Chapter 798 Retaliation?

2 number.

early morning.

Just as Xu Jie came out of the house after putting on his makeup, he saw Liu Qing's nanny car appearing on the set, and the other party got out of the car with a stern face, as if someone owed her money.

Xu Jie looked down at the time on his watch, it was okay, it was 1 minute earlier than yesterday's appointment, and he was not late.

"President Xu, here we come."

When Yuan Ou saw Xu Jie, he immediately stepped forward to greet him politely. The scene of being chased to the door yesterday was still vivid in his memory, so he became extra careful today, and he learned a lesson.

This man is really not to be messed with at all!

As for Liu Qing, she rolled her eyes at Xu Jie, and then walked into the dressing room with her assistant.

"Can you come back after putting on your makeup?" Xu Jie didn't give Yuan Ou a good face, looked at him coldly and said: "The shooting time I said refers to the shooting time, not the time of arrival. You come now, and you have to put on makeup and make up again." Wouldn't it be a waste of the crew's time to change costumes?"

"Yes, Mr. Xu, we must pay attention tomorrow." Yuan Ou said quickly, for fear of being reprimanded by the other party if he answered slowly.

In fact, being here on time today is already pretty good. Liu Qing wanted to play tricks and be late on purpose. It was she who persuaded Liu Qing for a long time, and then persuaded Liu Qing to get in the car, otherwise she would still be staying at home right now.

"You are here for work, not for vacation. Don't bring your bad habits from other crews to me, otherwise don't blame me for turning my face and denying people." Xu Jie warned coldly.

Yesterday was just a small lesson. If a similar situation happens again in the future, it will not be as simple as visiting the class.

"Yes, yes!" Yuan Ou nodded again and again, this time he was completely obedient, no matter how much dissatisfaction he had in his heart, he did not dare to express it.

There are some lessons that eating once is enough, but if you eat too much, it is easy to be stuffed to death.

Seeing Yuan Ou bowing his head and ears, Xu Jie didn't say anything, and walked directly to Gao Xiaobin to discuss today's shooting task.

Yuan Ou felt relieved when she saw the person left. What she was most afraid of today was that the other party would make excuses and embarrass Liu Qing in the crew, but now it seems that she was too worried.

Since Liu Qing was still putting on makeup, Xu Jie decided to shoot his own and Su Yun's scenes first. Anyway, he snatched five days from director Wu yesterday. Although it is not a lot, it can also relax the originally tense shooting plan. , even some plots can be more detailed.

More than an hour later, Liu Qing came out of the dressing room, but judging from his expression, he seemed still angry.

Xu Jie didn't go forward to persuade him. He didn't look at the other party until after watching the shot just shot on the monitor, and then said loudly: "Listen everyone, because of a certain person yesterday, the shooting of the entire crew was delayed. plan, so we will make up for yesterday's content, I hope everyone can prepare well, don't lose everything, and strive to pass all of them."

After hearing this, everyone looked at Liu Qing in unison. Although Director Xu didn't call the roll, it was better than roll call, because everyone knew who didn't come yesterday.

Liu Qing's already cold face became even uglier now, isn't this slapping her in the face?His behavior is tantamount to "flashing corpses" in public.

"Qingqing, don't be angry!" Seeing that the situation is not good, Yuan Ou hurriedly tried to persuade him, "You are here to film a movie, not to quarrel. The old saying is good: You can't cross the river after hearing the toad call you?"

Yuan Ou spoke in a low voice, for fear that Mr. Xu would overhear.

Liu Qing looked at Sister Ou, toad?
Why does this sound so familiar?
It seems that the man said it too.

Liu Qing wanted to say something, but the man yelled, "Every department is ready, the actors should be in place quickly." She didn't want to be exploited by the man, so she swallowed what she wanted to say, and quickly walked to the place where the characters in the play stood. it is good.

This is a scene of the female lead and the male lead, so Xu Jie sat in front of the monitor and shouted loudly while looking at the screen: "Get ready, start!"

Liu Qing had already read the script on the way here, and she had memorized all the lines in it, so she just opened her mouth.



Xu Jie suddenly shouted loudly.

Everyone looked at Director Xu suspiciously. Liu Qing had just said two lines, why did she stop so quickly?This shot isn't over yet.

Xu Jie frowned, pointed at Liu Qing in front of the camera, and asked loudly: "What's the matter with the actress? Have you read the script of this scene? Is your expression right now? Or did you shoot another scene?" , forgot about this play?"

Everyone was taken aback when they heard it, and looked back and forth between Director Xu and Liu Qing. What you said just now meant a bit of guns and sticks?

Is Liu Qing really not acting well, or is Director Xu trying to retaliate?
Nobody knows.

