Bug in survival game

Chapter 1005 Alien Invasion 8

Chapter 1005 Alien Invasion 8
After breakfast, Su Tingyu and Fatty went out.

The two split up and continued to collect information. For the safety of the fat man, Su Tingyu asked Lucifer to follow the fat man.

Before a crossroad, Su Tingyu waited boredly for the traffic light.

There were many vehicles on the road, Su Tingyu lowered his head and played with his mobile phone for a while.

But when she looked up, she saw a thoughtful figure on the side of the road opposite.

"Qiqi!" Su Tingyu exclaimed with surprise on his face.

Su Tingyu ran across the road the second the red light ended.

Qin Qi heard Su Tingyu's voice, turned his head to look, and saw this scene, he who was planning to leave, went back to the intersection to pick up people.

When I received someone, although I was very happy in my heart, I couldn't help but say: "Be careful."

"Hey~ Okay~" The green light behind Su Tingyu turned into a red light, but she didn't care, her two big eyes were shining brightly, looking at Qin Qi in front of her.

"Qiqi, I used the contact machine to contact you before, but I failed to contact you. What happened to you?"

Qin Qi didn't change his face: "It's okay..."

"Ah? Are you really okay?" Su Tingyu couldn't believe it, because it was really impossible to get in touch.

And the possibility of not being able to contact...

"When I first came, I was outside Dead Leaf Town, maybe... because of this reason." Qin Qi thought of a reason.

Su Tingyu immediately dispelled those possibilities in his heart, and did not doubt Qin Qi's words: "Oh~"

"Outside? Can players go outside this round?"

"Not very clear." Qin Qi lied without blinking.

Su Tingyu took Qin Qi's hand, and said with a smile: "That's all right~ Fatty and I have roughly judged the source of danger in this round of dungeons, and it's this little red flower."

Su Tingyu pointed to the little red flowers that can be seen everywhere now.

"Do you remember the evil flower? It's similar to this little red flower, but the latter has a stronger reproductive ability."

Su Tingyu analyzed with Qin Qi, but he didn't look very surprised when he saw the latter, so he asked, "Qiqi, you should have discovered it too."

"Well, it's the third day of the dungeon, and even the NPCs have noticed the abnormality, let alone the players." Qin Qi said.

"That's right. When I went out this morning, I saw the news on TV that there were some sick patients in the town. I suspect it might be related to the little red flower." Su Tingyu guessed.

"Qiqi, do you smell anything? It's the smell of pollen in the air, which seems to be getting heavier." Su Tingyu said while covering his nose.

"Leave here first and then talk." Qin Qi didn't know what he was thinking of, and his tone was a little low.

At this moment, not far from the two of them, a car suddenly lost control and crashed into another car.

Then, a series of serial car accidents were triggered.

bump bump! ! !
The air was filled with strong pollen. Many passers-by who inhaled the pollen could not stop coughing, and some even retched.

The car accident here also quickly attracted the attention of the nearby traffic police.

A traffic policeman immediately came to the scene of the crime, trying to find out if there were any survivors in the car.

When he opened a car door, a person suddenly jumped out of the car and threw him to the ground.

The traffic policeman was caught off guard and fell to the ground. He wanted to stand up, but was firmly pressed down by the other party. He could only try to reason.

"Sir, what are you doing? Don't get too excited, keep calm! Ah... you... why are you still biting?"

The traffic policeman was bitten on the neck by the other party, and the man has completely lost his mind now, like a mad dog, he bites people whenever he sees them.

Then, he swallowed the bitten off flesh, with bright red blood, into his mouth.

Everyone around was stunned.

Soon, several people wanted to come and rescue the traffic policeman.

At this moment, a few more people emerged from the cars that had been involved in the accident.

Those people all became lunatics who lost their minds, shouting crazy words in their mouths.

"Don't leave me...don't leave me..."

"Mom, I don't dare anymore, I don't dare to steal your money anymore! Please forgive me..."

"I'll kill you loser! I'll kill you loser...why don't you die?!"

