However, just after the fifth episode aired, Xu Jie, who had never responded to the show, suddenly appeared on the official Weibo of "Delicious History" and replied to netizens' comments.

"Where did Lao Xu go?"

Xu Jie: "I have traveled through time."

"Where did you travel to?"

Xu Jie: "The imperial palace."

"When are you coming back?"

Xu Jie: "I don't know either, but if there are no accidents, I should be able to meet you during the National Day."

"Send me the coordinates, and we will rescue you."

Xu Jie: "I was more than 100 years ago, and you couldn't come."

A few simple words have left countless netizens confused.

time travel?palace? 100 years ago?

Could it be that he was too involved in the show when filming the show, and his mind is not normal?
By the way, there are indeed many actors who, after filming a certain film and television drama, are too deeply involved in the film and are unable to get out of the role for a long time, resulting in mental disorders and nonsense...

Old Xu won't become such a person, right?
"Delicious History" has been on the air for two years, and Lao Xu travels back and forth, which is indeed prone to accidents.

But when everyone asked questions again, Xu Jie seemed to have disappeared, not answering everyone's questions.

Old Xu, where have you been?

People are puzzled.


(End of this chapter)

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