Bug in survival game

Chapter 1003 Alien Invasion 6

Chapter 1003 Alien Invasion 6
at this time.

Outside the house where Su Tingyu and Fatty were, three sneaky figures stopped.

Soon, intermittent conversations came.

"There are two little red dots in this room."

"There are only two, so let's solve it quickly."

"The duration of the boss's ability should only be two or three hours left. There are only two people. A quick battle is enough."

"There are houses nearby. If the NPC is alarmed, there will be a little trouble. Let's sneak in first, and sneak attack if we can."

"good idea."


The three easily lurked into this private house.

As soon as they entered, they heard a man's voice.

"Boss, do you want more fruit?"

"Yes, yes! Another pot!"

"Ok, no problem."

The three of them looked at each other when they heard the words.

Take another look at the little red dot on the map.

That's right.

It is indeed a little red dot.

The two inside are indeed players.

But in this small conversation, how can I feel that there is no sense of disobedience with the NPC.

There is no sense of danger or tension at all, as if it is leisure at home.

in the living room.

After Su Tingyu finished eating the last strawberry, Lucifer, who was watching a TV series, flew over and tugged at the corner of her clothes: "Someone is here."

Su Tingyu's eyes froze.

Then, after she and Lucifer looked at each other, the latter disappeared.

[A player is coming]
Su Tingyu picked up the phone, entered a text message, and sent it to Fatty.

Then, I stretched myself on the sofa, and said:

"Hello, uninvited guests, how long are you going to hide?"

Su Tingyu's sudden words were astonishing, which frightened the three people who had been lurking in.

How is this going?

How could she have found us so early?
The three of them were still very relaxed, but they immediately became vigilant.

However, now that they have been discovered, the three of them are no longer secretive.

Two of them revealed their figures, while the other one quickly walked towards the fat man.

Su Tingyu glanced at it, but didn't stop him.

Su Tingyu's eyes fell on the other two people.

Seeing Su Tingyu's indifferent appearance, the two who remained thought that Su Tingyu and Fatty were just a temporary partner, and their friendship was not deep.

Therefore, you can watch the other party in danger.

However, this result is also a good thing for them, so there is no need to worry that Su Tingyu and the two will unite and defeat them one by one.

Su Tingyu suddenly said: "Are you thinking that I don't have any friendship with that fat man?"

Hearing this, the two looked at each other in blank dismay, both a little confused about what Su Tingyu wanted to say.

Su Tingyu continued: "Are you trying to break through one by one? Then knock us off? Take the points at the end?"

One of the players looked at Su Tingyu viciously: "Since you know it, be honest, and just grab it with your hands, and we can give you a happy one."

Su Tingyu couldn't help sighing.

How do you feel that the tone of speech of these foreign players seems to be carved out of a mold.

It seems that last night, those players from other worlds were also like this.

The current two foreign players are like this again.

Could it be that players from other worlds are all so stupid?Or is it that the quality of this batch of foreign players is not good?
Sighing in his heart, Su Tingyu looked indifferent: "Really? Then you guys come and try it."

Even a man can't stand the attitude of not paying attention to the two of them!
After the two looked at each other, they immediately took out their respective game props from the inventory, and attacked Su Tingyu!
At this time, Su Tingyu still had time to mutter: "I guess we can't smash the house... Otherwise, there will be no place to live in the next few days... Well, I'll look for it, see if there is anything useful ...just this one!"

Su Tingyu grabbed five bottles of magic potions in the storage ring.

Then, hit the ground!
As soon as the liquid in the potion bottle touched the air, it immediately vaporized and turned into a purple mist, which spread out instantly, enveloping the two players.

"what is this?"


At this time, Su Tingyu had already slowly drank another bottle of different magic potion.

Even when he came into contact with the purple mist, Su Tingyu's face was very calm.

Slowly, the two players felt that their bodies were very heavy.


