Bug in survival game

Chapter 1007 Alien Invasion 10

Chapter 1007 Alien Invasion 10
Qin Qi directly raised his hand and clasped Mike's shoulder.

It didn't seem to use much strength, but the latter yelled directly: "Ah! Let go! You hit someone! Help..."

"Seven seven."

Qin Qi didn't look at Su Tingyu, but looked at Fatty, and said in a calm tone, "You go and set up a place and order food first, I'll be there in a while."

"Oh, yes, Brother Qin." Fatty was finally able to say a word after working on the background board for so long.

After Qin Qi finished saying this, he dragged and dragged Mike out of the hotel entrance.

Su Tingyu looked at the backs of the two of them, hesitating to follow.

At this time, the fatty raised his hand to wipe away the sweat that didn't exist, and said, "Boss, why don't we go and find the location first, and then wait for Brother Qin to come over."

"Oh, okay then." Thinking about Qin Qi's expression and attitude just now, Su Tingyu was also a little timid, so he agreed with Fatty's words.

Mike, who was brought out, was a little shocked at first, but soon began to struggle.

However, Qin Qi's palm on his shoulder didn't move at all, like iron tongs.

Qin Qi pulled him into a deserted alley before throwing him away.

Because of inertia, Mike almost hit the wall, and when he was finally free, he yelled at Qin Qi, "What are you doing?"

"Stay away from her." Qin Qi knew that this was just an NPC, so he shouldn't care too much about it.

It's just that Mike thought Qin Qi was provoking him: "No way, brother, just that kind of woman, you still defend her, isn't it just a..."

Before Mike could say anything behind, Qin Qi punched Mike in the abdomen without warning!
"Ah!" Mike screamed at once, his body arched.

Qin Qi held Mike's throat with one hand, a look of coldness appeared in his eyes, and pushed the latter against the wall.

The back of Mike's head hit the wall violently, causing a sense of dizziness.

Before Mike could react, Qin Qi's cold voice sounded in his ears: "From now on, don't appear in front of us, or I will see you once and hit you once."

"Also, don't insult her."



In the hotel room.

"Boss, are these dishes ready? Do you want to order more?" After reading the menu, the fat man turned to look at Su Tingyu.

Su Tingyu looked in the direction of the door from time to time, and didn't concentrate on ordering.

Hearing Fatty's words, he casually replied: "It's almost enough, that's all."

"Oh, that's fine." Anyway, the three of them have been together for so long, and they are quite familiar with their own tastes. The fat man ordered the dishes that the three of them liked, and then handed them to the waiter.

"Boss, it's alright, brother Qin will take care of himself." The fat man comforted Su Tingyu.

Although, he also felt that for a moment just now, Qin Qi's expression seemed to be so frightening...

However, based on Fatty's understanding of Qin Qi, nothing should happen... right?

The two were talking when they saw Qin Qi come in.

Suddenly, the room was as quiet as a chicken.

As soon as Qin Qi came in, he saw two pairs of eyes fixed on him, and paused slightly.

Then, he sat beside Su Tingyu with a calm expression.

Fatty received Su Tingyu's gaze, so he opened his mouth to warm up the scene: "Brother Qin, we have already ordered the food, and it will be served in a while."

"Well, let's eat first." Qin Qi replied lightly, and there was no further words.

Su Tingyu was not sure what Qin Qi meant for a while.

Is this the end of the story?
Qiqi is so easy to coax now?
Su Tingyu and Fatty looked at each other, the former blinked his big eyes quickly, and heaved a sigh of relief.

After all the dishes ordered were served, Su Tingyu excitedly said, "Come here, Qiqi, fat man, let's start."

"This is delicious, this is delicious..."

"And this, and this..."

"Fatty, help me get the one over there."

Before the fat man could stand up, Qin Qi took the first step, brought the whole plate of vegetables, and placed them in front of Su Tingyu.

Seeing this scene, the fat man silently sat back in his seat.

So, Su Tingyu aroused Qin Qi naturally.

And Qin Qi naturally helped Su Tingyu with various dishes.

Basically, with just one look from Su Tingyu, Qin Qi was able to grab the food that Su Tingyu wanted to eat first.

"Thank you Qiqi~"

While thanking Su Tingyu, he stuffed food into his mouth, stuffing his cheeks bulgingly.

