Bug in survival game

Chapter 1000 Alien Invasion 3

Chapter 1000 Alien Invasion 3

Su Tingyu pursed his mouth.

How do you feel like you are being sneaked by a dog?

Hurry up to find Qin Qi and Fatty, and get rid of this Mike!

So, when Mike went to a shopping mall for high-end men's clothes and shoes, Su Tingyu made an excuse to go to the toilet.

In the toilet, Su Tingyu took out the phone and started to contact Qin Qi and Fatty.

Su Tingyu was the first to contact Qin Qi, but it showed that he couldn't get in touch.

"Huh? Can't get in touch?"

Su Tingyu was a little confused, but this kind of situation was not unprecedented, and she didn't make a fuss.

Su Tingyu contacted Fatty instead.

"Big guy!"


Unexpectedly, as soon as the connection was made, Su Tingyu heard the fat man's cry for help.

Su Tingyu looked a little astonished, and quickly asked, "What's wrong? Fatty?"

"Boss, I met four players from other worlds. A female player from another world used some kind of prop ability to make all the props on me lose their initiative function. I can't even use the communication machine. It's okay. Boss, you took the initiative to call..."

Su Tingyu's face froze instantly, and he asked calmly, "Where are you now? Hold on, I'll go find you."

"Boss, I'm currently hiding on the top floor of the Flower Tower in Dead Leaf Town. Fortunately, in my accessories column, some of the accessories' passive functions can still be used, so I escaped several times of pursuit." The fat man quickly reported output your location information.

"Okay, I won't hang up the call, just wait!"

Su Tingyu put on an invisible hat and jumped out of the toilet window.

The toilet is on the second floor of the shopping mall. The moment Su Tingyu jumped down, black wings spread out behind his back.

Lightly flapping its wings, Su Tingyu flew into the night sky.

Su Tingyu checked the basic situation of Dead Leaf Town not long ago, and Fanhua Pagoda is the tallest building in Dead Leaf Town, very famous and very conspicuous.

After Su Tingyu flew to a height where no nearby buildings could block his line of sight, he glanced around, and soon locked the location of the Fanhua Pagoda.


Su Tingyu immediately flew in the direction of the Flower Tower.

Thinking of the tricks of those players from other worlds that Fatty had mentioned halfway, Su Tingyu called Lucifer out just to be on the safe side.

"Lulu." Su Tingyu explained the current situation to Lucifer in a few words:
"The fat man is in danger. The opponent has the ability to restrict the player's use of props. Be on the safe side. I'll let you out first."

When Lucifer, who was sitting on Su Tingyu's shoulder, heard that his "royal chef" was in danger, his small face instantly became serious, and he urged:

"Little Susu, hurry up."

Fatty is his cook.

The chef has an accident = no drink = no drink for Lucifer chasing drama

Absolutely not!

Lucifer stared at the Tower of Flowers in the distance, with an unprecedented solemnity in his eyes.

Even when he confronted the mysterious existence on the Yin-Yang star, he had never been so dignified.

at this time.

The top floor of the Blossom Tower.

in the corner.

The fat man held the phone and refused to let go.

Hearing the wind from the communication machine, Fatty knew that the boss had already rushed over here.

As long as he persists, when the boss comes over, the four players from other worlds will definitely have nothing to do with him.

Just as the fat man relaxed a bit, suddenly, with a bang, the blocked door on the top floor of the tower was violently smashed open.

The fat man was also taken aback by the movement, and immediately became nervous again.

Could it be them?

Are they here?

The fat man was terrified and wanted to cry but had no tears.

And at this time, inside the door, several joking voices sounded:

"Little fat man, don't hide, come out obediently."

"Hurry up and come out at the acquaintance point, we can still give you a whole body."

"Don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine, get out quickly, you can't escape."

Hearing this threatening voice, the fat man huddled in the corner, not daring to move even more.

These voices are the voices of those players from other worlds who chased him down.

These three voices are the voices of male players.

"Just find him out, what's the point?" At this moment, a female voice interrupted what the three of them hadn't finished speaking.

"Don't worry, Niya, he can't escape."

"Yes, I'll find him right now."

The female player's voice sounded a little cold, but it didn't dampen the enthusiasm of the three male players in the slightest.