"Take the detoxification pill quickly!"

The two players reacted very quickly, and immediately took out the antidote pill from the inventory and took it.

However, even after taking Jiedu Pill, the heaviness on his body still did not ease.

At this time, Su Tingyu kindly reminded: "It's not poison, but gravity. Being in this purple mist, you will bear huge gravity at once, so you can't even run. "

"Damn it, you scumbag!"

"If we have the ability, let's fight head-on! Head-on heads-up!"

Su Tingyu's eyes widened in surprise when he heard these words: "Wow, it's obvious that the villain who broke into the house was you yourself?"

"If I hadn't exposed you in time, would you have wanted to sneak attack us? Who is despicable?"

Hearing Yu Yu's words, Su was so angry that the two of them couldn't hold back a word.

Su Tingyu walked towards the two of them slowly, and took out the Death Blade from the inventory.

Because, only this one is relatively sharp.

"Don't worry, my technique is very good, I will never shake my hands, and I will definitely get you out of the game painlessly."

"And wow, don't thank me too much."

Su Tingyu saw a player's fingertips move with sharp eyes, and immediately swung out the death blade, quickly wiping their necks.

The villains all died of talking too much.

It is absolutely impossible for the little fairy to make such a mistake.

Ah, no... the little fairy is not the big villain!
After killing these two players, Su Tingyu got a lot of points in an instant.

Seeing the ranks on the list gradually rising, Su Tingyu was amazed.

How many players did the two of them kill?Points plus so much!
After taking care of the two players, Su Tingyu went to the kitchen to check on Fatty's situation.

Fatty had already made preparations because Su Tingyu had reminded him in advance.

After all, as long as it is not like yesterday, most of Fatty's game props will be restricted at once.

In addition, the fat man made a surprise attack in the opposite direction, and there was no danger, and the No.3 player was knocked out.

They are still lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth, unconscious.

When the fat man saw Su Tingyu coming over, he wiped off his sweat that didn't exist: "Boss, what should we do with this person?"

Su Tingyu took a look and said, "You kill him, and then you can get points, and you can also see that faction's standings."

The fat man let out an "ah" and hesitated.

However, thinking of what Su Tingyu had said about the Light of the Black Tower, he gritted his teeth and sent the players on the ground out of the dungeon.

After the player's body disappeared, several game items exploded on the ground.

The fat man picked it up without any surprise.

However, this scene surprised Su Tingyu a little.

"Huh? Can this round of dungeons also explode?"

"Boss? Don't you know? Every round of dungeons can explode something, as long as the player hangs up, it will explode."

Su Tingyu scratched his head.

Is it really like this?
Then why in her impression, it seems that she has never encountered it before.

"By the way, boss, this seems to be a matter of probability. It may not happen every time. However, if there are ten times, there should be five or six times."

Su Tingyu felt as if his heart had been shot by an arrow.

What should be?What does it mean to have five or six times?

It's so good that these don't exist!
The little fairy doesn't need this kind of explosion!
The little fairy relies on strength! !
"Boss, do you find it strange? Why are they so sure that we are players and we are here? Could it be that we were recognized during the day?"

Su Tingyu thought about it, and during the day, he never met the three of them.

"Boss, I feel like we're leaving. If the three of them have companions, they will most likely come here when they see that they haven't returned for a long time."

Immediately, Su Tingyu's eyes lit up: "Isn't this great? Let them find it!"

"Isn't this the same as our previous plan? The wisher took the bait! It's just right now!"

Su Tingyu rubbed his hands: "It's best, there are dozens, hundreds of their companions! Come here together!"

The fat man was a little dumbfounded.

This, this... these few are enough, right?
Why would the boss think of dozens?hundreds of? !

Can it really be dealt with by then?

The fat man expressed a little bit of worry, but seeing Su Tingyu's confident state, he finally chose to believe.

Anyway, believe in the boss!Exactly!