Throughout the whole process, Qin Qi remained silent.

After the three of them had eaten and drank enough, Qin Qi said: "Fatty, go and pay the bill first. I remember that there seems to be a supermarket opposite the hotel. Go down and have a look."

"Ah?" The fat man looked at Qin Qi who had a calm face, and then at Su Tingyu who still looked out of sorts.

Suddenly, Fu Ru's heart came, the fat man seemed to realize something, stood up hastily, and nodded quickly: "No problem! I'll go now!"

After finishing speaking, the fat man hurried out of the private room and closed the door behind him.

Su Tingyu smacked his mouth, and muttered: "Can't we go down together? Why do you only ask Fatty to go?"

Qin Qi suddenly opened his mouth and asked, "What is your identity in this dungeon?"

As soon as Qin Qi mentioned this matter, Su Tingyu immediately became a little guilty.

"It's nothing, just ordinary."

Su Tingyu blinked her innocent and cute eyes, trying to get away with it.

"What's the matter with the boyfriend? And what's the matter with running away from home?"

Qin Qi's voice was very calm, but Su Tingyu felt an oppressive sense of asking questions.

Su Tingyu pursed his mouth, and immediately felt aggrieved: "I'm also very confused. As soon as I entered the copy, I received such a terrible identity."

Su Tingyu said it in detail, and in the end, the whole small expression seemed to be aggrieved to the point of crying.

The little fairy is so innocent~
Seeing Su Tingyu's expression of pretending to be pitiful, even though Qin Qi knew it was pretending, his face softened uncontrollably, and he said helplessly, "I didn't murder you."

Hearing this, Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes: "Really? You said it! You can't lie~"

"You said you didn't kill me!"

Qin Qi raised his hand and stroked Su Tingyu's hair: "Really."

Su Tingyu's face changed in a second, and immediately pushed his nose to his face, and smiled: "Then I take it seriously."

"It's just..." Qin Qi changed the subject, and raised Su Tingyu's heart that had just fallen down.

"What what?" Su Tingyu was nervous.

Qin Qi fixedly stared into Su Tingyu's eyes, and said in a low voice, "It's just... just feeling a little angry."

"Hmm?? Qiqi..." Su Tingyu panicked, she stretched out her little finger, and carefully hooked Qin Qi's cuff:

"Are you mad at me? That's just a dungeon NPC, not my real boyfriend..."

"I'm not mad at you, nor at that NPC." Qin Qi stated.

Qin Qi slowly made a decision in his heart.

Originally, he didn't intend to confess now.

After all, all human beings are now deeply trapped in a parallel paradise. The survival of human beings and the continuation of human civilization are the primary issues, and there is no room for other thoughts.

Thinking like this, Qin Qi continued: "I was just thinking, I don't seem to be qualified to take care of your affairs."

"Qiqi..." Hearing this, Su Tingyu felt that Qin Qi was getting angry.

"So... big fish, can you give me a qualification?"

"Huh? What?" Su Tingyu couldn't react for a while.

She heard Qin Qi's next sentence——

"I want to be your boyfriend."

Su Tingyu:! ! !

Su Tingyu froze in place.

what what what what?
What did Qi Qi say?
He said... Want to be Little Fairy's boyfriend? ! ! !
(д) Ahhhhh! ! !

Su Tingyu's heart seemed to have ten thousand deer jumping wildly!There are [-] fish flicking their tails like crazy!
Due to the large amount of information received, for a while, Su Tingyu felt that his brain had crashed.

Su Tingyu didn't know what he was thinking now, his heart was in a mess.

At this moment, she really wanted to find a crack and get in right away.

"Big fish."

"is it okay?"

Unfortunately, Qin Qi spoke again.

The tone is low, but also reveals a trace of gentleness.

Su Tingyu: Die, die, die, die! ! !

"Qiqi, this..." Su Tingyu felt that this couldn't go on like this, she wanted to take back the initiative!

But in the next second, Qin Qi spoke again.

This time, Qin Qi lowered his head slightly, a faint shadow fell on the man's handsome face, and he seemed a little lonely.

"After all, Big Yu has seen me all over the place, so he has to be responsible, right?"

Su Tingyu:! ! !

"What, what? Me, me... when..." Su Tingyu's eyes widened in shock.