Liu Qing's mood sank, no matter what others thought, in her heart it was revenge.

Damn man!
"Actress be careful, come again!"

Xu Jie ignored Liu Qingbing's cold eyes, and winked at the camera and scene recorder, indicating to continue.

Other directors are afraid of offending actors, but he is not. If he were, he would not say that.

Of course, he admits that what he said just now has an element of revenge, but that is also true. The other party's expression is indeed wrong. If the other party's performance is impeccable, he will not stop to retake the film.

If you want to blame, you can only blame Liu Qing himself, the other party gave him an opportunity.

Seeing that the staff were all ready, Liu Qing resisted the attack, adjusted her mood, and continued the scene just now.



Xu Jie's voice sounded in the crew again, this time even with a trace of anger.

"Female [-], can you concentrate a little bit, don't be absent-minded, and have a little professionalism, okay? Is your brain still not coming back from other studios?"

Gritting her teeth, Liu Qing cast a murderous look at Xu Jie.

"Why, not convinced? Come here and see what you just acted!" Xu Jie said angrily.

As soon as Liu Qing heard it, she looked at it.

She carried her clothes and came to the monitor, watching the scene of the performance just now.

"You have to play hard to get, pretend to be cold, not really angry, you have to understand the purpose of the character doing this, she is to seduce, keep the male number two, not to drive people away, look at your expression management just now, It's a mess!"

Xu Jie pointed at the screen and criticized Liu Qing again.

Liu Qing was very angry in her heart, but when she saw herself on the screen, it seemed that there was indeed a deviation from the content of this scene, and she did not show the transformation of the second female lead.

This is a little embarrassing.

She originally wanted to clear up her grievances and expose the despicable behavior of the other party's public revenge and retaliation, but it turned out that the other party's accusations were indeed correct. What's the fuck?

She is like a dud now, she came over aggressively, and insisted on giving this man some color, but after landing, let alone hurting people, she didn't even make a sound.

In this case, even if she knew that the other party was retaliating, she had nothing to do. Who let the other party catch her?
"Yesterday, I told you that your acting skills have deteriorated. You didn't believe me at the time, thinking that I deliberately squeezed you out. How are you doing now? Have you seen your performance?"

Xu Jie looked at Liu Qing beside him, and when he saw that the other party didn't speak, he knew that the other party had also admitted his criticism just now. Why don't he take the opportunity to criticize a few more words?

"Other directors have low requirements for you. That's the problem of other directors. It can't work here. I have always had high requirements for actors. Have you forgotten all about it?"

"It seems that it is right to take five more days. With your current state and performance, I don't know how much time I will waste. Let alone five days, even ten days should be enough."

"You weren't like this before, did you listen to too many sweet words recently, and your whole body started to float, and you also relaxed about yourself?"

"Oh, it's a waste of time."


Liu Qing looked at the chattering Xu Jie, her face turned purple and red, wishing she could find a crack in the ground and get in.

What she is now suffering is not only verbal sarcasm, but also mental damage, which is simply a kind of torture.

"Can you stop talking?" Liu Qinghong narrowed her eyes, with a rare look of grievance on her face.

"Hehe? How dare you talk back? Why, why don't you let people tell you if you don't do well? Did I say something wrong?" Xu Jie asked with a frown.

Not far away, Yuan Ou found Su Yun, and cast a begging look at him for help. Seeing Liu Qing's appearance, Su Yun couldn't bear it, so she walked to her husband's side, and gently touched her with her hand. Touching her husband's arm, with the tacit understanding between the two, even if they don't say anything, a simple action can understand each other's mind.

Moreover, this is a film set, and my husband is the director and the chief conductor here. If I persuade my husband in front of the staff, it will inevitably make my husband lose face and damage his prestige in the crew, so a person who speaks everything Action is undoubtedly the most appropriate way to convey ideas.

When Xu Jie received Su Yun's signal, he immediately understood what his wife meant. He wanted to continue, but looking at Liu Qing's current appearance, the dose should be enough, and any more may be counterproductive.

And the appearance of his wife can also perfectly cooperate with him, one sings the red face and the other sings the bad face. In this way, while Liu Qing is grateful to his wife, he will also listen to his wife more.

Liu Qing listened to Su Yun, Su Yun listened to him, perfect!
"Okay, you can adjust it yourself, memorize it quickly, don't waste the crew's time." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he walked away, and when he passed by his wife, he gave her a wink.

Su Yun came to Liu Qing's side, saw the other party's aggrieved look, and gently put her arms around the other party's shoulders to comfort her: "Qingqing, it's okay, if you don't feel good, just look for it slowly, if you don't act well, adjust slowly, Even the best actor and actress will reshoot ten or twenty times, who can pass all the scenes? Wouldn’t that be a god?”

