Bug in survival game

Chapter 1059 Big Competition: Wasteland 11

Chapter 1059 Big Competition: Wasteland 11
"We're back." Su Tingyu came back bouncing around with a big smile on his face, and it looked like he was having a good time going out.

And the fat man followed behind, pointing at something with his fingers: "So many props...how do we arrange them...or just sell them..."

Su Tingyu sat on the sofa next to Gu Qi, with his two legs dangling in the air, kicking and shaking: "Gu Jiu, let me tell you, the Yin-Yang star players are basically hanging around, and some of them are too It's far away, it won't affect us, and it doesn't look like Qu Xinyue's accomplice, so I won't chase her."

"However, I didn't see that Qu Xinyue..."

Su Tingyu chattered a lot, glanced at Gu Qi from the corner of his eye, and suddenly found that the latter's expression seemed a little bit wrong.

"Gu Jiu, what's the matter with you?"

"It's okay." Gu Qi shook his head.

Shan Yu came over and said, "Qu Xinyue came here just now, but she was killed by Gu Qi, and I went to dispose of her body just now."

"Ah? She's here? Are you okay?" Su Tingyu looked left at Gu Qi and right at Shan Yu, as if neither of them were injured.

"It's okay, did you see that administrator?" Gu Qi didn't want to continue discussing that person, so he changed the subject.

"I always feel that the administrator should not be dead yet. As an administrator, he should have a lot of props and means to save his life."

Su Tingyu curled his lips: "I didn't see it, but I also asked several people, and the administrator is indeed not dead."

"Oh, by the way, they also said that the administrator seemed to be very hostile to Blue Star players, and they specifically told him that when he encounters Blue Star players, he doesn't have to show mercy, just click and kill them."

This made Su Tingyu a little confused.

So why does the administrator hate Blue Star players?

Could it be that a Blue Star player has dug his ancestral grave?Or robbed his little wife?

Gu Qi coughed twice, and said: "The administrator can't directly attack the player, even if he wanted to attack me before, he had to be careful, as if he was afraid of being discovered by something."

"Once or twice is enough. It is impossible for him alone to kill so many Blue Star players silently."

"Yeah, yes." Su Tingyu nodded: "Then let's do the main mission, although I don't know what the promotion is, but if we complete the main mission ahead of schedule, maybe we can leave the dungeon early. It can save some people from being hanged up."

"Do you have any clues?" Gu Qi asked Su Tingyu.

The few of them had just entered the dungeon, and only Su Tingyu had contact with indigenous NPCs.

Su Tingyu replied: "I plan to go to the union to find clues. After all, it is a big force in this world, and I will definitely find it."

"That's good." Gu Qi directly made a decision: "Let's go to the union first."

With that said, Gu Qi stood up.

Seeing this, Shan Yu said, "Aren't you going to rest for a while?"

Gu Qi glanced at her: "No need."

"Sister Shan Yu, it's okay!" Su Tingyu jumped off the sofa: "There are means of transportation such as cars, and Gu Jiu is not so fragile... Aww!"

Inadvertently, Su Tingyu's head was tapped by Gu Qiqu's finger. The pain caused her to immediately reach out and cover her little head.

"Gu Jiu! Don't think that I dare not beat you because you are injured!"

"Pack up your things and go." Gu Qi ignored Su Tingyu, who was about to turn into a puffer fish, but continued to talk to Shan Yu.

"That's fine."

Seeing that the two of them had made up their minds, Shan Yu didn't say anything, and took back all the things in the basement.

Finally, Shan Yu put the invisible hat on Su Tingyu's head with a smile, and then raised his hand to touch the latter's head: "Susu, return this hat to you."

"Okay! Let's go!" Su Tingyu turned the brim of his hat back pretending to be cool, and then strode out of the basement.

After going outside, the fat man got the car out, and the four of them sat in it.

Just as Su Tingyu sat firmly in the co-pilot, he suddenly found a mass of 'furry' lying on Gu Qi's lap in the back seat.

"Huh~ What is this?" Su Ting Yu Pao pulled the back of the seat and looked over curiously.

"Pi Jiu~" The white cat comfortably showed its belly on Gu Qi's lap.

Gu Qi replied: "The little guy I got in a dungeon world."

"Wow! I want to touch~"

Su Tingyu stretched out his hand, looking eager.

Huh huh~
Who can refuse such a cute little white cat who is obedient and obedient?

Su Tingyu also has Lucifer, but the latter is in human form after all, so he is too embarrassed to be too casual.

At this time, the fat man started the car and reminded Su Tingyu by the way: "Boss, sit down."


The car started.

Gu Qi raised his head and glanced at Su Tingyu, who was still pitiful, and said, "Ask it."

Hearing this, Su Tingyu immediately took out the dried fish from the storage ring.

They are all cat-shaped, and they probably like small fish.

After Su Tingyu opened the package, the scent of dried fish wafted out.

The white cat with a keen sense of smell turned to look at Su Tingyu at this time.

When Su Tingyu saw it was effective, he immediately activated the halo buffs of 'Kid King' and 'Shiquan Dahaoren', regardless of whether it is useful to the white cat, just try it!

"Come on, come on~ cat~"

The white cat stood up, turned its head and glanced at Gu Qi: "Pi Chiu~"

Gu Qi was slightly taken aback, he really didn't think that Su Tingyu could really succeed in fooling him.

"Go if you want."

With Gu Qi's permission, the white cat jumped gracefully, landed on the edge of Su Tingyu's seat, and called softly: "Pi Chiu~"

Su Tingyu immediately put the dried fish in front of the white cat, and the white cat only needed to lower its head slightly to lick the dried fish.

"Gu Jiu, which dungeon world are you cats from? If I can go too, I'll get one too~"

The fat man also took two seconds to glance at the white cat: "It's really cute."

"I still have one here..."

As soon as Gu Qi spoke half a sentence, Su Tingyu immediately became excited: "Where is where?"

"It must be in the inventory." Gu Qi stabbed Su Tingyu slightly.

Immediately, Su Tingyu started to play the emotional card: "Gu Jiu~ We have such a strong relationship~ You can make a condition! I want that little darling!"

"Don't even think about it." Gu Qi directly refused.

The other beast in his hand was actually just in an unhatched state.

"Just give me one look, just one look~" Su Tingyu said unwillingly.

Gu Qi suddenly thought of something, and his tone became less forceful: "I can show you, but you have to do one thing for me."


"You have something to do with the government, help me find someone." Although Gu Qi found the person in charge of the base, he didn't know when there would be any news.

Gu Qi thought that Su Tingyu had something to do with the government anyway, so she asked her to help find her sister.

More than one person is also considered as more than one method.

(End of this chapter)

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