The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 859 3 British Battles Lu Bu

Chapter 859

"Why are you so slow, are you regretting it?" Liu Jiaman frowned and looked at Xu Jie who hadn't left after get off work, with a hint of dissatisfaction in her voice.

It was agreed to play mahjong with her after filming, but from the way the other party talked to the director, it was obvious that he was going to work overtime.

"Sister Man, I've been waiting for several months. Is there still two or three minutes left?" Xu Jie came to Liu Jiaman, looked at the anxious actress and said, "I found you a poker friend." , to save you having to contact people everywhere."

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he waved to Ding Mengni, who had been paying attention not far away, and motioned for her to come over.

Ding Mengni received the signal, and immediately walked over quickly, and greeted Liu Jiaman with a faint smile: "Hello, Sister Man."

Liu Jiaman looked at this young, beautiful, pure and well-behaved young actress in front of her, and couldn't help but carefully sized her up. She had seen this actor on the set when she was a guest star in the movie "Lover in Time and Space", and In the current "Legend of Lan Xi", the other party seems to be playing the female number three again, and now she even has to take it with her to play mahjong, which makes her doubt the relationship between the other party and Mr. Xu.

Based on what she has seen and heard in the film and television industry for many years, an actress always plays in a company or a director's play, so this actress must have an unknown intimate relationship with the company's boss or director.

"Mr. Xu, she is..." Liu Jiaman asked intentionally. It's okay to find a poker friend to play mahjong with her, but finding a poker friend to play mahjong with her is not welcome.

Those who knew it were playing mahjong with her, but those who didn't know thought she was the queen who sold tea in Water Margin.

"Ding Mengni, female number three, we will have a lot of rivalry in the future." Xu Jie introduced briefly.

Since today is the first day of filming, Lu Zhihong deliberately arranged a lot of personal scenes in the first few days of filming in order to let the actors get back the feeling they had when filming "Lovers in Time and Space" and to allow everyone to get into the state as soon as possible. , so it is normal for Liu Jiaman not to know Ding Mengni now.

"I know her name is Ding Mengni, I mean you guys..." Liu Jiaman stopped here intentionally, his eyes scanning back and forth between Xu Jie and Ding Mengni.

Xu Jie is not stupid either. Looking at Liu Jiaman's small eyes, he immediately understood the meaning of the other party, and quickly explained: "Sister Man, where are you going? I am friends with her second uncle. At the time when I was in trouble At that time, her second uncle helped me."

When Liu Jiaman heard this, she blushed immediately. It turned out that she was thinking wrongly, but as the actress, how could she admit that her thoughts were dirty?
"Who asked you this? I mean, do you usually play mahjong together? Will you team up to trick me?" Liu Jiaman found a reason that he thought was good.

"Sister Man, let's play mahjong without winning the sky, the sky, the ground, and the ground. It's purely an exchange of card skills. What are we cheating on you? A dinner? If you don't want to invite me, I will order takeaway." Xu Jie smiled wryly. Said.

"Okay, okay, I blamed you wrongly, but don't worry, I can still invite you for dinner, I promise to make you eat and drink well, then let's go eat now." Liu Jiaman waved his hand and turned to the nanny. Go in the direction of the car.

"Wait, Sister Man, Mr. Xu, wait for me!"

At this moment, a cry came from behind.

Xu Jie looked back, only to see Liu Qing running towards this side in a hurry, and asked expectantly, "Where are you going? Are you playing mahjong? Can you add me?"

"You?" Xu Jie frowned and looked at Liu Qing, who did not perform well on the set today.

"Okay, come on." Liu Jiaman said after hearing this.

She also knew that Liu Qing is a person who loves to play mahjong through the filming of "Lovers in Time and Space" some time ago, so she had to bring this poker buddy with him because he wanted to learn how to play mahjong and reduce his salary.

When Liu Qing heard Liu Jiaman's agreement, she immediately said happily, "Thank you, Sister Man."

Next, a series of four vehicles slowly drove away from the set.

Liu Jiaman has many properties in the capital, this time she brought Xu Jie and others to a home located in a high-end villa area on the North Third Ring Road.

This villa area is a well-known star villa area in the capital. There are many stars in the entertainment industry living in it. There are at least a dozen or twenty of them. Maybe a certain star will pass by the door when they are basking in the sun in the courtyard. , Of course, the people who live here are either rich or expensive, and they don't care about star chasing.

"Sit whatever you want, there is something to drink in the refrigerator, I'll go up and change clothes, by the way, on the way back, I have notified the property management, dinner will be delivered soon, let's fill our stomachs first, and then fight for [-] rounds. "Liu Jiaman finished speaking and walked upstairs.

