Chapter 906 Heartbeat?


Su Yun finished her whole day of filming and was going to take the nanny car back to the hotel.

However, just as she stepped into the car with one foot, she suddenly heard someone calling her from behind.

"Xiao Su, Xiao Su, wait!"

Su Yun was very familiar with this voice, it was the director Yu Zijian, so she put her foot back into the car and turned to look behind her.

Director Yu trotted over here, with a bit of joy on his face, as if something good was about to happen.

"Director Yu, are you looking for me?" Su Yun asked curiously, not knowing what could make Director Yu, who has been troubled by plot problems recently, as happy as a child in his 60s.

Yu Zijian stopped in front of Su Yun, took a deep breath, and said, "I, I thought of a way to help Mr. Xu solve the problem of director selection."

Su Yun was a little surprised, and looked at Director Yu's face carefully. Could it be that the other party really wants to accept the new movie cast by Beijing Television Culture?
"Really?" Su Yun said with a smile: "Director Yu, you are so busy during the day, and you are still thinking about my husband. I thank you for him. Let's go back together. I think he will be very happy when he finds out. happy."

A few plot issues can be exchanged for director Yu Zijian to make a movie, this deal is simply not too profitable.

Not only happy, I can laugh out loud in my dreams.

"it is good."

Yu Zijian nodded, and then he couldn't wait to get into his nanny car. The two cars left the set one after the other, and drove towards the hotel.

Because the hotel is near the Film and Television City, the two cars arrived quickly.

Su Yun took out the room card from her bag, and just as she opened the door, before entering, she heard her husband's voice.

"Lao Yang can't do it. He has never been a director. Although his personal ability is really good, it would be too risky for him to be the director of a new film..."

"My original intention was to train a few capable directors within the company, but now it seems that it may be better to hire foreign aid..."

Su Yun laughed inwardly when she heard this, after tonight, her husband no longer has to pretend to hold meetings, nor does he need to act in front of Director Yu.

She walked into the room, looked at Xu Jie who was in a meeting and said, "Honey, we're in a meeting again."

Xu Jie saw Yu Zijian, so he put on a face and said, "If the problem is not resolved, I won't be able to sleep well. Hey, Director Yu is here. Let's talk, I'll go to the bedroom."

Then he picked up his laptop and went to the bedroom.

"Husband, Director Yu has something to tell you about your candidate for the director of Jingshi Culture's new film." Su Yun called her husband back, and winked at him while talking.

Xu Jie understood his wife's expression when he saw it, but he still suppressed the joy in his heart, looked at Yu Zijian and said, "Director Yu, you are so busy and still thinking about my affairs, I really don't know what to do." Thank you." Then he said to the subordinates on the computer screen: "Pause for a while, you should eat and eat, you should go to the bathroom, let's continue the meeting later."

Afterwards, he sent the laptop into the bedroom, and when he came out, he sat beside Yu Zijian and asked, "Director Yu, what do you think of the director of our next film from JingTV Culture?"

"Mr. Xu, I would like to recommend a person to you. This person has directed many movies and has good abilities in all aspects." Yu Zijian said.

Xu Jie secretly laughed in his heart, he is so old, and he is still so mischievous, isn't he just wanting to recommend himself?
"Oh? Who is it?" Xu Jie pretended not to guess, and cooperated with the other party in acting.

"Wu Hanlin." Yu Zijian said with a smile.

After Xu Jie listened, he was stunned.

Who is Wu Hanlin?
It sounds familiar.

But no matter how familiar it is, it's not as familiar as the name Yu Zijian.

He looked at his wife at the side suspiciously, as if asking again: What's going on?
At this moment, Su Yun was also in a daze.

Could it be that Director Yu was not talking about himself?
Thinking back carefully, the other party seems to have never said that he would personally serve as the director.

Misunderstood, misunderstood.

Yu Zijian didn't notice Xu Jie's strangeness, thinking that the other party just didn't know who Wu Hanlin was, so he said: "Wu Hanlin can be regarded as one of my students. He has profound knowledge in film art and has won awards abroad. A rare talent..."

