Bug in survival game

Chapter 1033 Shan Yu's friend

Chapter 1033 Shan Yu's friend

Su Tingyu took a look.

It turned out that Xie Puyu also came to tell her about the contestants.

Moreover, I told her not to sign up yet, but to sign up after careful consideration.

On the player forum, someone finally revealed the pitfalls of the test dungeon after signing up.

Su Tingyu glanced at it, and it was a Miracle Red member who said it.

It seems that the official side is also aware of it.

If you don't say it, maybe more players will be cheated.

Su Tingyu opened the chat box and replied with a message.

[I've been tricked, I've signed up]
In the next second, Xie Puyu's reply came.

Su Tingyu thought he would get some constructive advice, but who knows——

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha]
Su Tingyu:? ? ?

[Stop talking, I still have things to do]
Su Tingyu:? ? ?

With hindsight, Su Tingyu understood.

She was being laughed at.

Hum ╯^╰

At this time, Su Tingyu received another message.

I thought it was from Xie Puyu again, so I clicked in to have a look.

"Sister Shan Yu?!"



Shan Yu came to the base.

After getting the news, Su Tingyu discussed with Qiqi and Fatty, and decided to meet Shan Yu.

So, the three went to meet according to the location information given by Shan Yu.

When he got there, he saw Shan Yu.

"Sister Shan Yu!" Su Tingyu happily ran over.

"Hello! How are you all?" Shan Yu waved hello with a smile.

The fat man smiled foolishly: "Single Star, long time no see."

Qin Qi: "Long time no see."

Su Tingyu tilted his head and asked, "Sister, why did you take so long to come here?"

Shan Yu hooked a strand of hair behind her ear, and explained: "I went to do some things, and by the way, I settled down a friend."

"It's the Great Ice Age now, and it's too difficult to walk outside. It took a lot of time to get to this base accurately."

Su Tingyu hugged Shan Yu's arm, and smiled: "Anyway, it's good to be here."

Shan Yu stretched out his finger and scratched Su Tingyu's face: "How is your side? Are you all right?"

"It's okay, but we missed the copy of the Halloween event. Now that we want to be a contestant, we have to sign up again."

When this matter was brought up, Su Tingyu couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

"Oh, then are you going to participate?" Shan Yu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Su Tingyu nodded: "Participate, such an interesting thing, definitely participate!"

"By the way, Sister Shan Yu, do you want to participate? We plan to enter that dungeon test in a few days."

Shan Yu blinked her beautiful eyes: "Then you all work hard."

"I have already participated in that event dungeon, and I have already obtained the qualification, so I don't need to take any additional test dungeons."

Hearing this, Su Tingyu's eyes widened.

However, if you think about it carefully, it seems normal.

Shan Yu didn't enter any professional dungeons.

If it is normal, the active copy must have entered it.

"Wow! That's pretty cool."

Su Tingyu said that she was not envious at all.

She has plenty of game currency!
A mere 50 million!

Shan Yu asked casually: "Oh, by the way, has Gu Qi contacted you recently?"

Su Tingyu shook his head: "No, I don't know where he went. It's been so long, and there has been no news."

"Oh, I'm just asking." Shan Yu smiled, "After all, the people under him have helped me a lot."

Shan Yu seemed to remember it suddenly, so he just asked casually.

Immediately afterwards, Shan Yu changed the subject: "Let's exchange the room numbers of the base. If you need anything, you can find me."

"Okay, okay, sister Shan Yu, our three rooms are all next to each other." Su Tingyu immediately sent the room number through the player panel.

"Single Feather."

At this time, a woman came towards Su Tingyu and the others, still calling Shan Yu's name.

Seeing someone beside Shan Yu, he stopped not far away.

Shan Yu glanced at the woman, turned to Su Tingyu and said, "Sorry, my friend is here, I'm leaving first, we'll talk when I'm free."

"Hmm! Alright, Sister Shan Yu, let's go first then."

Su Tingyu glanced at Shan Yu's friend curiously.

Looking at it from a distance, she is a very good-looking young lady.

After bidding farewell to Shan Yu, Su Tingyu and the others left here.

The woman stared at the leaving figures of Su Tingyu and the others, and said, "Aren't you with your friends?"

"Isn't there you?" Shan Yu asked back.

"You don't have to stay with me all the time."

Shan Yu said indifferently: "I am willing."

"It's Halloween, which happens to be your birthday."

Shan Yu's expression paused for a moment, but soon, he smiled again: "If you don't tell me, I almost forgot, it seems like I'm 24 years old."

"Yes, I'm 24..." The woman's voice was a little low.

"Now that the game is out, there is a fantasy repair potion in it, are you sure you don't want to exchange it for a try?"

"Isn't this all exchanged for you? There are no game coins." Shan Yu blinked innocently.

As soon as this matter was mentioned, the woman became a little annoyed, "It's not that you sneaked in while I was sleeping..."

The woman's voice paused, and then her expression became depressed again: "...Obviously, you need it more than me."

"Is there anything more I need." Shan Yu still had a very indifferent attitude, raised his lips and said with a smile: "Look at you, how pleasing to the eye and mind now, I look at you every day, and my mood has improved a lot."

The woman's face was annoyed: "Co-author, you used to dislike me for being ugly."

"Oh, you just found out." Shan Yu covered her lips with her hands.




Su Tingyu and the three of them were on their way back.

"What have you been thinking along the way?" Su Tingyu asked curiously when he saw that the fat man had been distracted.

Hearing this, the fat man scratched his head: "I seem to have seen that friend of Shan Xingxing somewhere."

Although Fatty has real estate all over the country, and even more absurdly, in many countries.

However, he can't sit still, he always likes to run outside and travel around.

Along the way, I also met many different people.

When he met Shan Yu's friend just now, Fatty always felt a little familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

"Huh? Do you know that young lady?"

The fat man shook his head: "I'm not very clear, it's just... I seem to have met someone who looks and has the same shape as her before, but the one I met was a Chinese medicine doctor, and her face There are extensive burn scars on it."

"With a veil on my face, I don't easily show my face. It was only because of an accident that I saw the real face of that lady."

Su Tingyu nuzzled her mouth: "But that young lady just now is very beautiful, with a clean face."

"It may be that the fat man identified the wrong person, or it may be that he used game props to heal his face." Qin Qi added silently.

Su Tingyu suddenly realized: "Oh, that's right."


This was just a small episode, and Su Tingyu didn't take it to heart.

But later...

Whenever Su Tingyu thinks about it, he is very brooding.

(End of this chapter)

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