Fatty is now hiding in a corner, relying on the few passive skills on his body to reduce his sense of existence and reduce the possibility of being found.

However, hiding like this all the time is not an option.

The fat man could only pray silently in his heart——

Boss, hurry up!

This alien player is too scary!

Four players from other worlds began to search on the top floor.

As time passed, those footsteps that sounded like a urging spell were approaching the fat man's hiding place——

Suddenly, Fatty heard the exclamation of those people.

"What's that outside?"

"Damn, why is there a birdman flying in the sky?!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, a huge stick fell from the sky and hit him on the head.

Immediately afterwards, a cold snort came: "You are the birdman, and your whole family is birdman."

The answer to that voice was a bang.

The huge stick hit the man's face, and for a moment, the man's head was bleeding and he was smashed to the ground.


"It's a player!"

The fat man heard the movement and glanced outside.

When I saw that familiar figure in the night sky, I couldn't help but get excited.

Big guy!
It's the boss!Very good!
Su Tingyu scanned around, but didn't see Fatty, only the four players from another world.

Su Tingyu breathed a sigh of relief.

This meant that the fat man should not have been caught by them yet.

After the three foreign players on the ground looked at each other, one of the male players opened his mouth and shouted: "If you have the ability, you come down! Let's fight one-on-one! Sneak attack is nothing!"

Su Tingyu didn't pay attention to the male player at all, but set his sights on the female player.

The female player's left hand hangs on her waist, but her right hand is always behind her back, as if she is hiding something.

Hehe, is this trying to lure her down?
Su Tingyu flew to Liuyun stick, and under the astonished eyes of the three of them, he grabbed Liuyun stick with one hand.

Then, he threw it in the face of the shouting male player.

"I rely on!"

Because he was prepared this time, the old player cursed and dodged.

Seeing that Su Tingyu was not fooled at all, the female player said, "Let's withdraw first."

"But..." Some players hesitated.

"There is still a long time for this round of dungeons, is it possible that you want to spend it here?" The female player asked sharply.

"Take that trash on the ground and leave quickly." The female player glanced at the male player who was injured by Su Tingyu's stick and was now completely unconscious. A trace of disgust flashed in her eyes.

"Okay, let's go then." One of the male players carried the man on his back.

Su Tingyu looked at them as if they were about to run away, of course he refused.

Even if Su Tingyu was willing to agree, Lucifer who was in the dark would not agree.

Su Tingyu directly summoned Dahui and the others, and immediately surrounded the top floor.

"Want to run? It's not that easy." Su Tingyu snorted coldly.

Immediately, he picked up the meteor stick and threw it at the four players from other worlds.

"Damn! We have no grievances, why are you against us?" A male player roared.

Su Tingyu knocked down the stick again: "No injustice or enmity? Not necessarily!"

Hearing this, the players from the other world were slightly taken aback, and they all thought of the fat man who had been chasing and killing them just now.

Could it be that this person is the reinforcement called by that fat man?

But his props are clearly useless, so where can he contact other players?
"Little Susu, you're too slow, why haven't you killed them yet? Do you want me to help you?" Lucifer, who had been sitting on Su Tingyu's shoulder, couldn't stand it anymore.

Lucifer used a little trick to make him invisible to the players from other worlds below.

But at this time, seeing that every attack of Su Tingyu was dodged or resisted by those people, he was a little unhappy.

Lucifer felt that he wanted to vent his anger on his royal chef so that the latter could get him more drinks.

"Well, be careful, don't expose yourself."

In fact, Su Tingyu also wanted to hide his strength in front of these foreign players, so he didn't use other props to deal with those people.

After all, this second-stage public beta, no matter how you look at it, is like a struggle between the world and the world.

If you expose your hole cards early, it is easy for players from other worlds to figure out the routine and target them.

In this way, it is definitely not good for her.

Su Tingyu can't guarantee that these four players from other worlds died in this round of dungeon, will they die directly in reality?
Seeing how they were able to push Fatty to such an extent, obviously, it couldn't be the group of people who became players after the public beta.

Lucifer's fingertips shone with a golden light, and then, he tapped on the meteorite stick,
In an instant, the Meteor Rod was strengthened several times.

