Bug in survival game

Chapter 1065 Big Competition: Wasteland 17

Chapter 1065 Big Competition: Wasteland 17
Time passed little by little.

The two foreign players finally got the information and planned to leave.

In the corner, the fat man changed a candy to eat, and then signaled with his eyes: Boss, do you want to do it now?
Su Tingyu: You stay here, I'll go over, and then... this, that, that, that, that!
Fatty: Then I... like this, that, that, that, that?
Su Tingyu: That's right, that's it!
Fatty: Okay, boss, I understand what it's like.

Just when the two outsiders thought they were done, they didn't know that danger was quietly approaching behind them...

Su Tingyu took out a bottle of hypnotic potion, then gently unplugged the plug, and sprinkled the powder in the hypnotic potion on top of their heads.

Slowly, the medicine powder fell on the top of the two people's heads.

Then, the effect of the powder began to show immediately.

"Wait a minute, why did my anti-drug gem react?"

"Where did these powders come from? Cover your mouth and nose."

However, the two players from other worlds quickly discovered something was wrong.

Su Tingyu didn't expect that the props of the two players from other worlds would be noticed very quickly.

Then there is no way.

Originally, she wanted to be more civilized.

Unexpectedly, life forces Little Fairy to use violence.

Su Tingyu directly took out the meteor stick and hit the two people below!


"Damn, who hit me?! Come out if you have the ability!"

Su Tingyu was a little surprised.

The meteorite stick was blocked just now.

It seems that these two players from other worlds are not the small characters who used to hit each other for a second.

"The powder is falling from above! Someone must be on it."

One of the foreign players pointed upwards, and while speaking, he quickly took out a bottle of paint and sprayed it into the air above.

Seeing this scene, Su Tingyu immediately flew high.

"Why not?"

Since there is no above, then...

The foreign player did not miss the four directions of front, back, left, and right, and sprayed all of them.

However, nothing was found.

"Damn it."

"This... what the hell is going on here?"

On the other side, the fat man thought for a while, and took out a round ball from the inventory.

Then, the ball rolled towards the feet of the two people.exist.

In less than two seconds, a large pile of yellow gas suddenly dispersed from the ball.

"What is this?"

"It was thrown over there, from over there."

The two alien players noticed the direction the ball was bouncing from, took out a laser pointer in their hands, swept in that direction, and pressed the laser pointer.

Immediately, a laser shot out.

But in the end, it just hit the wall and didn't hit anyone.

Because the fat man has moved his position.

When the fat man saw that the wall where he was originally was turned black, he patted his chest with lingering fear.

Fortunately... run fast.

Otherwise, it becomes a roast pig.

"Cough cough cough..."

Because the two players from other worlds inhaled part of the yellow body, their physical condition has begun to appear abnormal.

Dizziness, and even limbs began to feel weak.

"There is something wrong with this gas, quickly take... the antidote pill."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Su Tingyu made another sneak attack.



This time, Su Tingyu finally hit two players from another world.

And it directly knocked people out.

"Fat man."



Su Tingyu and Fatty quickly snatched away their tools for collecting data.

At this time, the hypnotized intelligent system "woke up" and sounded an alarm.

(End of this chapter)

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