Yu Zijian continued to introduce his students, but Xu Jie didn't care to listen at all. No wonder he thought Wu Hanlin's name was familiar to him just now, because he had indeed read a report about this person before.

But the problem is that most of the films made by this person are literary and artistic films, and there is another feature, that is, the film shooting cycle is very long.

Take the report he read as an example. It mentioned a sentence in it, seven years of sharpening a sword...

It takes seven years to make a movie, and it is unknown whether he can work in Jingshi Culture for seven years.

He didn't want the other party to finish filming, and he was also middle-aged.

And what he wants to make now is a commercial film that makes money, not an art film that loses money. What he needs is box office, performance, and making money for the company.

Art films are made by directors and actors, not investors.

What he wants to be is not a master, but a boss.

"Director Yu, thank you for your kindness, I will seriously consider it." Xu Jie said lightly, it seemed that the play had to continue.

Yu Zijian saw the other party's flat reaction, this time it was his turn to be stunned.

From full of expectation to full of disappointment, it was clearly dissatisfaction with the person he recommended.

Wu Hanlin can't do it?

"Director Yu, the company's employees are still waiting for me, so I'll go there." Xu Jie pointed to the direction of the bedroom, and then stood up from the sofa.

Except for this old man, he dare not be interested in anyone else.

Of course, unless the other party can invite a domestic first-line director with the same coffee position to replace him, don't even think about interrupting his meeting.

When Yu Zijian saw that the other party was about to leave, he immediately became anxious. He still expected the other party to help him solve the problem.

"Mr. Xu, let me recommend another person to you. How about Su Jianfei?"

Yu Zijian hastily reported another person's name.

This person can be regarded as his junior, and he is still somewhat famous in the entertainment industry, but most of his films are TV dramas, and he also shoots movies, but very few.

Su Yun on the side thought: This one is not as good as the one just now.

"I know Director Yu, I'm going to discuss it with the staff." Xu Jie said to Yu Zijian, and then walked into the bedroom.

However, compared with yesterday, he didn't close the door today, but just opened it, as if he wasn't worried about being overheard by outsiders.

"Everyone, let's continue the meeting just now." Xu Jie sat down and said, "Director Yu Zijian recommended two people for us just now, one is Wu Hanlin and the other is Su Jianfei, which one do you think is suitable?"

"Wu Hanlin? If it's for winning awards, director Wu is fine, but if he wants to focus on performance, director Wu seems to be a little bit less interesting." Wang Wen said tactfully.

In the last sentence, she originally wanted to say that Director Wu was a scam, but she was worried that there were other people around Mr. Xu, so she changed her words temporarily.

Although the word "pit" is very commonly used, it is indeed quite insulting to film directors.

"Director Wu's level of guidance is okay, but he is famously slow in the film industry. He only releases a work in a few years. It seems that it is not suitable for our company."

"I've watched Su Jianfei and director Su's movie, it doesn't look like a blockbuster movie, but it gives people a sense of sight of a TV series..."

"That's right, if our company wants to make a TV series, it's no problem to ask Director Su, but for a movie, I'd better forget it..."

People in the conference room expressed their views on the two directors.

And these words also passed through the room and reached the ears of Yu Zijian who was sitting in the living room. It's embarrassing, as if he's not here to help, but to make trouble.

However, this is an internal matter of Xu's head office. As an outsider, it is not easy for him to intervene, let alone carefully pondering. The people from Jingshi Culture are right. Wu Hanlin and Su Jianfei are indeed a little bit different. It's just that the positions are different, and the content of consideration is also very different.

He recommended director candidates from the perspective of film art, and those people considered director candidates from the perspective of company performance.

You can't have your cake and eat it too!

In the film industry, art and box office seem to have always been enemies, and few people can unite them.

Just when he was about to get up to say goodbye, a word suddenly reached his ears.

"Mr. Xu, actually I think Director Yu is pretty good. Not only are the films he shoots high-quality, but they also have box office guarantees. He is also famous in the industry for being serious and responsible. It would be great if you could invite him. .”