"It can only last for 3 minutes." Lucifer reminded.

Su Tingyu's eyes lit up, and he immediately swung the meteor stick, and threw it at the players from another world below again.

This time, those players from other worlds wanted to dodge like before, but at this moment, a burst of golden light bloomed on the surface of the Meteor Rod.

In just a few seconds, several foreign players were horrified to find that they could not move.

The Liuyun stick fell down, killing the three male players on the spot, leaving only the female player dying.

"I remember you, the next round of dungeons, if I meet again, I will not let you go." The female player, who was unable to move all over her body, glared at Su Tingyu viciously.

Su Tingyu didn't hesitate at all, and replied: "I'm defeated, I'll wait."

Upon hearing those four words, the female player's face darkened immediately.

The defeat of his subordinates... This is simply a great shame!
You know, since she entered this game, it has always been smooth sailing.

But now, in the hands of a player from another world who doesn't even know the nickname of the game, he has stumbled hard.

Su Tingyu was just about to raise the meteor stick to give the female player a final blow, but who knows, the latter chose to take out a dagger and wipe her neck to commit suicide.

Su Tingyu was stunned for a moment, and then, after waiting for the female player to remain silent, he picked up the Liuyun stick and threw it at it.

After making up the knife, Su Tingyu made sure that the players from other worlds could not die any more, and then fell from the sky.

"Fatty, come out."

"Boss! Woohoo~"


After seeing that the crisis was over, the fat man ran out and joined Su Tingyu.

Just now the fat man was afraid that if he ran out, it would affect Su Tingyu instead, so he kept hiding.

After the two met, they also exchanged information with each other.

After hearing what happened to Su Tingyu's identity, the fat man was also shocked by Mike's shamelessness: "Damn it, isn't it, boss, is that person such a scumbag?"

"Yes, if it wasn't for this identity without an ID card and passport, I would have kicked him out a long time ago." Su Tingyu said depressedly.

Fatty: "It's okay, boss, I'm a local and I have a house here."

Hearing this, Su Tingyu suddenly became happier.


She could finally say goodbye to that Mike.


After Su Tingyu and Fatty came down from the Fanhua Tower, they passed by a large supermarket. The latter thought that he didn't have any food reserves at home, so he wanted to go shopping.

When it was time to check out, Su Tingyu handed out a bank card grandly, and stepped out of the supermarket door first.

Suddenly, Su Tingyu stared at a smart machine next to the entrance of the supermarket.

The appearance of that intelligent machine is like a combination of an ordinary weighing scale and a height measuring machine.

Su Tingyu never cared about his weight.

But the height...

Su Tingyu couldn't help but recall the most recent height measurement, which seemed to be a year ago.

After a year of vicissitudes, Su Tingyu felt that he had regained his confidence!

So, Su Tingyu stood on the unmanned machine dawdly, scanned the code with his mobile phone, and then began to test his height.


The machine started to work, and Su Tingyu became uneasy.

Su Tingyu held his head high, waiting for the "ruler" for measuring his height to touch his head, and then bounced it back two seconds later.

The surface of the machine screen began to circle, and Su Tingyu couldn't help but hold his breath and concentrate, accepting the approval of fate.


Su Tingyu's eyes widened in surprise!


It's 159 yeah! ! !
"Measuring your height with shoes... only 159..."

Just when Su Tingyu was in a state of excitement, the passers-by next to him glanced at Su Tingyu's height value, then burst out laughing, and whispered to his friends.

But the problem is, the distance between the two is too close, Su Tingyu heard it completely.

As a result, Su Tingyu's expression dropped instantly, and he began to count the height of his shoes with his fingers.

Su Tingyu is wearing small white shoes, and the height of the shoes is about 1-2cm.


Su Tingyu's big eyes sparkled with hope again.

Even if the height of the shoes is removed, she should be about 158 ​​now.


The little fairy is 1.6 meters!
Su Tingyu stepped off the machine, exuding a sense of joy from head to toe.

When the fat man brought out a lot of products from the supermarket, he saw Su Tingyu's happy expression as if she had picked up a pie that fell from the sky, and he couldn't help being a little curious.

(End of this chapter)

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