Those who came out began to stalk or punch the innocent people nearby.

"They are sick!"

"Quick, quick, stay away from them, don't get infected."

At this time, someone remembered the official notice issued early this morning.

For a while, they connected the scene in front of them.

At this time, the streets were in chaos.

Some passers-by who were weak and inhaled a lot of pollen had completely passed out.

Seeing that the situation became more serious, at this moment, the sound of a police car came from a distance.

"Did beep, beep..."

When the police car stopped, police officers wearing gas masks rushed down one by one, taking away all those who were mad or had fainted to the ground.

If there is any non-cooperation, the electric baton is directly taken out, the person is stunned, and then dealt with.

"Qi Qi." Su Tingyu looked at Qin Qi with a little more seriousness in his eyes.

It seems that this situation has seriously affected the social order of the town.

Qin Qi said indifferently: "Let's go first."

"Oh well."

Seeing that those who lost their minds were taken away, the two left the area immediately.

After four weeks were safe, Qin Qi asked, "How many camp points do you have?"

"Well...not many, because they couldn't find anyone." Su Tingyu was a little annoyed.

As the points of other players became more and more, Su Tingyu was about to be kicked out of the list now.

If it wasn't for last night's volunteer plan to catch some people, Su Tingyu might not be on the list now.

Su Tingyu: "Qiqi, where's yours? I don't seem to see your name on the list."

Hearing this, Qin Qi's eyes flickered: "I haven't met anyone either."

"Ah...then our luck is about the same." Su Tingyu did not doubt that he was there.

At this time, Su Tingyu's contact phone suddenly received a text message.

[Boss, come here quickly, there are many players here, all from other worlds, they gather together as if they are plotting something. ]
Su Tingyu: Hmm? ? ?
Su Tingyu wondered if he had misread the information.

In the last second, she was complaining about how few players she met.

The next second, Fatty brought her a big surprise.

[Send me your location, and I'll go right away. ]
Su Tingyu quickly replied.

[Okay, boss. ]
Su Tingyu immediately shared the good news with Qin Qi: "Qiqi, let's earn points."

"it is good."


Billiard Club.

On the third floor, men's restroom.

After Fatty got Su Tingyu's guarantee, he felt a little relieved.

Lucifer was sitting on the fat man's shoulder. The latter rested his chin on one hand, and he didn't understand why the fat man took him to hide:

"Fatty, we can actually go and kill everyone outside."

When the fat man heard this, his scalp tingled, "This...let's wait for the boss to come."

Although, Su Tingyu has always said that Lucifer is very powerful, and last night, many of the players who wanted to attack them were killed by Lucifer himself secretly.

However, there are really too many players in this club right now, there are hundreds of players.

If it's just a few players, with Lucifer on the side, Fatty can boldly earn some points.

But hundreds of people... the fat man has no such idea at all.

If Lucifer had to do it himself, all the points would go to Su Tingyu.

In case there are game items among these players that can restrain Lucifer, it would be too dangerous to expose Lucifer rashly.

Therefore, the fat man notified Su Tingyu, and the latter made the decision.

"Then when did little Susu come?" Lucifer asked.

"It should be soon."

After the fat man stayed in the toilet for more than ten minutes, he received a text message from Su Tingyu.

[Fatty, I'm already outside the entrance of the club. ]
The fat man hurriedly typed and sent it: [Okay, boss, then you have to be careful, this whole club is probably reserved by them, I am now in the toilet on the third floor. ]
Su Tingyu: [Okay, I'll go up to find you later. ]
Wait a minute?
Boss really want...

The fat man blinked his eyes dully, and immediately typed: [Boss, are you really going to take hundreds of players from other worlds in the club together? ]
Su Tingyu: [Otherwise? ]
Fatty: [Okay, boss, I support you mentally. ]

Second floor, lobby.

Hundreds of people form two distinct groups.

A man with glasses looked at a muscular man on the opposite side, and said, "How is it? How do you think about it? Do you want to cooperate together? We are all players in the same world, so we should help each other."