"Minister Wang, I agree with your evaluation of Director Yu, but I think it's a bit of a dream to ask Director Yu to be the director of a new film. He is a guest of many film companies, and there are a lot of people who want to invite him to make a movie. , how could it be our small company's turn?"

"That's right, who would choose a small company like us instead of a big company? Director Yu doesn't like our..."

"That's enough, that's enough!" Xu Jie interrupted everyone, "Stop dreaming, and talk about something practical, okay? Use your brains quickly, before I return to the capital, I must confirm the candidate for the director."


Yu Zijian scratched his head with his hands. Although he was over 60, he was still a little embarrassed by the praise just now, but he didn't agree with the following words.

Why can't he look down on small companies?

He said that he seemed to be the kind of person who exalts the high and tramples the low.

Regardless of whether it is a big company or a small company, he always treats everyone equally, and there is no situation in which he looks down on anyone. After all, he has come to his current position step by step from the bottom.

But when it comes to making movies for Beijing Television Culture, he really never thought about it.

The main reason is that it has never cooperated with Jingshi Culture before, and Jingshi Culture's film business is only in the past few years.

For example, Forbidden Films, which also belongs to the Beijing Radio and Television Station, he has cooperated with it.

Su Yun stood up at this moment, closed the bedroom door gently, then looked at Yu Zijian embarrassedly and said, "Director Yu, they just said it casually just now, don't worry."

"No." Yu Zijian said with a smile.

Everyone is praising him, how can he be overhearted?

If Wu Hanlin and Su Jianfei were here, they might be sad.

"That's good." Su Yun said with a smile.

"Oh, I'm ashamed, I couldn't help Director Xu." Yu Zijian sighed softly, but this sigh was because he didn't have a chance to talk about the script with Xu Jie tonight.

Once tonight is over, it means that the other party will stay in Hengdian for another day.

"Director Yu, please don't say that. You can still think about my husband in your busy schedule. We are very grateful to you and hope you can understand them. My husband has just been in Beijing Television Culture for a year. I really want to make achievements in movies, so every decision is very cautious, and it can be better through the computer. When I was in Beijing, I often stayed up all night. This time, my husband is in charge of the script of the new movie. I guess even I want to see him in the future. It's hard for him." Su Yun said with a wry smile.

Yu Zijian, who was about to leave, suddenly trembled, looked at Su Yun and asked, "Xiao Su, you just said that Mr. Xu was in charge of the script of the Beijing Television Culture movie?"

"Well, otherwise he wouldn't worry about finding a suitable director, he would rather be short than excessive." Su Yun said.

After Yu Zijian heard it, he immediately fell into deep thought.

For a film director, the most hopeful thing is to be able to encounter a good story and a good script.

The current film and television industry is very impetuous, which also makes everyone only recognize stars and pay little attention to stories, and stars only recognize money and don't care about the script at all, even some movie kings and queens are no exception. No matter how bad it is, it will act.

As everyone knows, a good story is the foundation of a movie.

Only when the story is good can the film produced be good, the actors can get high praise, and the movie can also get high box office. This is a win-win situation.

Although he has never read the script written by Xu Jie, nor has he had any cooperation with the other party, but judging from the fact that the other party can find five questions from the script of "The Game in the Game" within half a day, If this person writes stories, he will definitely not be bad.

In addition, he has watched the movie "Mulan" directed by Zhang Weiqiang, and Xu Shenghua's movie "Stranger Road", which will be released on New Year's Day. As far as the content is concerned, the plot is compact and the logic is rigorous, which is really good.

Moreover, who can be praised by Zhang Weiqiang and Xu Shenghua together?
In the past, everyone adapted novels to shoot. Now, the novels have been filmed almost, and it is not so easy to make a good story. This is why the output of many big directors has been greatly reduced. Because everyone is either looking for a story, or on the way to find a story.

Yu Zijian looked at the closed door, and listened to the faint voice coming from inside. Zhang Weiqiang had worked with this person before, and Xu Shenghua had also worked with this person, so should he also cooperate with this person? ?

Otherwise, wouldn't he fall behind from the ranks of great directors?


(End of this chapter)

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