Bug in survival game

Chapter 1075 The Truth of the Game 3

Chapter 1075 The Truth of the Game 3
The players sit on the square.

The Blue Star administrator recognized a mechanical light ball the size of an egg, and the mechanical light ball flew into the sky, projecting videos one after another.

While watching the video, the player listened to the Blue Star administrator continue to tell the truth behind Parallel Paradise:
"A long, long time ago, only one, maybe a few world consciousnesses were born, and they lived in peace, each gestating its own world."

"But slowly, time turns, and more and more world consciousnesses are born. They need to breed their own world, need the world they control, and breed intelligent creatures, so as to continuously generate the origin of the world and give back Give the world awareness."

"Not all world consciousnesses can successfully breed their own worlds. The premise is that they need enough world origins, and Parallel Paradise... is actually equivalent to a piece of unowned world origin cake."

Hearing this, the players also learned a little bit.

If there is interest, there will be competition.

And if the world consciousness doesn't fight for it in person, then their lives born from the world consciousness will become pawns in the competition.

Some players showed a bit of anger on their faces, while others were deep in thought.

"All the worlds want to compete for the origin of the world, so Parallel Paradise was born."

The Blue Star administrator glanced at the players below, clearly aware of the dissatisfaction and anger of the players. He was also like this back then...

But later, after learning the whole truth, I had to accept it.

"A world that doesn't choose to fight will eventually collapse because of the depletion of the world's origin... and all creatures living in that world, whether dead or alive, will be completely annihilated."

Hearing this, the faces of some players changed slightly.

"And the world that lost the competition is like the wasteland dungeon you experienced just now. It is a real world, a world that once lost miserably in the competition station."

"Most of the origin of the wasteland world has been ruthlessly plundered. Those human beings living in the wasteland world have brought about the disaster of destroying the world. Even after going through a 'reincarnation', the wasteland world still has not recovered. Not qualified for a round of competition!"

At this time, some players couldn't help but say: "Then...then our world..."

"Our world...was lost." The blue star administrator finally showed a hint of sadness in his eyes.

This touch of sadness infected everyone.

All players trembled slightly.


Their world... ever lost?
And the world that lost the battle for the origin... For a moment, all players inevitably thought of the wasteland dungeon they had just experienced.

That wasteland world is also the world that lost the battle for the origin.


serious pollution.


Most of the human beings living there have no hope for the future in their eyes, they just live like walking dead... numbly.

What about their world?
Their world... What kind of indelible disasters have they experienced?
The Blue Star administrator looked sad: "Our world has lost twice."

Everyone's heart skipped a beat.


Or lost twice? !
At this time, the video on the projection changed.

It used to be the background of the starry universe, but now it has become a doomsday disaster movie. Meteorites are constantly falling from the sky, and the people living on the surface... the players did not see human beings, but instead saw a large group of dinosaurs from ancient times. on the run.

Before the players could react, the Blue Star administrator threw a "depth bomb"——

"The first time was the Jurassic period in ancient times. At that time, the leader of the Blue Star Pyramid was a dinosaur."

"But because of the loss, all dinosaur creatures ushered in a mass extinction."

All the players were stunned: Nani? ! !

(End of this chapter)

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