Bug in survival game

Chapter 1029 Fanwai: Angel's Top Secret File 2

Chapter 1029 Fanwai: Angel's Top Secret File 2
Dr. Min's pupils dilated instantly: "Monster, you are a monster!!"

When the girl heard this, she became a little unhappy, and retorted:

"It's not a monster, it's a little fairy, the little fairy of Bulling Bulling, hey, mortal~ I just don't understand~"

While speaking, the girl put her hand on Dr. Min's face.

"Guess, can I crush you to death with one hand?"

Dr. Min shook his head fiercely: "Don't...don't! I don't want to die, I still have experiments to finish! You can't kill me! If you kill me, you are a murderer, you will be wanted by the whole country, you will be Shoot!!"

"It's so scary." The girl said scary, but there was no fear on her face: "But what the little fairy hates the most is when someone threatens her."

"So, please 'sleep'."


Two 10 minutes later.

In a place deep in the mountains and old forests, there was an explosion suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, the flames shot up into the sky, illuminating most of the night.

The local fire brigade immediately dispatched to the scene of the fire to put out the fire.

At this time, the various systems in the dark were also alarmed.

After the fire was over, all the personnel on duty in the research institute, whether dead or alive, were able to correspond one by one in terms of the number of people.

However, there was only one missing person who was not on the list.

——The supernatural ability user who was found not long ago.


"FZX Top Secret: TSZTY0101"

"On March 2018, 3, the person with the supernatural ability codenamed 'Angel' was preliminarily determined to have the ability of 'Singing Hypnosis'. It is estimated that three days later, he will be assigned to the Non-Order Research Institute for unified management."

"On March 2018, 3, a person with supernatural abilities code-named 'angel' was taken away by relevant personnel of the Institute of Supernatural Genes in the name of 'cooperating with genetic research'."

"On April 2018, 4, Director Ye of the Supernatural Research Institute personally went to the Supernatural Gene Research Institute to try to bring back the 'Angel', but the Supernatural Gene Research Institute claimed that there was no such person as 'Angel' in the institute. "

"On April 2018, 4, the Institute of Supernatural Genes violated the 'Voluntary Research Code' and intended to forcibly extract the supernatural genes of 'Angels', which led to a riot by the 'Angels', who used singing as a weapon to slaughter half of them overnight. Institute researchers, this incident, is known as the 'angel's wrath'."

"On April 2018, 4, the whereabouts of the 'Angel' disappeared. Because of its unexplainable ability, the officials of the Dark Order of the Celestial Dynasty were shocked and ordered all combat departments to find the 'Angel' at all costs."


Far Eastern border.

On the wasteland, several off-road vehicles chased a petite figure.

From time to time, someone came out with a gun in the off-road vehicle and fired at the figure in front of him.

I don't know how long they chased, but when the person in front couldn't move anymore, four off-road vehicles surrounded him.

The man was dirty all over, with several holes in his clothes, and he couldn't see his original appearance clearly, but he could still tell that it was a girl.

In the car, several tall and strong men got off. Among them, some had yellow skin, some had black skin, and some had white skin.

"Is this the angel from China? It doesn't look very good (This is the angel from China? It doesn't look very good)"

"Her role is not simply to fight and kill (her role is not simply to fight and kill)"

A few big guys talked about it without any scruples, relying on the fact that the girl had an oriental face and should not be able to understand a foreign language.

"Is it? (Really?)" Among them, a white-skinned man became interested in the girl's ability: "Then I'd like to see it (then I would like to see it)"

Someone persuaded: "Don't mess around, lest there should be any accident"

The white-skinned man walked over and kicked the girl directly: "Hey, where's your ability? Come and show us."

The girl lay on the ground and lowered her head. No one could clearly see her expression at the moment, only the slightly restless panting could be heard.

Seeing that the girl kept ignoring him, the big man angrily raised his weapon and pointed at the girl's forehead: "Made!"

"Shh~" The girl reacted at this moment, she raised her head and put a finger on her lips.

"You... stepping on a horse..."

Just when the big man wanted to continue cursing, the girl coughed lightly twice, and the intermittent tune came out:
"Little rabbit... Be good... open the door..."

"No, no, no... I won't... Mom didn't come back..."


Originally, those who were still watching the show suddenly felt very sleepy and yawned one after another.


one, two...

All fell to the ground.

In the end, only the white-skinned man who pointed his weapon at the girl was left standing there.

The girl stood up slowly, she stood in front of the big man, like a child, without any threat.

The girl stretched out a finger, pressed against the big man's chest, and then gently pushed——

The man fell straight down, and his eyes closed at some point.

While singing nursery rhymes, the girl picked up the big man's weapon and began to study it.


A blast.

Immediately after—

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

After several gunshots one after another, there was a dead silence.

After an unknown amount of time, the sound of an off-road vehicle's engine starting sounded.

The people in the car looked extremely excited, grabbed the steering wheel with both hands, and drove crooked tire tracks on this endless wasteland.

Several days passed.

Passing by a station wagon, the owner found three off-road vehicles left behind.

When I stopped to check, I found a ground of broken bones and blood, as well as some black weapons beside the car.

The owner of the car was taken aback. At the moment, he didn't dare to stay for a long time, and drove away directly.


"FZX Top Secret: TSZTY0404"

"On August 2018, 8, the 'angel' was recovered and temporarily handed over to the Institute of Disorder."

"On August 2018, 8, the ability of 'Angel' was prohibited from being used in public, and all illegal use was prohibited."

"On August 2018, 8, 'Angels' were banned from going abroad. Any activities that cross provinces and cities must be reported in advance and permission must be obtained before they can act."

"On October 2018, 10, the Institute of Disorder submitted a new test report, which clearly mentioned that the 'angel' has a hidden anti-social personality, and lacks a clear view of right and wrong for violence, crime, etc. , there is currently no effective treatment plan.”

"On October 2018, 10, 'Angel' was included in the highest-level secret file, and it was also strictly guarded."

"On October 2018, 10, the director of the Institute of Disorder proposed a proposal—don't anger the 'angels'! After multiple reviews, all members passed it."

(End of this chapter)

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