"Sister Yun."

When Liu Qing heard Sister Yun's words, she immediately felt a lot more comfortable.

"Sister Yun, I haven't let up. Really, I have always been very strict with myself." Liu Qing said.

"Well, I know, otherwise you wouldn't be as popular as you are now. Talent is important, but it's useless without hard work. I think it's probably because the types of the two plays are different and the styles of acting are different. You haven't responded in time. Turn around, I believe you will be fine if you adjust." Su Yun said with a smile.

Liu Qing looked at the gentle and understanding Sister Yun, and was so moved that she was so perfect. She was indeed her idol, so perfect. I really don't know why Sister Yun fell in love with that vicious and mean-spirited man.

"Sister Yun, thank you."

Liu Qing tightly grasped Su Yun's hand, if it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have participated in this crappy movie, and that crappy director.

"Thank you. I'm not an outsider. Let's read the script again. Don't make the staff wait too long." Su Yun said, and handed the script to Liu Qing.

"Yeah." Liu Qing nodded.

She has read the script of this scene many times and pondered it carefully. She thinks she understands it quite deeply. When I came to this crew, I didn't adapt to the contrast in roles for a while.

Not far away, Xu Jie watched this scene secretly, with a smile on his face, the other party's heart finally sank, and his previous words were not in vain.

Time went by every minute and every second, and ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

Liu Qing felt that she had almost adjusted, so she got up to look for the director.

In fact, the so-called adjustment is to let go of yourself, put aside all the dissatisfaction and resentment in your heart before, and then inject the character of the character without interference from things other than the script.

"Ready?" Xu Jie walked towards Liu Qing after seeing it. He has been paying attention to Liu Qing's every move. After all, the state of the other party will directly affect the shooting of the entire movie.

"Yeah." Su Yun replied, even her eyes became much calmer.

Xu Jie didn't say anything more, and immediately asked the staff to prepare for the third shooting.

Whether the actor is in the state or not, whether the performance is good or not, no professional judges, ordinary people can feel it, especially when there is a comparison, it will look more obvious.

For example, Yuan Ou, although he didn't know what to say, but this time Liu Qing was really different from the previous two times. a different role.

From this point of view, what Mr. Xu said before is not unreasonable.

Soon, this scene will end.


Xu Jie stood up, waved to Liu Qing who was in the field, and said, "Come here, let's see what you did just now."

Liu Qingxiu frowned, could she be unqualified?But just now I felt that I performed very well.

She came to the monitor suspiciously and looked at the scene just now.

Isn't that great?No matter how you look at it, it is better than the first and second time.

"I think it's okay." Liu Qing looked at the director, but her voice was a little guilty. She had been hit by the other party too many times, and she no longer had much confidence in front of the other party.

"That's right, it's really okay, now you still think what I just said is wrong?" Xu Jie asked.

Liu Qingqiao blushed, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Even Yuan Ou who was at the side secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Mr. Xu was going to take the opportunity to get mad again.

"Since it's possible, let's continue filming and don't waste time." Liu Qing got up and walked away quickly, fearing that she would be squeezed by the director again.

That feeling is no better than being scolded.

"Clap clap clap!"

Xu Jie clapped his hands, and said after everyone looked over: "Everyone should know that we don't have much time left for shooting, so we will increase the workload of shooting next, I hope you can carry forward the first not to be afraid of hardships and second With the spirit of not being afraid of being tired, when the film is finished, I will treat everyone to a big meal and reward you well."

"Yes, Mr. Xu!"

"Thank you Director Xu!"

The crowd joined in.

Xu Jie nodded in satisfaction when he saw it, and continued shooting the next scene.

The whole morning passed quickly, and it was time for lunch break and dinner again.

After Xu Jie received the lunch box, he walked towards his wife's nanny car, but after opening the door, he found that there was no one else inside except the driver, Lao Zhou, and his wife was not inside.

"Where is my wife?" Xu Jie asked, just now I saw Su Yun walking this way, why did she lose it in a blink of an eye?

"Mr. Xu, the boss was called by Liu Qing to have dinner." Old Zhou said.


Xu Jie closed the car door and walked towards Liu Qing's nanny car.

The windows of Liu Qing's nanny's car are covered with film, so the inside cannot be seen from the outside.


In order to avoid misunderstanding, Xu Jie first reached out and knocked on the car door, who knew if anyone was changing clothes inside.

The car door was not opened, but the car window was slowly lowered, but only a slit the size of a palm was exposed.