"Fatty, the leaderboard of your faction is now open, how much do you rank?"

"Ah, let me see, let me see..."



Not far away, inside a rental house.

"Huh? Strange, why did the red dots belonging to those three guys disappear?"

"...The two red dots closest to them are these two, interesting. Could it be that they were counter-killed? These three are useless trash."


The boy took out a tissue and wiped the blood on his face.

Then, he took out a piece of chewing gum from his pocket again and put it in his mouth to chew.

The sweet smell emanating from the chewing gum made the young man feel better, and it seemed to alleviate the smell of blood in the air.

"...In the final analysis, at least he is one of our own. It is a bit embarrassing to be killed so easily by others."

"Also, those three guys seem to have a lot of points, so it seems a bit of a loss to give it to outsiders like this."

The young man showed distress, but at this moment, he had already walked towards the door, ready to leave the rental house.


At this time, Su Tingyu and Su Tingyu, who were still ignorant, continued to stay in the house.

The fat man started to take out the cleaning tools to clean the traces on the ground.

And Lucifer continued to watch his TV series.

In order to supervise Lucifer's computer time, Su Tingyu also sat aside and watched TV dramas.

"Little Susu, why are they going around in circles?"

At this time, Lucifer saw those people in the TV series dancing at the ball.

Su Tingyu glanced at it casually: "Oh, this is a waltz, it seems to be from those dance parties in foreign countries."

Su Tingyu is also a singer after all, and he knows something about music.

"Little Susu, can you dance then?" Lucifer opened his eyes wide like a curious baby.

Su Tingyu raised his eyebrows slightly: "What? Are you curious?"

"It's a little bit, I want to see real people dance."

Ah... Although Su Tingyu is a singer, she is actually a dance idiot!
When you dance, you always have hands and feet.

"Cough, cough, let's talk about it when the time comes, let's talk about it when the time comes! When the time comes... I'll find someone to dance for you."

Su Tingyu just wanted to fool around quickly.

However, fortunately, every time Lucifer sees something new in TV dramas, he always asks about it.

However, it is forgotten after the fact.

Therefore, Su Tingyu is also easy to kill.

"Oh, then don't forget." Lucifer continued to watch his TV series.

Su Tingyu reached out and rubbed Lucifer's little head.

Then, she looked out the window of the living room.

Su Tingyu paused for a moment, then she stood up and walked towards the door.

After Su Tingyu opened the door, he turned around and closed the door again.

"Ala? I'm sorry, did I bother you?"

A few meters away from the door, stood a handsome young man.

He put his hands in his pockets and spit out a bubble from his mouth.

With a bang, the bubble burst.

"My lady, let's play together."

"No, I'm my younger sister. Don't take advantage of me. I'm obviously younger than you." Relying on her outstanding height, Su Tingyu said confidently.

Hearing this, the boy's face froze slightly, and his eyes became a little dull, as if he didn't expect that there would be a girl who was completely immune to his sunny and youthful face.

The boy changed his words naturally: "Then, little sister, do you want to come and play with brother?"

Who knows, Su Tingyu shook his head again: "No, Ma Ma said, little fairies are not allowed to play with strangers."

The boy's newly revealed smile disappeared from the corner of his mouth again.

The feeling of eating turtles twice in a row...

"Ah, ah! Help, big brother! They are so scary! Oh my god..."

In the room, the fat man's screams were suddenly heard.

The boy also heard it, and immediately, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Little sister, don't you worry about your companion?"

Now that he knew that Su Tingyu and his two had eliminated three companions, it was impossible for the young man to only let himself come and call other people nearby in order to adhering to the principle of avenging his companions.

"Oh, I'm worried."

Su Tingyu replied very calmly.

Su Tingyu looked at the tall and slender young man with slender arms and legs, and suddenly asked inexplicably, "Can you waltz?"

The young man's face was instantly confused?
Where is this from?

(End of this chapter)

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