Qin Qi tilted his head, his face seemed a little puzzled: "Da Yu doesn't remember? After the Trapped Beast dungeon, in the hospital... It's all thanks to Big Yu's care at that time."

After finishing speaking, Qin Qi looked a little unnatural.

After all, that's not something to brag about.

Only now, Qin Qi has gritted his teeth and is ready to fight.

As a result, the effect is outstanding!
Su Tingyu didn't know what to say anymore, his mind was full of——

!!!∑(°Д°ノ)ノ I rely on...

In an instant, Su Tingyu's memories that she had ignored and selectively forgotten came back.

Ahhhhh! !! !!

Su Tingyu only felt that his cheeks were heating up rapidly, as if they were about to smoke!
"Qi...Qiqi, me, me, me...that...at that time..." Su Tingyu uttered the first word, the sound drifted far and wide, and he also began to stammer behind .

Su Tingyu's two little hands were wringing back and forth in front of him without stopping for a second.

Seeing Su Tingyu's reaction, Qin Qi's expression softened a bit: "It's okay, you don't have to rush to give me an answer, and you will give me the answer after this round of dungeons is over."

That deep and gentle voice flowed into Su Tingyu's heart little by little, like the breeze in March, and suddenly, he felt that his whole heart was filled to the brim, very soft.

Qin Qi leaned over suddenly: "Is it okay? Big fish."

Even if Su Tingyu wanted to pick a thorn in the handsome face that suddenly magnified in front of him, he couldn't see a trace of flaws, like a piece of peerless cold jade that has never been seen in a thousand years.

Su Tingyu looked back at the man's hidden eyebrows, handsome nose bridge, and beautiful lips with a faint color...

For a moment, Su Tingyu, who was bewitched by beauty, nodded his head in a daze: "Oh... oh..."

As soon as Su Tingyu finished speaking, he seemed to hear a low chuckle.

"Well...then I'll wait for Big Fish's answer."

Su Tingyu was lost in Qin Qi's shallow smile again, and just nodded mechanically: "Ah... oh... ok... ok."

"The fat man must have been waiting below for a long time, let's go down." Qin Qi stood up, took Su Tingyu's little hand very naturally, and said calmly.

"Okay...okay..." Su Tingyu looked as if his mind was wandering.

Whatever Qin Qi said, she responded.

When the two of them got down to the entrance of the hotel, Su Tingyu was mostly awake when the wind blew.

Su Tingyu woke up, and there were 1 groundhogs screaming in his heart!

Fuck, lean, lean... Did Qiqi just confess her love to her? ! !

huh huh huh? ! ! !
Sensing Su Tingyu's strangeness, Qin Qi's face was still calm, but he silently held someone's little hand tightly again.

Sure enough, Su Tingyu quickly realized that the two of them were still holding hands, and they were so excited that they were about to break free...but found that they couldn't break free no matter what.

Damn wow!
The villain in Su Tingyu's heart bit the small handkerchief bitterly.

Why didn't she realize that Qiqi looks so alluring before?

Just hooked her soul, woo woo woo~

There are still more than two days left for this round of dungeons. When the dungeons are over, is it possible to give Qiqi an answer?
ah ah ah...

Su Tingyu's mind was in a mess.

Do you want to... refuse?
Su Tingyu seemed to have a white villain popping out of his head, and immediately kicked the two words away.

The white little Yuyu opened her big watery eyes: "No, no! If you reject Qi Qi, Qi Qi will be sad! I will ignore you in the future!"

In the next second, another black villain seemed to pop out of Su Tingyu's head, with a fierce and cute expression.

The black little fish put his hands on his hips: "But he chased me so easily?! Doesn't that make me look cheap? It's only two days! It's so short!!"

The little white fish immediately retorted: "Then you can't reject Qi Qiya~ Don't tell me, you want to reject Qi Qi? Do you want to make Qi Qi sad?"

The black little Yuyu was speechless for a while, and her expression also became coy: "This... I didn't mean it... just... confessed so suddenly, if this fairy agreed casually, wouldn't it be a success? A very casual person?"

The two little fishes were arguing with each other on Su Tingyu's head.

Su Tingyu thought for a second that the white little Yuyu was right, and the next second felt that the black little Yuyu was right, and was really torn.

(End of this chapter)

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