Xu Jie leaned over and saw his wife Su Yun and Liu Qing were eating together. There were eight lunch boxes in front of Liu Qing, and there was only one lunch box in front of Su Yun, which contained eggs, broccoli, and shrimps. This is a diet meal.

"Why?" Liu Qing asked impatiently. When she was not filming, she remembered what the other party had done to her, and she felt angry again.

Xu Jie looked inside along the gap, and said with a smile: "Yo, the food is good, add me, I'll bring vegetables." After speaking, he revealed the lunch box in his hand.

When Liu Qing saw it, she rolled her eyes and said two words firmly: "No."

"If you don't add it, don't add it. I'll go to my wife's head office?" Xu Jie said.

"Sister Yun and I are eating, what's the matter, let's talk about it after dinner." Liu Qing said coldly.

Xu Jie was taken aback, thinking: Who is Su Yun's wife?

He ignored Liu Qing, opened the car door without saying a word, and got into the nanny's car directly.

"You, get down, this is my car." Liu Qing stared fiercely, and said to Xu Jie angrily.

Where will Xu Jie go?
He sat directly next to Su Yun, opened the lunch box and started to eat, while eating, he looked to his side and asked, "Honey, the TV drama script of "Lover in Time and Space" has almost been adapted, what about the heroine this time?" , do you have any suitable candidates?"

"What? This shitty movie and TV series? Are you kidding me?" Liu Qing was still angry with the man, but when he heard the man's words, a mocking expression appeared on his face.

Even Yuan Ou, who was sitting in the back row, was surprised. She didn't like the movie from the beginning to the end, but now there is a TV series, just like what Qingqing said, it sounds really funny.

Under normal circumstances, novels are transformed into TV dramas. It is not uncommon for movies to be adapted into TV dramas like this, but there are very few of them.

Moreover, this type of adaptation is usually a movie that sells well at the box office and has a certain number of fans as a basis. However, a movie like the other party has not been released yet, and the box office and word of mouth are unknown. As far as she knows, it is the first one in the past ten years.

"Our company has already approved the project, and the filming will start this year." Xu Jie said lightly.

Both Liu Qing and Yuan Ou were taken aback.


Is it true?
"However, this time the script is based on your role as the main character. The general idea is to tell the growth history of a generation of queens. There is no role for me or my wife, so I need to find an actress who can take the lead. By the way , you know your role very well, who do you think is more suitable to play the one who can surpass you?" Xu Jie looked at Liu Qing and asked intentionally.

"No one can surpass me!" Liu Qing said loudly.

over her?
Wouldn't that put her in comparison?

How could she tolerate this kind of thing happening?
"Hehe, there are so many actresses in the entertainment circle, I can't believe that I can't find one better than you." Xu Jie said while eating.

"Hmph, as far as your poor crew is concerned, it's not bad to invite an Internet celebrity to act." Liu Qing said with a sneer.

"Hey, Qingqing, why don't you come to act? Anyway, you've already acted once, so it's easy to do it again?" Su Yun looked at Liu Qing and said.

"I don't act, and you know, Sister Yun, I only make movies now, and I'm not afraid of TV dramas." Liu Qing shook her head and said.

She has acted in TV dramas, but that was a long time ago, and now she is following the route of a movie cafe, and does not accept TV drama scripts.

"I know, but most of the current movies are mainly male actors, and there are very few opportunities for female actors to play their role, but TV dramas are different. The audience likes the content of the heroine very much, especially the inspirational court dramas. I'm thinking about making a TV series right now." Su Yun knew what her husband was thinking, so she also joined the ranks of persuading Liu Qing.

"Really?" Liu Qing was a little surprised. She didn't expect that Sister Yun would go to the TV drama circle just after successfully entering the film industry.

But as Sister Yun said, in movies, actresses are usually supporting roles. Take Director Wu’s movies as an example. They will not let her go for fifteen days.

"Don't underestimate TV dramas, no matter in terms of traffic, topics, or influence, they are not weaker than movies. You haven't seen many movie stars, and even movie queens are joining TV dramas and even online dramas. Are you in the ranks?" Xu Jie said. .

After Liu Qing listened to the man's words, several shadow queens appeared in her mind.

Yes, there are fewer and fewer movies for actresses to play. Today's movies are all men's movies.

Xu Jie continued: "Also, the remuneration of actresses for TV dramas is higher than that for movies. For example, in the TV drama "Lovers in Time and Space", the heroine's salary is tentatively set at 3000 million to 5000 million. Of course, if The acting skills of the actors are good, the celebrity is big, and 7000 to [-] million is not a problem."

Liu Qing and Yuan Ou were immediately shocked. If they remembered correctly, the total investment of this movie was only 7000 million.

Is this man talking nonsense?
(End of this chapter)

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