Liu Qing looked around and looked around curiously. The villa as a whole is mainly in Chinese style, with luxury in the classics and exquisiteness everywhere. From this, it can be seen that the owner of the villa has great taste. The style on the mahjong table is extremely inconsistent.

"It's so beautiful!" Liu Qing walked to the wall, looked at a painting hanging on it, and said, "This should be an antique, right? This vase is also very beautiful, and it has a sense of age at first glance. It must be from the Qing Dynasty right?"

"Hmph, with your eyesight, you can still tell it's an antique?" Xu Jie said with a sneer.

"What's wrong with my eyesight? My eyesight has always been good." Liu Qing said unconvinced.

"Very good? Hehe, I don't know who said it was bad when they saw my script." Xu Jie said in a strange voice, his voice was full of sarcasm.

This means that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

The current box office of "Lover in Time and Space" is the best evidence to ridicule Liu Qing's blindness in the past.

The corner of Liu Qing's mouth twitched when he heard it, as if someone had pinched him three inches, but in the end he said firmly: "I'm talking about antiques, and I didn't talk about the script, you can watch it if you want."

"Just look at it, I'll let you know about it today." Xu Jie stood up as he spoke, walked to the front of the painting and looked it over carefully, from the paper to the inscription, to the seal, and finally came to a conclusion, "Decorative painting! "

"Hmph, I don't believe it!" Liu Qing said, anyway, she had never heard from Sister Yun that the other party knew about antiques, and she had never seen that the other party had antiques at home.

Besides, where is this place?
It is the home of actress Liu Jiaman.

Isn't it normal to have several curios?
You can't buy priceless ones, but you can still buy hundreds of thousands of antiques for decoration.

"Don't you think Mr. Xu also knows calligraphy and painting?"

Liu Jiaman came down from upstairs with a smile on her face. After taking off her coat, she changed into an ordinary home clothes. Although she was not as domineering as usual, she was a little more gentle.

Seeing Liu Jiaman coming, Liu Qing immediately asked, "Sister Man, is he right?"

Liu Jiaman didn't answer, but pointed to another painting on the wall and asked, "President Xu, look at that painting again."

Xu Jie was even more terrified this time, and gave the answer after just a glance, "It's just an ordinary decorative painting."

"How did you find out? I specially hired someone to draw this." Liu Jiaman asked with a smile.

These two paintings on the wall are indeed decorative paintings, you can tell just by looking at them, isn't it a little too magical?
Seeing Sister Man's appearance, Liu Qing immediately knew that the man was right. She was depressed but also full of curiosity. Could it be that the other party really knew about antiques?

"I don't understand antiques, and I don't understand calligraphy and painting, but I know that smoking must not be allowed where antique calligraphy and paintings are hung." Xu Jie said and looked at the ashtray on the coffee table, there were still smoked cigarette butts in it.

No matter how rich she is, Liu Jiaman will not be stupid enough to destroy the painting.

Liu Jiaman was taken aback when he heard it, what he said was really "true".

Liu Qing directly put on a speechless expression, thinking: What did you pretend to look at before you didn't know how to draw?Is there any smell of smoke on the painting?

At this time, the doorbell suddenly rang, and Liu Jiaman's assistant immediately went to open the door, and then saw several people in uniforms walking in from outside.

Holding the incubator in their hands, they went to the restaurant under the guidance of the assistant, and put the dishes from the incubator on the dining table.

"Okay, let's start eating." After the food delivery person left, Liu Jiaman sat down at the dining table and said, "I don't know what you like to eat, so I just ordered a few things. What do you want to eat tomorrow? Said, since you are here to play mahjong with me, I will definitely treat you well."

It's casual, but it's actually very rich. There are eight dishes in total, such as grilled lamb chops, lion's head, sea cucumber with green onions, etc., which is not too much for the few of them.

Besides these dishes, desserts and fruits after the meal are also prepared. The skinned ones are peeled, and the seeds are removed, and they are just about to be fed directly into the mouth.

"Sister Man, you are too polite, there is no need to be so rich." Liu Qing said after hearing this.

"People who come uninvited are not qualified to say that." Xu Jie was like Liu Qing, isn't this stealing his lines?
Liu Qing gritted her teeth lightly, looked at Xu Jie fiercely, and finally endured it.

"Eat quickly." Liu Jiaman said with a smile.

Xu Jie was not polite either, picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

Just like what Liu Qing said, the delicacies on this table are indeed very rich, but the few people are not here to taste the dishes today, but to play mahjong, and what they are after is the word "fast". Under supervision and urging, everyone didn't have time to taste it carefully, chewed it a few times and swallowed it in the stomach, and the battle ended in ten minutes.