The muscular man snorted coldly: "That being said, why should I trust you? You kid beat me last time."

"The last time was the last time. Now, we must be united to the outside world, and we cannot be defeated one by one by players from other worlds, right?"

"Hmph, do your words still have credibility?" The muscular man looked contemptuous.

The man with glasses sighed and said the solution:
"How about this, I will put five blue mysterious items on your side, which will be notarized by the panel system. If I breach the contract, all five blue mysterious game items will belong to you. If I keep my promise Promise, the five blue mysterious-grade props will be returned to their original owners, how about it?"

"Five pieces?" The muscular man's eyes obviously moved.

Moreover, with the notarization of the panel system, there is no fear that the other side will backtrack.

While the two parties were discussing, in a certain corner, Su Tingyu, who was invisible, watched all this quietly.

After the man with glasses and the muscular man over there made an agreement with each other, the stalemate and vigilant atmosphere between the two sides eased somewhat.

After the two sides no longer had a stalemate, they began to discuss plans for other players from other worlds.

In the hall, the air conditioner was turned on, blowing out gusts of cool wind.

Su Tingyu stood under the air vents and quietly opened a bottle of magic potion. The powdery crystals contained in it floated in the air with the wind, and were sucked into the noses by unaware players from other worlds. .

At this time, an NPC male waiter of the club brought up all the drinks and distributed them to all the players from other worlds.

The muscular man summoned the waiter: "Go down, don't send any more, and don't let other irrelevant people come up."

"Okay." The waiter lowered his head and replied, then turned and left.

Su Tingyu estimated the time, and after waiting for about 10 to [-] minutes, the effect of the medicine on a player from another world began to take effect.

"Hiss...it's so cold...I can't do it, I'm a little sleepy..."

"I'm a little sleepy too..."

One, two, three... One after another, people fell unconscious.

The sudden situation also caught others off guard.

The man with glasses suddenly looked at a gem-like accessory in his inventory.

This is a warning prop. If you are in any bad state, the gem will change from white to red.

At this time, the entire gem has turned blood red.

The face of the man with glasses changed drastically, and he shouted: "No! There is poison nearby! Use the detoxification item quickly."

But in the next second, some huge vines suddenly appeared in all directions, entangled the hands and feet of each player, and then threw the players around like throwing garbage.

"what are these……"

"What monster?!"


In an instant, more than half of the original 400 players had fallen.

Of the remaining half of the players, there are only a few dozen players who use various game items that can remove or alleviate the bad state in time, and the current state is barely better.

"This won't be the 'different species' of this round of dungeons, right?"

"A variant of Little Red Flower?"

They are also plants, and there are so many of them suddenly appearing, the players from other worlds present naturally think of the little red flower who is also a plant.

So, Xiao Honghua, who didn't know it, took the blame for no reason.

After the muscular man used a game item, he also regained his strength: "Be careful!"

Su Tingyu in the dark watched this scene and frowned.

Sure enough, there are still some powerful players in it, and there is no way to take it all together.

There are dozens of people here, although they are in a bad state, but there is no guarantee that they will not hide any powerful game props.

Su Tingyu thought for a while, besides hypnotizing himself with his own singing, it was the safest way to let Lucifer take action.

In fact, Su Tingyu has another way, which is to use magic potions.

However, Su Tingyu only had mid-level magic potions on hand, and he had used all of them just now. There was no way to catch them all, only high-level magic potions...

But the problem is that Su Tingyu doesn't have time to refine it now. Before she entered the dungeon, she only refined the high-level disguise potion.

Before these foreign players realized something was wrong, Su Tingyu communicated with Lucifer through the Death Blade in the inventory.

[Lulu, make the rest of the people faint, okay? ]
After receiving Lucifer's reply, Su Tingyu counted silently in his heart.

When counting to the tenth second, the players from the other world who had been fighting back and forth with the little remnant flowers seemed to have received a heavy blow in front of their chests one by one, spitting out blood from their mouths.

In the end, he rolled his eyes and passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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