Liu Jiaman's assistant had already set up the mahjong table and even the chairs, waiting for four people to sit on them.

"If you want to wash your hands, wash your hands quickly, and if you want to go to the trumpet, go to the trumpet. Don't wait until you are playing mahjong." Liu Jiaman reminded.

Hearing what she said, she went to the bathroom regardless of whether she urinated or not. After all, no one wants to listen to Sister Man talking on the mahjong table.

Liu Jiaman on the mahjong table and Liu Jiaman off the mahjong table are not alone!

Soon, the four sat down and began to place cards.

"Ring bell bell!"

Just as Liu Jiaman hit the sieve, Xu Jie's cell phone rang.

The actress frowned, showing a trace of dissatisfaction. Xu Jie looked at the caller ID, and then connected the call while signaling to continue drawing cards.


Yes, the caller is Su Yun.

Hearing this address, Liu Jiaman's brows also relaxed.

You can't let someone answer the phone call from your wife, right?

"My husband, congratulations."

"Congratulations?" Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it.

I just started playing mahjong and haven't won yet. What are you congratulating?Besides, there is nothing to win, it is purely a game of poker, playing cards with others, what is there to congratulate?
Could it be congratulations to the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi" on its official launch?
"Congratulations to my husband for successfully breaking through 4 million box office." Su Yun finished her sentence this time.

"Ah? Is that so?" Xu Jie was startled for a moment, then surprised.

When I watched it last night, it was still a few million short, and today I was busy shooting a new drama, so I haven’t paid attention to the box office of the movie, but after careful calculation, it should have broken 4 million today. When it was released, it went up by tens of millions and tens of millions, but a few million a day is still easy.

"Same joy, same joy." Xu Jie said quickly, the box office of the movie starring his wife has increased by 4 million, and now it has reached 15 billion. Although it is not many among the many actresses in China, it is still a step forward A big step.

An actor's work and box office are related to the actor's commercial value. The better the word of mouth, the higher the box office, and the more investors will naturally invite filming.

"It's a pity that I couldn't be by your side at such a moment worth celebrating. You won't blame me, right?" Su Yun said in a guilty tone.

"How could I blame you? Without you, there would be no movie. Besides, isn't the movie released yet? It's not too late to celebrate then." Xu Jie comforted after hearing this.

"Well, by the way, "Legend of Lan Xi" started today, how is it going, is it going well?" Su Yun asked.

"I encountered some small problems, but they have been resolved." Xu Jie glanced at Liu Qing who was opposite, and Liu Qing rolled her eyes directly.

"That's good. Have you had dinner? No matter how busy you are, you must remember to eat." Su Yun said with concern.

"Don't worry, I ate at Sister Man's house," Xu Jie said.

"Sister Man?" Su Yun was taken aback for a moment, and immediately thought of something, and asked with a smile, "Are you playing mahjong with Sister Man?"

First, he used mahjong to lure Liu Qing to make a movie, and then he used mahjong to lure Liu Jiaman to make a TV series. Looking at the entire film and television industry, this kind of persuasion is only done by her husband.

"Well, there are also Liu Qing and Ding Mengni." Xu Jie reported truthfully.

"Then I won't bother you guys. I'll wait here and there are still a few night scenes to be filmed. Let's get in touch tomorrow." Su Yun knows the general idea, and she hates being disturbed the most when playing mahjong, especially the loser. Liu Jiaman has played mahjong before, and naturally she has also seen the other party mouth output on the mahjong table. In order to avoid her husband being sprayed, she chose to end the call quickly.

"Well, you should also eat well, rest well, and pay attention to your health..." Xu Jie instructed a few more words before hanging up the phone.

"Tsk tsk tsk, why don't you go back with this reluctance?" Liu Jiaman asked.

"Where are you going? My wife is filming in Hengdian, and she's not at home. Besides, since I promised Sister Man, I won't break my promise." Xu Jie said after putting down his phone.

Liu Jiaman smiled, and then asked curiously: "By the way, why do you two congratulate each other? Is there anything good?"

"Oh, it's nothing, it's just that the box office of "Lover in Time and Space" has just exceeded 4 million." Xu Jie said lightly.


The three women were startled, and then their eyes all lit up.

The three of them are all actors of "Lover in Time and Space", so they are naturally very happy to hear the news.

Especially Liu Qing, she has the movie's box office share, the higher the box office, the higher the share she gets.

"Well, we really should celebrate, then let's fight Lu Bu in Sanying tonight, and play him all night!" Liu Jiaman said loudly, and then played a card.

Xu Jie pushed down the card directly, and a dihu came.


He will never let the other party succeed!


(End of this chapter)

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